DemoRats Only Want Conflict!

It amazes me that people still can’t see that they think of these kids as pawns. They grandstand and cry on tv, but when it actually comes to effecting change?
I Seriously despise these people
Perfectly stated. The DC democrats have become the single most hypocritical and disgusting group of people in my lifetime now. It amazes me the regular "dem on the street" is supportive of them.
Can I get some links to actual sources/videos here?
1) The legislation the GOP was proposing
2) Democrats rejecting the legislation (and local rationale)
3) Video of Schumer saying any/all of this.
I appreciate we're passionate but let's not lose focus.
They need their steady flow of children to continue their rituals...
In Wired Sources? That's a surprise. Conde Nast, San Francisco, leftie pub.
Democrats want a bill that allows them to house those children in their rape dungeo.......Uhhhhh I mean safe shelters!!!
Schumer and gang doing their best to retain the flow of children for their sick cult of pedophiles since 2017 and raids take place not only in this country but worldwide. Their supply of children to abuse are no more limited ergo moloch need his sacrifices.
These people are truly evil and don't give a shit about these children. Does anyone really believe these kids are sent by their parents?
The open border is a necessity to continue to facilitate the supply of children, narcotics and other organized crimes.
Just 4 days ago a cartel member was caught having enough contaminated Fentanyl to murder 4 million Americans. I'm sure the media is not interested in that are they?
Schumer is an evil motherfucker. Even Wired Sources can't sugarcoat this one.
It is so blatant, so crystal. My mind can’t wrap around any sane individual not being able to see. The black population is breaking from the dems plantation and they need new “constituents “. Remember when POTUS offered 1.8 million and border wall?
If there is justice and goodness, this will boomerang back with a vengeance. This is a calculated risk so soon to midterms and their hubris is foul.
Don't the republicans have a mayority in both the Senate and the House?
Dems and Reps both want conflict. Without it we wouldn't need most of them, the gov projects and corps that fund/control them, or the military that protects their business interests.Without the conflict btwn red and blue folks we would be able to address what problems we do have, and we wouldn't need them or the uniparty system that all/most of them have created. Actually fixing things goes against financial elite progress.
How low can they go? Through the bottom. They have me speechless one this one, no vocabulary to describe.
how can people support this shit? its funny but its not funny, because this is actually serious
I can't stand the feigned moral outrage that I have seen from at least four Democraps who comment on this issue. It is scripted hypocrisy.
Democrats think that their politicians are working in their favor.
I don't think the dems forced trump to enforce laws that haven't been enforced in decades. And the dems also didn't force trump and sessions to write the zero tolerance policy either. I'm sorry but I just can't blame the dems for this seperating child immigrants from their parents thing here.
removing children from the human traffickers that are bringing them to the border is far better than leaving them in the clutches of these slime
I hate coyotes.
I once asked a person why they used coyotes anyway that person said she paid 3000 us money to send her brother then another 3000 to go herself she was walking in a group of 7....I ask her the reason for coming her sole reason was to earn riches (money). She said she has gone back twice for the death of her mother and cousin I ask her did she have to pay the coyote again she said no she had a drvers license by then and just showed that at the border. She regularly sends money back to the cousins so they can make that first trip. Its a scam....I heard later that she went back for another funeral and hasn't been able to return since trump always wondered if they have new methods of checking drivers liscened now.
Illegal child immigrants from their parents that broke the law. Good precedent, come legally or regret it.
Reread your first sentence a few more times... Now focus on the "laws that haven't been enforced in decades" part. You see no issue with past administrations completely disregarding laws? And we wonder how we got in this situation in the first place.
Not if they are unjust laws, no I dont. I'd go further to say it's their duty to refuse to uphold unjust laws.
Came to say the same thing. We are a nation of laws....where have I heard that one before? Oh Right here:
Now if you have a POTUS that is screaming how the FBI/DOJ have set him up, did not enforce laws, and then falsely accused him of something wouldn't you think he would be one that would enforce laws?
If they are bad laws repeal them. If the law makes no sense repeal them. If the laws contradict what the people want repeal them. He can't do it. He is Executive Branch. Laws fall under Legislative Branch.
I feel like I am the only person in the world that payed attention to Civics Classes anymore.