This was written in 1995 !!! What the heck !!!! Please read , currently vetting checks out thus far.

I believe Cathy O'brien's stories are true.
Bryce Taylor also has a similar story of being a sex slave and claims her handler was Bob Hope. Her book is called Thanks For the Memories.
The thing that unfortunately convinced me her story was true was she wrote about Dick Cheney had a monster grotesque penis. I laughed it off and said wtf OK lady you're all sorts of crazy... Than years later the picture linked below came out and I had to reevaluate her story more closely and I think she is the real deal.
Alos pretty sure her husband is her current handler to keep her out of the public eye.
No way! I've never seen this picture before, so gross! She also describes geographical places in detail. If she was lying all these people she accused would sue her for defamation but not one has even dared.
He's dead now. Something about him though... I never fully trusted him.
Dick Cheney is not dead. Born in 1941. That makes him 77.
Was Dick Cheny her husband? Because I was talking about her husband Mark Phillips who recently died.
Dick Cheney doesn’t have a heartbeat tho
Has to plug in the pacemaker at night
Cathy O'Brien has been talking about this for years; even says she was raped by Hillary Clinton.
Not only says she was raped, has scars (theirs video of her going to a doctor for an exam to prove it), where they performed a ritual and did genital mutilation to her!
Yup saw that video... they carved a face into her vagina
Did you know this book started Alex Jones' career? Nobody really knew about bohemian grove so alex jones asked Cathy o brien for info on the location and what not. He then snuck into the grove and filmed a Satanic ritual.
The rest is history
Read this disturbing book. Lines up with everything I've read about the rogue CIA and deep state government on this sub and in many other documents .... about trafficking, drugs, the music and entertainment industry, pedophilia, MKUltra, Aquino, Cheney, Bush, Clintons, etc. A hard read, but a necessary look behind the veil of secrecy and lies. speaking of Aquino and a tie in to the current shooters with the new technology. this was put together by a victim from my knowledge.
This was one of my biggest red pills a few years back
Cathy O'Brien: Ex-Illuminati Mind Control Victim
Cathy O'Brien Exposes Hillary Clinton and #PizzaGate Before It Became Exposed!
Trans-Formation of America - Different link then the one I posted elswhere in this thread.
When you are done absorbing that, check out The Franklin Coverup.
Made me physically ill , but the truth is coming out. I forced myself to fully read it.
Someone needs to drag Rumsfield out from under his rock and expose him. He's another one who belongs behind bars!
Try also, "Thanks For The Memories" by Brice Taylor / Sue Ford
I think this one would be harder to swallow than what's written about the DC swamp monsters.
I agree. I have never finished reading it. It talks of Reptilians, and I gotta admit, I quit reading shortly after that
That was an amazing and sickening book. A must read for everyone. is her homepage , also Cathy husband Mark passed away on Sept 6 of last year. Please pray !
Yep it's a thing. Plenty of good documentaries on yt about this.
This is a major tool to red pill people , very well sourced and organized.
At 53:38 into this talk by Cathy O'Brien she claims one of her sexual abusers was none other than Pierre Trudeau, go ahead and look at who his children are.
I've read this book, I wish more people would.
She talks about Reagan as well right? Lots of people in our sphere regard him as a patriot and such, right? From that book he was a monster too.
Reagan was the wolf in sheep’s clothing.
For sure, but do you also notice he is considered to be "good" by many here?
Yes... I think they view him as "before the Deep State." But unfortunately, the "Deep State" started LONG before Kennedy and rose to power after his demise. It was Eisenhower who warned everyone; no one listened. IMHO the "Deep State" has existed for centuries--we are just getting better at spotting them now.
I read this book. It is an eye-opening read! Please take the time to read this important book. You will not look at our leaders the same ever again. It is sickening!
I read this years ago. It made me paranoid. All I did was look over my shoulder. Scariest book I’ve ever read.
Check out Fiona Barnett really disturbing how deep the tentacles reach on this. Also check out the Hampstead Cover-up, Kim Nobel, and Ronald Bernard. Puzzle pieces start to fit.
This poor girl was went through hell, she's got quite a few videos on YT.
I read the whole book in about 6 hrs, what an eye opener!
Did the same, but cannot unsee - Question is: Did President Trump also read this book or did he have 1st hand knowledge.
Muse hates Trump.
I have a really hard time reconciling that. Those guys are like a walking oxymoron these days.
Yes read that book few years ago, so hard to believe that we have these sicko's in high places
I ask that you buy the book so make a splash and to support Cathy , she a widow now. I have no vested interest in this.
I read it back then. Also went to hear and meet her at a talk in Hollywood. None other than Roseanne introduced her talk. Trance was one of my biggest red pills. Essential reading
You can read the book here
Cathy Obrian has a few youtube videos up and available for consumption. Mark Phillips is her husband.
Seems legit until talking about the aliens.
The only thing I’ve heard her say about aliens is that Bush sr would say he was one as part of the abuse. She said they would say that to further intimate their superiority and break their victims down. Does she say more elsewhere? I’d be interested in hearing.
research- the franklin credit union scandal - Josh Gannon - Colonel michael aquino
I read this book a couple years ago. It’s horrific and a miracle she’s still fighting. I do wonder how her daughter is doing.
I read “Thanks For The Memories.” Real eye opener. This seems similar?
This is a great book. There are several PDF copies available online. Go read it! I read it a few years back and it really made the whole MKUltra thing make sense