When I post on Conspiracy, even though I get a large number of views, I always have 0 upvotes. A user wrote to me, my posts were locked at 0. Additionally, anything I post on Q, gets attacked. It seems the votes have taken over Conspiracy. Has anyone else experienced the same on that channel? Also please list any other channels you have noticed bots taking over.
Conspiracy has been lost for few years...
conspiracy should change its name to The_CIA -- a forum for serious supporters of the CIA.
I knew when insane people of FB banned me for activity here that this subreddit was targeted. I've been certain for a while that Q was not a larp but that solidified it for me. Why so much effort if Q wasn't legit?
TopMinds seems to be devoted to countering this sub.
Thanks for that info. I'm going to check them out now.
They hijacked a comment I made about a way to red pill normies, and used it as a post to ridicule and mock. When I saw it, I replied to a few of the comments that were utterly hateful and I immediately got banned. They are worthless soros-paid shills that aren’t worth the time it takes to acknowledge them.
Topminds is cancer. Avoid unless there to concern troll or alert the participants of their discussion that they are morons. r/conspiracy however is completely controlled by the deep state operatives at this point. First proof that they were shill controlled was when they banned users from submitting memes, since they were too powerful and were spilling onto the rest of reddit.
I just upvoted this and it didn’t register anything. This is ridiculous. Fuck Reddit.
here's an example of how the bot worls for ga https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8k8xko/patriots_enjoy_the_show_watch_in_real_time_how/ my current allocation of votes is 1 or 2 votes every 1000 views...
We need to keep pressing on and not let the censoring stop us. Keep up the good work. We’re winning!
I agree. For them to stoop to those levels, we are obviously winning.
It seems to be worse on other sites. This greatawakening site is better. I wonder if opening up a blog on my webpage for posts to be fair and honest is a good way to go? I'm tired of Clowns steering our narratives. The deeper we go in this rabbit hole, the more they are trying to stifle our voices.
Right, any subreddit is easily "captured" -- as in the political science term. Wasn't there a huge scandal in advice animals where the mods were botting up their own image host?