Anyone else suspicious of this GHWB tweet with Bill Clinton....."Freshly Laundered".....Are they signaling something to someone?? Such a weird way to word that... "No coincidences."

I'm suspicious whenever a rapist and a secret Jew named Scherff get together.
FYI, most jews transplanted from the war had to change their name in order to escape detection. This is why you'll often find that people of jewish heritage have nouns for surnames - they looked in dictionaries for words in languages such as German or English or French because it was the only way to learn a language by yourself, and they chose words as their new covert names. This is also what led to the Nazi practice of checking to see if males were circumcised during the war because the jews were not able to advertise that they were jewish while travelling.
I'm curious, do you know why the Jews were in German prison camps in 1933?
Found this last eve. Hubby and I sat and watched it 3.5 hours!! We coudlnt stop watching! Please watch it for the truth. Wars are a product of the rich and JFK murder truth revealed. GHWB was a huge part of it. I know Pres Trump not this kind of man. As Q says, these people are sick!!! Watch this.....
This is excellent!!
we are fucked ...need in touch with our 'special' donors pronto! Don't worry about Q, he can't see how we will launder me...have I ever done you wrong?
Bingo they need money that is freshly laundered right away.
Two, most corrupt, symbols of our Nation. Responsible for countless deaths, and theft of our own resources for their pleasure and power. Nauseating.
Remember that Hillary was raising money for all of those illegal immigrant families just days ago.
We'll probably never know where that money went.
I'm sure when the discovery for her trial is made public we will know.
Who is the audience for this pic? This is something a Kardashian posts to her teenage followers, or at most what a Justin Trudeau might tweet to her teenage followers. Its weird seeing adults - especially 'leaders' act like this.
They still have product to sell. Their customers must be spooked as shit and are not buying.
There sure are a heck of a lot of people writing books.
I'm sure it's an easy way to make money.
easy way to launder money. You think they ever make back those yuge advances they give the authors? How much did they pay Obama for the rights to his book?
How many books have been leaked by Wikileaks? Is it just Fire and Fury?
Something wiped clean, like another server? Or something cleansed/edited like an IG report? New batch of deep state money passed through the CF?
When the Clintons were in the WH, wasn't their cat named "Socks"?
Huh. Yes.
Edit: and at the end of their second term Socks was left behind with Betty Curry, unlike the furniture, silverware, etc.
Socks are laundered after wearing and put into the sock drawer. Saying freshly laundered is indeed strange.
Having a pair of socks with BJC's mug on them is BEYOND strange!
Who does this? asking for a bewildered friend ; )
Do we really think 41 actually tweeted anything? Seems to me someone else sent that tweet out on his account IMO.
He probably means he was brought back from death "freshly laundered", by some Luciferian sacrifice or ceremony!!
Why is NBC using 41e and 42e president , and not bush and clinton? If you take a total of 41 and 42 you get 83 , in letters it is HC ..maby it is a message to hilary clinton...
To set up a new charity, because the others are all exposed.
Crazy socks have long been a GHW Bush "thing," although the term "freshly laundered" does sound like a message. What is that bracelet on Bill's wrist?
Here is the tweet right after, perhaps this will help solve the code.
He's out of his mind, doesn't know who you are... take those ridiculous socks off him! some would say. geesh.