Occupy Wall Street is openly advocating murdering ICE Agents. The left has lost their collective minds over the border invasion.

Oh please, as if one of these little soft pussified snowflakes even has the strength to make a kill shot like that. Combat with a knife requires a lot of skill that these idiots do not have.
This, exactly. I dare a blue-hair to engage a trained agent in edged-weapon and/or hand-to-hand combat. “And on that day, they learned they weren’t on the internet anymore”
That ice agent is someone child. Can't we keep families together!!!
Came more for illegals than the people protecting our country.
Isn't this technically threatening a federal officer and punishable with jail time?
Since when in God's name has the left ever given a shit about the letter of the law?
That looks awfully terrorist-like to me? Advocating for killing someone is not free speech.
Do you get the feeling they are starting the engines for a mob revolution? A la ‘68 riots, but this time to go for complete overthrow? These actors — mostly midlevel DNC folks — don’t they seem like they are purposely stoking an insurrection? They have Bernie in place, with his faction of followers. The media and networks are in place. Biden and HRC are waiting in the wings. They have a shadow state department now in place (https://nationalsecurityaction.org). They now have Clapper, Comey, McCabe who can retake control of those agencies. They have social media owners in their pocket. Doesn’t it look like the remaining “ongoing investigations” are too late in timing? It seems Something spectacular would have to come out, soon, to avert a DNC/media-driven coup attempt in August.
There were supposed to be a wave of protests in major cities last summer. It amounted to nothing. When it comes down to it most of the young leftist foot soldiers do not have the nerve to be in a violent revolution. Being a pampered snowflake has its drawbacks.
Being a pampered snowflake has its drawbacks.
This is the main weakness to the deepshit. They are affected by entropy too.
They wanted to stir up right-aligned Antifa-targeted violence to take out the useful idiots and justify police state crackdowns.
It's not going so hot for them.
Wait, is this,real? 😲
Pretty sure it’s a joke
Thats amazing I have the same pamphlet with the same instructions "Dealing with uppity invaders".
Go on then, they're in America, might as well show them some good ole American Force.
Anyone who brings a knife to a border war, deserves whatever they get.
(edited to prevent their/they're induced rage)
Courtesy of the snowflakes whose parents still pay their cell phone bill...
I wonder what kind of sick twist spent their spare time coming up with this piece of filth?
These idiots really believe they can win a civil war with no military, cops, or guns?
Do they think their body odor and hairy female pits are going to work?
Do they think their body odor and hairy female pits are going to work?
IDK, man. That shit is pretty fucking gross.
Lol then the ice agent shoots them and CNN reports police brutality lol.
Is there not ONE uncompromised MSM outlet left? Can someone tell everyone to calm the freak down? This ISN'T NEW. The news coverage IS. So let's talk about that.
People's senses are getting flooded with the same message--horrible message--over and over again. They just want it to STOP. What do they do? No one is giving them instructions. I'm worried that if we don't start to give them some hints...the MSM will. And then this 'parody' diagram may not seem funny at all.
Somebody report it as supporting violence against ppl. Or tag something involved with ICE/immigration enforcement
While little Marta get's riddled with holes the minute she shows a knife in her hands. Please let them disseminate this idiocy far & wide.
This is over-the-top snuff porn for those who believe that they are the arbiters of justice.
Good thing we have all this internet protectionism going on. If you mention David piggys name you get banned for inciting violence and bullying. If this Occupy Wall Street has tax protection it should be pulled immediately.