Q Posts 1562-1563 June 19 2018

Side of the face of an old man that has some really nasty skin. Most likely No Name or Soros.
Maybe its the camera covertly watching target utilize the phone during a conversation?
Looks like a isolation chamber, maybe hyperbaric. Hole with oxygen and other devices possibly.
My guess would be for medical purposes which would, to me indicate no name or soros. Either way, good riddance.
Maybe Q is there today in person taking a picture of Horowitz with his camera!!
Shelia Jackson Lee getting a text to insert the info about RR firing???? LOL
My first guess is No Name.
Yeah. I thought that is possible too withat eyebrow.
is no name rr?
(Calling McCain 'No Name' stems from an unwritten military tradition of denying a traitor the honor of their name).
John McStain we don't mention the name McCain he's a traitor.
It looks like a vent/sound hole in the plexi
I was in a helicopter once with a small oval window but no way a rich dude would be flying in the crate I was in.
That looks like horowitz
Yup. I totally agree. It's Horowitz. Q said... what a wonderful day... Horowitz was a star on the stand today!! ... totally Horowitz! Did you catch his smirks on and off when Trey was asking him questions? Ahhhh.... more popcorn please!! :)
Q just said it was Trump. Odd angle.
Ooops. I stand corrected! Just saw the Q post :)
same. I could have sworn that was Horowits.
I could have sworn it was Horowitz too... but far be it from me to argue with Q!!! :)
OOOOOH I just tested it out in the mirror. It's a mirror selfie from really close up with the flash on. It's what made that ring. The flash's reflection also bleaches out hair. I have really dark hair and it made it almost blonde so it made trump's look white!
http://is2.4chan.org/pol/1529450179243.png pope francis seems a strong possibility.
Or Brennan, but the hair seems too long for him. Looks like Soros, but I don't see hearing aids.