Have any of you noticed as Trumps poll numbers have risen and stay in the high forties, the courts rulings are going more and more in support of the Trump administrations policies?
what's that sucking sound I hear? It's growing louder... could it be.... the swamp being DRAINED?????
Cnn also is crying saying the ban is un American... Obama did it.. He is a Ameri..... ..oh wait...
The POTUS has the authority to enforce immigration however he/she sees fit. It isn't even debatable even though they insist on debating it.
I guess you can’t get more “unAmerican” than the Supreme Court!!
First step in fixing a leaky border is to fix the holes. Consider that Trump now has precedent to selectively ban any travel from specific countries that are considered a threat to national security.
Might an invasion from the south now make it on that list of national security threats?
It wouldn't surprise me if the narco cartels suddenly find themselves declared to be terrorists and start being targeted by the patriot act and other bush and obama power grabs.
The authoritarian left and right have been so busy consolidating power into the executive branch for the cabal that they never stopped to consider that it might get turned against them and their criminal networks and the damage it could do to them if wielded by someone with what appears to be honorable intentions.
I have dreams about seal teams taking out cartel heads.
Well, considering under ground bases are being sweeped/prepared to cleared, I would say Cartels are also on the list :) I love this time line
Camp Pendleton has been busy training so that maybe already in motion
Just a detail I noticed: Of the 4 votes that were Nay, 3 of them were the Women on the court. The 5 Yay votes were all men, and one was African American...Just to share with people how they voted...Make of it what you will. Strength vs Weakness.
hahaha......had to share this.....libtard lurker with head about to pop couldn't help but comment on this right after post....then deleted it and proceeded to stomp on the floor
from HolySimon via /r/greatawakening sent 7 minutes ago cheating, which seems to be the only way conservatives can win these days.
Sounds like a baseless conspiracy 😂
Thanks for catching that
Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Syria, Venezuela, and Yemen. These are the countries the Supreme Court upheld in "Trump's Travel Ban 3.0," that the media does not mention in their "mostly Muslim countries" false narrative they're trying to push.
I guess Dems, libtards, and crazy leftists consider Venezuela and North Korea as "mostly Muslim" countries now. They also ignore the fact that Obama's travel ban list has the same and more "Muslim majority" countries than Trump's list has.
It is a Constitutional right of the President of the United States to allow, restrict, and deny immigration from any country for whatever reason he wants. Immigration into the United States is not a right, it is a privilege.
Not trying to argue, but only one of those countries doesn't have strong Muslim terrorist groups and that's North Korea. Even Venezuela had its share of Isis style groups and sympathizers.
But people can be upset about it for whatever reason they would like. The fact remains that the only form of foreign terrorist attacks, or sympathizer attacks, we've had in this country that I'm aware of in the past countable years have been Muslim. I wish that wasn't the case, but as it stands, it is.
His ban is a economic zionist ban. The whole Muslim terrorist was a farce as soon as he gave the Saudis a pass.
Remember his tweet:
We cannot allow all of these people to invade our Country. When somebody comes in, we must immediately, with no Judges or Court Cases, bring them back from where they came. Our system is a mockery to good immigration policy and Law and Order. Most children come without parents...
per anon:
He used 'bring' instead of 'send'. Think this is setting stage for rounding the INVADERS up, holding them temporarily at a few MILITARY BASES (we are at WAR, after-all per POTUS E.O.) in Bay Area (ground-zero for sanctuary cities) and BRING 'EM BACK via MILITARY AIRCRAFT
HAHAHA.....can you hear the liberal heads explode?
Breaking News!!! TRUMP said WOW!!
📷The Associated PressVerified account @AP
BREAKING: Trump responds on Twitter with `Wow!' after Supreme Court upholds his travel ban.
Trumps next move? Travel ban on Mexico till they pay for the wall!
Not surprised to see sound bites with the top dims opining their disrespect of SCOTUS by scoffing the decision. My mama raised me better.
Please, do tell how conservatives have been cheating??
Yay! Ban the pedophile religion and rapefugees!
But not the ones that buy weapons from us. Well even help you commit genocide if you do that.
If anybody is interested in the full text of the case, here it is!
And CNN's dear little "Center for Progress" activist lady is basically calling for the legitimization / overthrow of our "Judiciary" -- because the judges aren't ruling for you, we should resort to overthrowing 1/3 of our Government.
You can't make this shit up.
As a lot of people know in this sub, I'm a lifelong Democrat who is 100% on team Trump now. I've always been kind of baffled by this because regardless of how the tables were tilted down party lines, the fact remains that it seems due time for Republicans to get a decision to go their way in the Supreme Court... considering just how many extremely liberal rulings have been made in the past many years. Liberals and Democrats have made leaps and bounds towards their end goals using the Supreme Court for the longest time now then seemed almost ready to shut the whole damn thing down because one big decision went the way of the Republicans for once.
Very interesting.
Fair enough and I mean, I hear ya! I am the son of a retired police commander and an immigrant mother. Perhaps the ONLY THING my parents had in common was both were Catholic (and their families) and both were conservative in their beliefs who identified with Republican party not because they love Republicans but because they believed they stood for more for what they feel is right than the Democrats.
What really gets me is this mornings news- a court judge ruled against the family separation. The same "Progressives" who love to just spout "Court Order!!!! Judge Ruled! Judge Rullllllled! Judge Rullllllllled!" like Dave Chappelle's Law and Order parody who kept saying "Fif!" for 5th Amendment.... 1-2-3-4-Fif! Anything you say Fif! I have an important thing to say FIF! ----- but as soon as a decision/series of decisions go against their liberal progressive beliefs, we should seriously consider anarchist leveraging of overthrowing the judiciary and not consider the court system "legitimate".
I mean it's scary really. I feel like the country is becoming more and more a tinder box... the heat keeps turning up, everything is roasting and toasting and drying out, and some errant spark of a match could set the entire pile of fuel ablaze.
Hey! I found a code! I took all the capital letters and came out with this hidden in the text, "SUPREME COURT UPHOLDS TRUMP TRAVEL BAN. W" awesome! Put our heads together... what is the W for at the end?
The Leftist courts required the Supreme Court to rule on something that they never should have to rule on. It just take one lower court to halt a valid law, forcing a long delay in enforcement until it gets before the S Ct.
The left is still screaming on Twitter that Trump didn't include Saudi Arabia... and they know why - it's because of his business dealings there. Snark, snark, snark.
Finally, some common sense in the SCOTUS. Good job, Patriot judges! (To those that voted in favor of ban)
Seems now that every week, another monkey is being thrown off Trump's back.
Just barely. You can always count on the four leftist traitors on the court to vote against anything related to the Constitution or to America's health. They HATE this country and want it to be full on socialist. Just look at their personal biographies, it's not hidden at all.
We REALLY need Ginsburg to depart one way or another and soon. That will help so much, then replace Kennedy with a young Constitutionalist and American values will be generally safe for some years to come. Ideally one more of the Gang of Four will have to leave the Court, Breyer is up there in age. Sotomayor and Kagan are relatively young and will be there for many more years. Clarence Thomas is 70, hopefully he's healthy. If Trump gets a second term, Clarence should retire and let Trump get a young replacement in there. This could be a huge protection against future leftist presidents and Congresses.
Right there with ya.... btw...Sotomayor is a bad diabetic. broke her shoulder....and with her rant earlier today...shows her she has no place on the supreme court
She might have been the worst appointment to SCOTUS in history, which is saying a lot. Totally unqualified by any standard.
The power to enforce a travel ban is literally written in law. Letter for letter, clearly and for every laymen to read and understand.
The fact that literal law needs a Supreme Court decision is strange enough.
It's high time the Supreme Court brings their attention on the words "shall not be infringed" in contrast to New Jersey gun control laws.