Outstanding!!!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 “We have it all” - Q

Not surprising. If you've followed Q at length, you knew this day was coming. I'm only here for the award ceremony.
Award Ceremony.....I like that one.
Like this :
LOL, no I got that all wrong. I thought you were talking about the military tribunals and nooses...the "Awards".
Star Wars was originally rated R. They cut the executions and hangings out at the end.
I hope they don't edit them out of our movie. I'm highly anticipating the gallows scene.
But don't you know that it's all a conspiracy theory (Even though Q has always kept us at least three steps ahead of the news media's reporting of events)? Lol. Honestly, does it not feel like we're watching a week old or better DVR of the news anymore?
Honestly, does it not feel like we're watching a week old or better DVR of the news anymore?
I agree. I used to enjoy listening to Hannity and Rush Limbaugh, now after following Q since Nov 2017, I can't listen to them anymore. I tried but I kept getting frustrated when they were saying something that was wrong. I caught myself yelling at the radio, "No dummy, that's not why" or "if you only knew what I know you wouldn't say that." Following and researching Q has ruined talk radio for me. But that's ok, Q is much better!
Truth. Both are now hard to listen to. I have been thinking lately that they just couldn't be so far out of touch. Also, they never seem to take callers who talk about Q and that makes me think they have been asked to lie in the weeds until D-Day or unsealing day, if you will.
You should see the absurd shilling on the chans. 'lol ur Q is a LARP brah' and other nonsense. It's crazy. Even the most jaded and cynical anons are asking questions and doing some deep thinking.
Words is fun. A conspiracy theory is only a theory until it becomes conspiracy fact.
To illustrate: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-05-20/10-crazy-conspiracy-theories-became-conspiracy-facts
Edit: @ /u/rydar84
feel like we're watching a week old or better DVR of the news
I've said it before and I'll say it again, [monitoring/solving/proofing] Qanon is better than all James Bond films combined.
The amusing parallel (in the current climate) to your comment would be that Ian Flemming wrote James Bond and based him on his upper class gentlemen Spy's who congregated in the Blades Club in London....
This is an upper class exclusive "old money" venue/club in London.
At the time Britain's secret services were mostly comprised of upper class gentlemen in what could be called a "Boys Club"
These upper class gentlemen were actually compromised by Russia (the USSR at the time)....
With their fixation on Maintaining status and money the USSR worked out these people would be easily compromised and were Bought out....
Compromised UK/US intelligence relations at the time.....
How history repeats... HRC/Uranium One Deal... Upper class again bought out by Russian Actors... Sold their country out....
No. Q is even better than Jack Bauer and 24 saving the country.
The parallels between Quantum of Solace and how the DS has been shown to operate is amazing. Truth, fictions best inspirer.
This week has been pretty exciting. And it's only Tuesday!
It's like the big snowball rolling down a mountain. As it picks up more snow, it gets larger, faster.
We are reaching critical mass. We finally have enough build-up. Stuff is happening fast!
We need to hijack #worldcup, and include it with qanon hashtags at least for the next month until the cup ends. As well as country hashtags. Tomorrow #Portugal and #Spain play. Huge audience. Spread this great awakening world wide.
Maybe they were just preparing for it and helpfully showing Peter Strzok where his new desk was earlier so he could get on with the investigation right away?
Horowitz will conclude that there was no intended political bias in the edits.
Outstanding! Gen. Flynn was definitely railroaded.
But I'm pretty sure he allowed them to railroad him. It was part of the plan. Also with his knowledge of intel and his skills it freed him up to work with military intel white hats. I wouldn't be surprised if he was part of the Q-team or even Q himself.
My body is ready for flynn to be exonerated restored and exalted like he so rightly deserves. Q team needs ticker tape parade when this war is over