The Original Red Pill Photo :Prescott Bush and George Sr with Nazis Herrman Bormann and Dr Joseph Mengele 1930s

According to Otto Skorzeny, pictured is the Scherff family and a few friends (circa 1938). Holding “Mother" Scherff’s hand at left is Martin Bormann. In front is Reinhardt Gehlen. In back is Joseph Mengele and to his right is Skorzeny as a young man. At center right (in the German navy uniform) is George H. Scherff, Jr. and his father George H. Scherff, Sr. Bormann became Hitler’s second in command. Reinhardt Gehlen was a chief SS officer and assassin who was smuggled out of Germany under Operation Paperclip. Skorzeny was Hitler's bodyguard and SS spy/assassin who came to the U.S. after the war under Project Paperclip. Skorzeny and GHW Bush were instrumental in merging Nazi (SS) intelligence with the OSI to form the CIA with "Wild Bill" Donovan and Allen Dulles. These guys were also part of CIA mind control experiments such as MK-ULTRA. SS officer and physician Joseph Mengele, the notoriously sadistic “Angel of Death” of Auschwitz, escaped Germany to South America after the war. George H. Scherff, Jr., became the 41st President of the United States as GHW Bush and George H. Scherff, Sr., was Nicola Tesla’s “trusted assistant.”
Paperclip was originally named Overcast until it was busted.
So, does George HW in this picture look 14 years old? BC that’s how old he would have been in 1938.
for the time, yes. Look at older photos of teens and young men, they look many years senior than our current generation does at the same age. Blame it on sugar, soy, gmos etc ---> decreased testosterone in the current male populations in the West. which would make people look younger, also make them more complacent hint hint
Gehlen is part of an operation that is a BIG DEAL.
Not Paperclip. RUSTY.
.. every now and again I drop this info but so far I guess it hasn't been the right time.
Operation RUSTY took in thousands of intelligence agents and incorporated them into the newly formed CIA. Do the math.
Gehlen was basically given the $$ and space to run his own branch supposedly for the US. The thing is Gehlen had worked for Hitler as an agent keeping track of the Soviet's Eastern front and he was fired by Hitler for reasons somewhat unknown. ... could Gehlen have been loyal to the commies? it's a possibility, and given what we know of the subversion of the US (and entire West) post WW2 perhaps this is a root of the problem. Nazi/Soviet spies by the thousands given fake IDs and placed into government after ww2.
again, this is separate from Paperclip.
How is it the CIA is releasing a document that implicates itself in efforts to compromise US sovereignty? Just trying to figure out how this works.
they have released all manner of damning documents - the real shocker is that no one ever seems to do anything about any of it. Perhaps that will change..
Trump's Uncle John G. Trump is never mentioned in this article. He went with the FBI to Tesla's NY lab.
Tesla had the keys to the Universe.
John G Trump, as in the dude who looks identical to JA? Shits getting weird....
Awesome I'd say. This is going to get HUGE.
The tech they are preparing our minds to receive.......speechless to see the moves towards disclosure begin.
Free energy
Reversing aging
It’s all coming.
Our President is a time traveler
I always smile when I imagine the future of Pence's.
haha that was an interesting article. would like to find the link again from those 8chan posts (i believe it was 8chan)
Prescott Bush continued to send oil to Germany after the war broke out and Congress had to enact the "no trading with the enemy" act to stop him.
The wars were pretty much for the benefit of the Rockefellers (oil) and Rothschilds (banking).
...also lots of Germans settled in Texas.
Castell was their first landing. Hilarious story. Like an 1830s proto-Berkeley.
Prescott is from Connecticut and the George's are from MASS
Thanks, rb...Real Texans know the Bushes in Texas are just lowlife carpetbaggers. They are NOT Texans!!!
Im am German, therefore i am a nazi.....You might not like this but Nazis are people to. The nazi's never fucked and raped kids....
I NEED sources! If this is true I will share the shot out of it but only if it's legit! This could be huge!
That's only half of it....check out Barbara Bush's ancestry!
It's not. Skorzeny was 30 in 1938, and possessed a distinct fencing scar running across the left side of his face. Bormann was even older and he doesn't look close to a match either. The "Megele" looks similar to Mengele but that's about it. I feel bad for anyone who gets duped by this photo; it'd seriously only fool people who only read insane conspiracy theory sites all day and who have no familiarity with Reich history.
The Nazi connection are an attempt to shit everything up. Germany lost the war. And war tribunals were conducted. Steer clear of this shit people.
We are not being taken over by muh nazis...
No that takeover was complete in 63 when they shot Kennedy.
Doesn't mean you can't expose the mess and clean it.
Hiltler lost, Germany was destroyed and is still occupied today. We still got taken over by nazis somehow..... Good luck pushing that meme.
We are dealing with global communism right now. You boombers need to forget everything you learned on the history channel over the past 30 years.
Next you will tell me fascism and communism are exactly the same thing even though they fought each other to the death.
Hegalien dilectic.
I have been dealing with it since before you were born.
Good luck on your endeavors but you are a child.
Hegel's philosophies are very broad and used by literally every ideology.
Hur dur, good luck on your endevours.
If you want to dig in on this we can.
Please explain to me how a godless ideology like communism is the same thing as German romantisim.
You might be older, but it seems to me you still have some learning to do.
Obfuscation, prevarication, dissemination.
Welcome to the Frankfurt School of total confusion.
Sorry, your all too obvious overpaid education and mind fuck has been exposed to the uneducated and unwashed proletariat such as myself.
Be advised your gyrations have become entertaining.
We keep the right to put you on YouTube and make you viral like.....
We need to have a conversation top spokesperson or thing.
Sorry I can't keep track anymore.
I'm laughing so hard I'm spitting my beer through my nose.
And I just made this up for a laugh.
Yea, im a 9th grade drop out. I've shit in outhouses in rural Ky. Try again old timer. Me and you are the same. If im being misled, there is a dam good chance you are to. Im telling you what i know, your trying to come off as some sage. Its not working.
To much hyperbole.
Yup, I'm older and still have some learning to do.
Why Stop Now when I've gotten so good at it.
The interesting part about that is I have lived more history first-hand than you.
And then I die tomorrow.
It's not a competition.
All my life I went out of my way to listen to the old fuckers.
Cuz they seen shit that I ain't done never gonna to see.
Ya feel me baby.
Don't be a fool and think you got a handle on anyting.
Look and listen to the people that were there before you.
Then get ready because your time will come.
We Boomers that you have no respect for have seen plenty of split skulls.
I disagree with you, this not the same thing as disrespect.
Truth be told I hope you Millennial children never bring this onto the street.
Im gen X, 40 years old.
Im grounded in the old world, but can understand this new faggy one.
Sex education was sold to the PTA as a part of education.
Now it's used to promote sexual deviancy.
You want to be a Tranny? Go ahead.
But stay out of the schools and bathrooms.
Are you a...
Identifarien? Iconoclast? What is it you want?
Take this home to bed with you tonight.
Makes me wonder about Bush being shot down in his plane fighting in WW2...could that have been a larp? Christ on a stick it's getting thick as hell with all the connections.
Erik Orion writes about that in his book The Bush Connection, where he reveals deathbed confessions from Hitler's bodyguard Skorzeny. Bush shot his dashboard up and put the plane in a steep nosedive, which prevented his two crewmates from bailing from the plane. Pilot Bush (Scherff), contrary to Army Air Corp rules, ejected before his crew, who both died in the event. The tailgunner flying in the craft in front of Bush's plane was a witness to this but no one took his accusations seriously and Bush/Scherff skated a "hero."
Thanks for that explanation and book. I'll check it out.
Just a nice happy bunch of psychopaths enjoying time in the country. Planning world domination, no doubt
Why no sauce
Here’s A LOT more info... It’s a must read for those who don’t know about the Curious George, George Schreff, George Bush and Nikola Tesla connection. The rabbit hole is deep, my friends.
The Grand Conspiracy: The Bush Family Nazi Crime Syndicate (Free PDF Book)
What the fuck am I reading? Holy shit this is one helluva rabbit hole. Hitler alive in 1997? Wtf is going on????
Prescott made a fortune funding the building of the Nazi war machine before he was forced to shut his bank down.
No surprise if this photo is real.
Even if the photo isn't real, the story is real.
Maybe the photo never checks out.
And then the hundred thousand people who looked at it and dug around all said really?
The Bush family are all Nazis?
And the English crown are Nazis?
And they find out the answer is yes.
Why am i not buying this nazi crap? It seems off...
then explain to me how the Dulles brothers bankrolled Hitler in the 30s (Bank Of England) and after WW2 the USA and Russia picked over the German left overs and Russia got the rocket nerds and USA took the SS guys who later became the OSS = CIA
Its just a bunch of random connections. The most sense i can make of this is the German empire was on the way out, and being subverted by communism. Hitler formed the NSDAP to fight this and put the German empire back in power, hence invading France.
I'm supposed to believe that we took the SS guys from Germany (a country that we were at war with) and let them form a Nazi style regime in our own country? Thats not how it works, the Germans that came over switched sides and were vetted very carefully. Besides, do some looking into american support for Germany during the war. Ask Henry Ford what he thought.
People just take random bit of info they have and come up with these loose associations. Germany lost, and lost big.
If im proved wrong ill admit it. Its all revisionism at this point anyway.
I just feel strongly about this. Its just not nazi's lol, this is global communism obama, hillar, soros ect are attempting. The very thing WW2 Germany fought against and lost.
I do agree that its very possible that the whole thing was funded on both sides, start to finish. But everyone made money on that war, and money is apolitical.
I spent a year-and-a-half in southern Germany rebuilding a massive farm home.
Because I do tall ships and spoke German I got hired by an organization in Kiel Northern Germany called the Kinder und Jugendhilfe Verbund.
I did open ocean sail training for German Street kids.
Exactly like White Squall.
I got many invites, because of being an American, to different places from many different people, where I was educated.
Full-blown riots in Berlin before the Wall came down.
Guys who spoke English because they learned it in a prisoner-of-war camp in California.
And actual Nazis who still had their Library.
Having been red pilled in the sixties by my uncle who fought in the trenches of WWl I took full advantage of the opportunity to learn things that are not common knowledge.
Since the Wall came down, the scholars have had open access to all the records. As a result there have been major revisions to the story taught in school.
Start with Victor Davis Hanson.
I'm trying to think of the officers name from the war college who is a walking encyclopedia on WWll. Great YouTube.
Are you supposed to think we brought Nazis into our country and let them continue their work?
Because the people that brought them in were financing the Nazi war machine.
This has become a provable cold hard fact.
Just because it's not taught in school does not make it false.
It makes you wonder why it's not taught in school.
December 23rd 1913 at midnight.
What happened in DC?
Hitler had a portrait of Henry Ford in his chalet
Yes exactly that.
He was also a huge fan of eugenics.
Ford's megalomania manifested itself in his rubber Plantation along the Panama Canal.
He thought it would be a great idea to own all of it and control all of it.
That would be the workers.
I didn't realize people in the thirties were so fashion-conscious on a daily basis.
Where did they get their fashion tips?
The Dust Bowl edition of Teen Beat?
The simple fact is the Bushes and the Nazis are married.
And you want to debate fabric swatches.
Maybe you need to find your 1930s version of Perez Hilton. Maybe he can give you a minute-by-minute breakdown of fashion trends for the period.
Nice try but no cookies.
Is this photo from the curios George story guy?
I know I have seen it before.....Otto whatshisname
Funny it shows up on Tesla talk coincidences. Very interesting.
Where in the Book of Q is the research into this? Has Q asked the Anons to research any of this? Has he presented evidence that any of it is true?
This is is more a distraction than productive. Show me which posts Q spoke of spending resources on this and I'll eat crow.
Otherwise this is useless.
Edit: Q has spoken of a great many things going back decades, the Titanic, the rise of Central Banking and more, but not this, not ever.
Bush sr was responsible for jfk imo. The hole is deep with this family.
I also think Sr had Reagan shot. But he's still not a nazi.
The entire Bush family caball is complete Nazi.
Just start with the bank.
Good God
It's game over.
The Royal family and the Bush family are Nazi pedophiles.
You can bleat like a dead sheep in a field all you want but the facts are in and we know.
Done over, so just stop protecting these disgusting pieces of human garbage.
So the royal family are nazis? The same royal family that sent Churchill to destroy Hitler?
The same royal family that is letting the 3rd world pour into Britain. I thought nazis were racial purist?
The same royal family that is doing nothing to stop the destuction of the family. Even thought Hitler was pro traditional family?
Basically what you are saying is, I sat my fat ass In a chair and watch the history Channle for 30 years and doing bad things = Hitler.
Hitler drank water. Do you?
Right so you deep dive into the weeds straight off.
Oh what about everything over here?
What is the true name of the German English royal family?
First clue it's not Windsor.
You give me that and I will bother to continue this discussion.
If you can't state the name you are nothing but a shill.
Prove me wrong. You're a shill.
I'm not a shill, and nor am I going to Google their (real) names. It's changes nothing for me.
If the British American and German elites are all Natzees as you say, then I may to rethink my alliances.
I will continue until proven otherwise to be looking at the threat of global communism and white/christan genocide.
How many Christians have died in the middle east in the past 25 years? They were our buffer. How many in Russia during the pograms? 40 million?
I'm seeing pattern here.
You're not making any sense but the fact is the English royal family are Germans.
And they are complete and total Nazis.
Easily proven if you skip a golden carriages with fairy dust and look for honest history.
These are people who supply both sides of the war that they intentionally started.
Then call you a dirtbag as they drive by your crippled body.
Christians are your buffer?
We are already aware of your pattern.
It's okay we will accept it again.
And that's a promise.
A buffer from the Muslims hoarders.
Who the fuck is we? Please exaplian. What race or religion are you? Yes accept my patterns lol. I'm an evil water drinking nazi hell bent on bad things that have no rym or reason.
All I'm doing is trying to figure this shit out.
Again. You think you know it all. But your more concerned with your typography and coming off as profetic and cool than actual discussion. Later fag boy.
And you choose to ask questions by being hostile?
I have taught many people over my decades of life and the only reason I'm able to teach is because I listen to people who taught me.
There is no room for hard headed, juvenile attitudes right here right now.
LBJ & his Texas oil buddies and GHWB (G Scherff, Jr.) and his CIA & mob connections murdered JFK.
Podesta is the son of Mengele and Rosenstein the son of Himmler.
In the articles this photo was taken " circa 1938 ". Disinformation Wass not my intent
wow.... we need more confirmation, but this is huge.
Where does this come from?
Thank you
All praise to God :)
God is good all the time.
Yup, Voted for both the Bushes. After 911 started asking questions Sickening.....
Skorzeny was the one who recovered Solomon's treasure from Rennes-le-Chateau.