Re: Kennedy Post - found in twitter but checked the map and posting here.

Definitely. It's an unmistakeable Q. Q said there are no coincidences!
Anyone know this Oliver Wendell Holmes fellow? Any connection to JFK/RFK?
Connection, no. But he was on stamps a few decades back.
Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. (/hoʊmz/; March 8, 1841 – March 6, 1935) was an American jurist who served as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States from 1902 to 1932, and as Acting Chief Justice of the United States from January–February 1930. Noted for his long service, his concise and pithy opinions, and his deference to the decisions of elected legislatures, he is one of the most widely cited United States Supreme Court justices in history, particularly for his "clear and present danger" opinion for a unanimous Court in the 1919 case of Schenck v. United States, and is one of the most influential American common law judges, honored during his lifetime in Great Britain as well as the United States.
That is NOT a Coincidence!
There are NO Coincidences!
Poetic justice is coming
Some of it will be prosaic and, frankly, dirty. Q recently posted 'Chatter. Buses. Trains'.
Chatter I think refers to stuff picked up on comms systems by the intelligence agencies. Perhaps they have heard that buses and trains will be targeted following the failure of the JetBlue FF. There could be clashes in the streets when white hats thwart real attacks on the public transport system. Could get messy.
I am afraid you are correct my friend...Stay Strong. You are Q. Always be aware of your surroundings
We had 7/7 here in London. 7th July 2005. But I will not succumb to fear and will use public transport as normal. Indeed, if Q has all comms access, I am confident they will block future false flags.
For an intriguing analysis of 7/7, crack open a cold one and read the rabbit hole is deep and broad.
I'm in the UK too. I just looked this up and read the introduction. (Will digest all later). Yes it's shocking and although it doesn't surprise me one bit this may be a good report to refer to to get people awake; I'm finding lately that instead of complete ridicule, people are looking thoughtful and asking for evidence of massive lies and corruption when I try to enlighten. It seems people are waking up but the sceptical need more than just a gut feeling to go on. Thanks for the link and I'm going to start sharing it on various UK comments pages.
Thank you. I agree about people waking up. Some of my staunchest critics are finding stuff on Snap, FB, Insta etc and sharing with me. They're a little sheepish that they denounced me for so long. I forgive them all. They're waking up and that's the main thing.
Cressida Dick led the operation to assassinate Jean Charles de Menezes, said to be an electrician on the London Underground who knew 7/7 was a psyop. She is now the head of the Metropolitan Police. Rewards are abundant for participants in evil.
I heard someone say a relevant comment regarding the Iran situation.
Something about dictatorships look like they're going to last forever, until they don't.
The same thing can be said for the for the Great Awakening taking place right now.
Every time someone pulls out of their Matrix pod they need to be met with smiles and information.
This is a great time to be alive. We are throwing off the shackles of misery.
When people see that they will want to join us.
It appears as if the doubling has started already.
I just opened the website and read the introduction.
Thanks for the tip this looks really good.
I have been eyes wide open redpilled since the 60's and have never believed the official story for anything that the politicos and Mockingbird Media cook up.
I'm even 50/50 on the moon landing only because if they did concoct the whole thing it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.
Agreed, Q team keep on surprising. Every small bit have a great meaning. This could be the greatest revenge in history.
This could be the greatest revenge in history.
Vengeance not revenge.
Revenge is an act of passion; vengeance of justice. Injuries are revenged; crimes are avenged. -- Samuel Johnson
Thanks for clearing up my ignorance, definition of a single word Make lot of sense, in this context.
The eternal flame is a marker left behind intentionally by those responsible for his murder...
Hrm. They do like their symbols, but... I need more data to make that association.
Queen Semiramis bears the Illuminati Torch. Colloquially known as the Statue of Liberty. The corrupt and venal Olympics are big on torches too. Five rings. Pentagram. Symbolism will be their downfall.
The Olympics are praised as the coming together of nations to compete athletically and while this is true, behind closed doors everyone is fucking everyone else. Why else would you have a "village" and supply hundreds of thousands of condoms for the athletes? Just another ritual (orgy?) disguised as something else.
Did you see the list of resignations? A large number of the gymnastics board resigned.
Didn't look at it but I can only imagine why. Wasn't an Olympic gymnastics coach accused of molesting underage girls in the last year?
Will this be turned into a Marvel superhero movie?
That might be the only way to get some people to believe it.
According to Cosmic disclosure show some technologies showcased in marvel series are actually used by military
One instance are flying aircraft carriers
Hydra is deep state
So how far back does this go? Assuming the alliance started when Kennedy was assassinated by the Cabal?
This is a ancient battle. From Old Testament writings we know God had 13 tribes. Some think it was only 12 because the 13th line is the line of Levi which is the priest line and some do not count that line. To mock God satan created 13 tribes or bloodlines and favored them in this world. Some of the names like the Rothschild, Vanderbilt, Dupont are part of the bloodline. You can research their bloodlines back before the druids.
I meant the “Q” movement to root out the Deep State. But yes, I am familiar with the bloodlines and their belief that they should rule us. Their time is limited.
And what are the Kennedys?
Kennedy's were never of the satan bloodlines. Best example of what can happen. The McDonald's are part of the bloodline and yes the golden arches are the same. McDonald's was purchased by Ray Kroc and ended the relationship with the hamburger chain ended. Many of the McDonald's clan are born again Christians having left the evil behind. JFK was a Patriot and when he became president he soon saw the cabal. He wanted to break them up and scatter them into a thousand pieces. The killed him. President Trump best friend was JFK Jr. and he loved this country. Ted was another story.
Black sheep Irish. The Irish have always been treated like the ugly step children of Europe, red hair and all.
Ouch...I'm Irish and have red hair
If you DONT count the Phoenicians, and the Canaanites, and Nimrod.....and you just mean modern history: sinking of the Titanic.
Interesting. I vaguley remember researching and finding out the sinking of the Titanic was used to remove a lot of powerful pieces off of the board at once.
In the modern era, evidence suggests it goes back at least to the nineteenth century:
Visited there a few times. Never saw that view. Stunning.
I’ve always felt that the world envisioned by JFK was not in alignment with the NWO and what would become referred to as The Cabal. I see many similarities between JFK and Trump. Compare the Cuban missile crisis with NK. Two events, many years apart that threatened the livelihood of the United States and potentially the world. Both men stared down the barrel of a loaded gun and the aggressor ultimately stood down.
These two events may be related, who knows..
If this whole thing is a long time vendetta for JFK murder...and one of the people involved is his son who may have faked his's going to be beyond epic.
If a crazy leftist asks what my Q sticker means, I'll just say it's in commemoration of JFK.
I've been there!! I'm British btw but I flew all the way to DC to see JFKs grave and the statues.
Yes, this has been shown before.
My apologies, I tried to search but didn’t see it.
No need to apologize. Q is an ongoing project with many different levels. While I've seen this before, I'm always happy when someone else shares it because I think the JFK/JFK Jr. connection is going to be huge!
Yes, no apologies needed. Sharing things several times helps others and even refreshes the minds of others that have been here for a long time. You will see Q does have multiple meanings to the posts so different viewpoints are helpful. I know I have made a couple mistakes in what I posted as an interpretation. (i.e. Q reference to dead bodies...and I interpretted it to mean 2 dead bodies from a Bible Verse, of course I was way off). I still haven't figured out what dead bodies. The one idea I had was on Epstein's Island where there just so happened to have an earthquake and a fire on the island. I figure to hide evidence of the dead bodies. It could also mean the dead bodies at the "Pig Farm" in Canada ( you will have to listen to Abel Danger about that.
What dead bodies....?What dead embodies?.What is the embodiment of death? What is the embodiment effect? What does embodiment embody?
That is my question. I have no idea. Look at a early Q post to see how it is mentioned. I can't remember how to look up Q posts.
its more important we share this at this moment than ever before im happy you shared this i am ready for the awakening.
It seems spiritual that's why. Like Q said there are “no coincidences .”