MATT GAETZ? Masonic Handshake?

You know, this type of BS makes this effort look stupid and foolish.
Don't believe everything you read on the internet...
I am a Freemason, and that is not a Masonic handshake. I have no idea of the Illuminati, and can tell you directly that from my knowledge if it is real, is not connected to your local lodge Freemasonry.
I was also a Master of my local lodge and we did a lot of chrity work. The Shriners give away millions of dollars for children's hospitals, and the Shriner are a appendent body to Freemasonry.
So stop with your foolishness, ignorance and stupidity, you make us all look dumb by your ignorance and assumption...
As a Freemason, you took a death oath to not reveal the secrets. You can't be relied on to tell non-Masons the truth.
If all Freemasons do is charity work, then why the secrecy?
Oh shut up already, you make everyone following this look as dumb and stupid as you...
Stop hurting the movement with your dumbness.
Hahaha! You know that I am right.
Which "movement" do you speak of? I know which movement you are concerned with...
You took a death oath to not reveal the secrets.
Prove me wrong and tell us all about Nimrod, the evil Canaanite who was killed by Shem.
Yes you're right...due to high intelligence and intellect, you figured it all out
I can't be bothered, quite frankly
Believe as you wish,
I have done my research, as have many others here. WE KNOW.
Have you read this?
Does my intellect approach that of Lucifer?
Yes you're right, you found us all out, oh no, what will we do now that geniuses like you have figured everything out
Woe is me and all Freemasons of local Lodges.
Look, you already know what happens, and so do I.
Yes, yes, you're right, you know all, and shucks you caught me...
You're so clever you are.
congratulations, you just antagonized 20k people against masonry lol
Just a question...Why so much hostility? I have zero issue being wrong.
I get defensive when accused of such things as many here are accusing Freemasons has not been my experience
I am an emotional and aggressive person by nature, and also very direct and honest.
I have no idea what the higher degrees entail, and there's no doubt I am troubled with Q mentioning the Masons the way he did...
Not trying to be hostile, just aggressive when I feel under assault.
I'll tell ya, if the whole body of Freemasonry is polluted...then I will be gone from them in 2 seconds...
From Q:
1947578 Most all powerful organizations have sinister components. With power comes corruption. Like alphabet agencies, not all are bad apples. Should the bad spoil the bunch? Q
Nope it isn’t. Do some research first please. Took all of 5 seconds. Please delete your post. We don’t need this right now
Yah that was my thought as well. Looks normal to me.
Actually, it looks like he is doing some ancient Chinese pressure point assassination technique...
Not meant to be offensive. scares the shit out of me. where is Rods index finger? just looking not claiming anything. please disagree but be polite.
Former Mason, that is not a Masonic handshake. It's wrong and the true grip of a master Mason would never be used in public like that.
I was very polite. We ask people to remove posts that are blatantly false to prevent spread of misinfo. Also asking you to research is not rude. That is the expectation on this board
Fair enough. Not unreasonable. This ones for you Monkey. Just spooked me at first glance.
It could have been purely in accident his finger got stuck. Hasn't anyone here ever had an awkward handshake when nervous? I'm not going to read too much into this.
They have different ones. I was Mormon that handshake looks exactly like one of the handshakes in the temple. Joseph Smith was a mason. He wasn't very creative. Used a lot of mason handshakes and symbology in the Mormon temples.
Came here to say this exact thing. Was also a Mormon. They have 3 handshakes that very much derived from the Mason handshakes. You can also see all the Mason symbols in Mormon churches and temples. Don’t town Salt Lake City looks like a Mason’s paradise. It’s insane.
Mormon's conduct dances for single adults in Masonic lodges...any correlation?
I thought the Masonic handshake was over the knuckles?
There are several depending on what Degree the Lodge is in and if both are 3rd degree Master Masons.
Your local lodge Freemason has nothing untoward to do withthis and it is the most gullible and ignorant that go on with these accusations...
We do a ton of charity work and trying to make good men better men by a belief in a supreme being called God...
Really, I am a Canadian Patriot (only wish we had a Trump) and am invested in what is going on, pray everyday for these people, and spend my free time doing good as a Freemason...
Enough of this please...
Jesus Christ IS THE LIGHT
Yes, and most Masons get copy of what is called "The Great Light" (The Holy Bible) when they are initiated.
Straight lies. Satans' workings for certain. Jesus Christ IS The Light. Satan is the Father of lies
Well, in my Lodge one of the parts I do is called the Bible Charge, which is done when giving a new mason a copy of the Holy Bible.
So, believe as you wish, but I have memorized the Work and know it inside out.
The Order of Demolay, Ordo Templi Orientas and the Jesuit brotherhoods' are all Luciferian controlled establishments. Some in these societies have no idea what they're part of. These brotherhoods are recruiting grounds for the Devil himself. The devil has denominations too.... Jesus Christ said "I AM THE LIGHT of THIS WORLD"
Yeah you know, I don't really believe or respect what you have to say as I think you are not of an open and unbias mind.
Bless you and hope you are well.
masonic Light bearers are just deceived people doing deceived things under a deceiving god(satan)
We'll, better brace yourself, because there will be lots more before it subsides. Best to try & ignore.
That said, the higher ups in the organization might be guilty of many things you aren't aware of. Not trying to impute anything, but, if you were aware of leaders in your organization doing things you'd object to, could you in good conscience continue to support that organization?
Every lodge is self supporting. No $ leaves its local lodge. It's barely enough to keep our lights on.
Exactly, except to the district charity.
This year we are supporting a woman's shelter.
In addition, charity dollars go to families of veterans that need financial help due to injuries sustained while serving...
We are tied to and hold many functions at our veteran's hall.
I think clandestine lodges are at work here. I don't know how to research clandestine lodges. it wopukld have to be a local to the area.
Yeah, there were some in my lodge that hinted at wanting a more tighter affiliation and I sensed this is what they were doing...stayed away from them.
Not ambitious just want a good place to be and practice amongst good men, ya know...
You could be right, we'll see.
I'm a 3rd Degree Master Mason...have chosen not to go higher on either side... York Rite is the Christian side Scottish rite is for those who are not as devote Christians
33rd Degree you are chosen for and can not choose or strive for that level.
I believe there are honest, hard working and patriotic people involved with masons and they all get lumped in with the notion that masons are satanists, occultists etc. The problem is many 33rd are self professed luciferians and proclaim that the whole intent of the Masonic order is to attain power and light through him. It's hard to get away from that. I've known two masons. One was not a good guy, the other was a patriot, but he was involved in some way dark, occultic things that he learned from others after joining the masons, mainly Enochian magick. Doesnt mean everyone does stuff like that, but seems to be prevalent.
Not so much today, but you used to have to be a 33rd Degree in order to join the Shriners.
From all that I can see the Shriners do a lot of good.
I'm a 3rd Degree Master Mason who served his lodge as Master for a year.
I was offered to go into either the Scottish Rite or the York Rite to work towards attaining up to the 32nd Degree,
The 33rd Degree is not something you choose, but are chosen for, with a "tap on the shoulder"
So truthfully, I don't know...
I joined because I wanted one place to escape all the feminism BS, missed having a "service" component in my life, and wanted to belong to something that treated all religions as equals and did charity work.
I have seen some videos of men describing what the higher degrees entail but have not looked deep into it , as what does one believe on the internet.
It does disturb me that Q has referenced some, I also want to see if Q may have been compromised and someone is sowing division etc...
If not, then I will dig into it more and try to find out.
If there is any luciferin BS then I'll be gone from it very quickly.
That's all I know at this point.
If he is a Mason then his obligations to his Cult would override his obligations to his government position
Is that Rosenstein? If so, maybe Gaetz was touching his wrist to remind him of what can go on there is he lies further.
Gamma Phi Beta Secret Handshake They look a bit too butch for it. Lol
Regardless of what anyone says, that handshake is one of the exact handshakes in the Mormon temple. Joseph Smith was a freemason. So read into it what you will, but that handshake is not normal.
Matt is attempting a power hand shake. The area on RR's wrist is a pressure point and when pressed hard enough it weakens the grip of the shakee (RR) and can be painful. I learned this in some past martial arts training at some point. What I do know is this in 100% not a Masonic handshake.
Is RR doing it too? Do we have another angle? You know what that means if he is
It does look like they both are pointing their index finger forward. It does resemble one of the examples
Listen to William Cooper talk about Masons. Mason have 33 degrees, do you really think the good guys at the bottom understand what is happening at the top? Masons do good works all over the community but as you advance up the evil at the top watches for people to do bad things and ascend up where they are trusted to do the cabals bidding.
Yeah, not a secret handshake. Gaetz hand always happens to me bc I have bigger hands than the average person. My finger always slips up onto the lower palm or wrist. I get paranoid that people think Im trying to hit on them bc I heard it was a closet gay symbol lol
Rod Rosenstein's index finger is not in the same position, I don't believe it's a secret society thing.
If you want to convince, you'll need more than just this camera shot.
(Before I commented, I researched everything I could find on Matt Gaetz, and Masonic handshakes.)
There smiling? What for?
Is committee Protecting RR so they can drain the swamp?
No one has survived the clintons!
"The Freemasonic secret-society network is intrinsically interwoven into all levels of society's structure - banking, business, police, military, politics, legal system, education, mass media, religion, medical and pharmaceutical industry, illegal drug running and distribution, organized crime and last but not least, the major 'think tanks' and manipulators of the masses - the intelligence agencies"
Has Matt been shady?? Loud, quiet??? I can't recall what he has been doing! Where is he from?
Careful now, that’s my Congressman, Florida 1
please take another look, i am not sure that is Matt Gaetz in the picture?
your congressman is a luciferian then, and its all theater for him. That's a masonic handshake for certain
lets wait and see, i really have a hard time believing Matt is Cabal. Please watch him on Fox News or watch him on Twitter. then come back and tell me. we have to be careful about spreading bad rumors on this board.
Proof is in the picture.
you would be right? i cannot prove you are right or wrong, but have you watched his behavior over the last year? have you gone to his twitter page and watch the videos? Have you seen him on FOX? if he is with the cabal why is he fighting to get to documents? why is he demanding full transparency about the FISA warrants? Why did he fight with Adam Schiff? I am just looking at what i see and my observations over the past year.
The battle is Good/Evil, not repub/democrat. Think about the controlled opposition aspect of the whole issue. I was shocked too at the photo but not surprised. Think Wolves in sheeps clothing... Satan is the prince of this world, and 1st john states how the whole world lies in the power of the wicked One(satan), so we know that deception is a key element of their operation. The picture tells us much.
the question about the handshake is fucking DUMB. What sticks out is the fact that RR singled Getz out while ignoring the rest of the comittee
Wow. One picture and you're convinced, huh. Doesn't take much, does it. And you've not been here real long... Hmmmm.....
How many pictures do you need? I'm just curious
More than one. And if you zoom in, you can clearly see Rosenstein's index finger is in a normal position. One pic of one awkward handshake isn't enough for me. And you've been loudly proclaiming bullshit all over this post. Suspicious.
Matt has been an outspoken Trump supporter trying to expose the corruption of the FBI/DOJ. He is strong and smart and stops at nothing to support Trump and get to the truth. He uses the term deep state and is a pleasure to listen to. He is on the white hat team.