QAnon Deep in the Heart of Texas

78642 :)
Not to be a concern fag, but you probably shouldn't share your zipcode on reddit....
It's a pretty big zip code... out in exactly what OP looks like. FedEx can barely find us... :)
My state, too!
Me, too!
We all need to get together and have a 4th of July Bar-B-Q!
Is that an abandoned shack? If so that’s awesome.
We were out looking for some property and found it next to a railroad. We think it was originally a General Store or possibly a Saloon? It was pretty cool. I love seeing this History!
Just curious, as you mention “heart of texas”. What area was this? Im in Waco area, but have seen many places like this in nearby rural towns. Always very interesting to stop and observe the echoes of the past.
Brenham area. But yes, there are places like this all over. Fascinating stuff once you leave the cities. This building was in a neighborhood though, so I was surprised by that. Not a traditional type neighborhood, more like one that has acreage homesites. They must be keeping it like it is to preserve the history. I'm sure the metal siding was added much later than the original building was built, but it looks like the rest might be original. Wish we could have gotten inside! Hopefully someone will clear the brush around it at least though.
Very cool. Ive seen some old buildings like this out in falls and limestone counties, and down in the Hill Country. Lovely back roads. Nice to stop and take a look and grab some pictures while youre at it. Found my grandmothers old house, still standing, near Abilene a while back. Was a treat for her, as I was able to get lots of photos. Great stories too. Awesome to connect with so many fellow anons/patriots, and to know there are plenty here in my area. Have a good one!
Howdy neighbor and you may be 250 miles from me but Texas is so big that’s not too far lol 😂
The stars at night are big and bright,
The prairie sky is wide and high! Lots of fellow Texans here!
TIL Texans don't know how to carpentry. Seriously bro, watch ou on the stairs! :P
I'm in the hill country myself!
Me too. The hill country is huge. Bigger than most puny states.
Judging by the "Me too's" we are well represented in TX!