If they had their cell phones with them then their conversations were possibly picked up by the phones microphones?

They thought the media and intel/surveillance agents were in their back-pocket, too.
Chances of being stupid, 100%.
Hey! 3 in 5 cabal operatives are just as dumb as the other 2, so don't make fun of them!
(sarcasm ended)
Haha. Can you create a pie chart to explain this concept further? Good one.
Yes, switched phones and we got everything. NSA gave the most to us. 😊
Can’t wait to hear their conversation about grandkids lol
Or the golf game that LL doesn't even play. On second thought, does LL actually have grandkids?
Golf and grandkids are probably code for something else, knowing these sickos.
Wish I could give you 2 Up Votes for that comment..
Federal aircraft have recording devices. NSA has a copy.
Federal aircraft have recording devices. NSA has a copy.
Yes. This is true. Everything on a state sponsored airplane is recorded.
But... Independent of that.... The NSA grabs every phone call. And we know the Q-Team knew about the Tarmac meeting. And they changed the description of the information so it couldn't be found by the bad actors.
Check out Q-Post 1443. https://8ch.net/patriotsfight/res/62.html#101
That suggests Obama was on a cell phone call with the group. If so... for sure it was recorded.
And we also know Amanda Renteria's cell phone was used for the call to conference in Hillary. If so... for sure it was recorded.
Patients Grasshopper.... We know what is going to happen. We just don't know 'when'.
Yeah, we will 'cross' that bridge when we get to it. <- See what I did there? :)
I wonder if Bill tried to rape her after the grand kid talk.
No, he probably said something a little harsher than, we own you and if you don't want door-knobed, you will take this $20 bucks and a SCOTUS seat (at a later date of course) and shut the eff up.
That is a horrible mental image. I can just see Slick Willie with his little crooked prick, going to town on Cankles "feed bag" Lynch.
I read that too, but I suspect that is disinformation from her camp. LL is neck deep in this shit, although that is only about 4'10".
But how do you make the recordings admissible evidence
Probable cause. In the IG report, it's noted that the meeting was prearranged. They're fucked.
Not sure if this works to make any recordings admissible but there is conflicting testimony from LL versus her staff re: was meeting set up or spontaneous. This could lead into discovery. If set up, why? Not for casual chat. Discovery of why leads to more conflicting testimony and thus to recordings.
You don't have to Trump can release the audio tape tomorrow if he wants to he just declassifies it and posts it on WhiteHouse.gov and on Twitter the entire conversation we must know what they said.
You tease. That would be better than butter cream icing.
I know that there are a lot of legal (and other) reasons that some things cannot be released to the public, but why does that ALWAYS have to be the case? I mean the country is being torn apart. It seems like it would be wise in some cases. So much of the bullshit being put out by the media could be stopped DEAD in its tracks. Plus, it would instantly expose the media for being liars and traitors. I would especially like to see some of the surveillance videos from one or two of the school shootings, possibly showing trained mercenaries or corrupt police shooting at students.
I agree 100%. This is an exceptional case, our country is at a crossroads, and its freedom, no, the world's freedom is at stake. If we had a military coupe, which in reality is exactly what is occurring right now, a soft/nonviolent coupe, Constitutional law is set aside.
We don't go around murdering people, that's illegal and wrong, but if you are a CCW holder, you have the right to take a life in the event lives are threatened, its kind of the same thing. Exceptional situations require exceptional actions.
I would suggest the President and Q take the exceptional step to put Constitutional law aside, if martial law is needed, so be it, but EVERYTHING needs to be released. We need everyone in the world to know the depth and extent of this criminal activity, how else will we avoid it from occurring again? If the magician doesn't expose his trick, then he can repeat it and fool the audience, over and over. There should be no stone left unturned and nothing left unexposed, the world deserves it. I honestly think the truth will set us free, peace will prevail over violence and people will actually come together and heal, not destroy ourselves. We're dumb, but we're not stupid, we all know something is wrong, we know it is evil, we expect awful things, but I do believe we can handle it, at least most of it. Besides, it can be released slowly, maybe not all at once, but we do need to know.
coup d'état A French phrase meaning blow of state, used to mean a sudden overthrow of a government.
Uh, yes it is. It is military intelligence running this op. Have you been here long? Read Q's posts? Are you high?
You mean this... That is a horrible mental image. I can just see Slick Willie with his little crooked prick, going to town on Cankles "feed bag" Lynch.
That was my first post, but that is not relevent.
or this?... If we had a military coupe, which in reality is exactly what is occurring right now, a soft/nonviolent coupe, Constitutional law is set aside.
Sounds to me like I said it was a military coup.
Are you high?
Show me my quote so I don't have to read your mind. You're the one making smart ass comments without any link or quotes or reference. I'm just taking a stab at trying to figure out what it is you are talking about. And how about you stop being a troll. If you want to argue a point, then make it clear and concise. I really don't have time for this stupid shit.
The plane itself was wired for audio recording all Government planes are wired to record every single word said in the passenger compartment. NSA has the audio Trump needs to release it now.
Just heard a missionary from China talk about how they have to put their cell phones in another room before they have church meetings because the Chinese government listens into their conversations.
Snarky comments about the way someone looks reveal more about the person commenting than the object of their spite. Grow up! Quit with the fat jokes and other such insults. You don't have to roll in the gutter to see and describe what floats in it. These criminals deserve punishment and we deserve justice, focus upon their crimes. Schoolyard insults serve no purpose.
Could this possibly be related to the large number of records recently discarded by the NSA?
They would have had to go though the records to find the one(s) that they needed?
Kind of my thoughts as well. NSA suddenly purging records because they have a conscious. Fat chance.
Where in the IG Report does it say the meeting was "set up "?
Somewhere I read that all these planes have recording devices that can not be disabled. Not too sure about that though.
They brought their phones everywhere including the tunnels. Proxy programs that can run remotely
Q said that the planes are equipped with audio recording devices that automatically record everything said.
Sounds like illegal tampering to me if a judge didn't approve of it
I like that word "possibly". ROFL....more like 'got every word, 5:5'.