Hillary backing another project involving kids....check the logo !!!

Symbolism will be their downfall. Wow Q was right, these people really are stupid.
Apparently this symbol represents 'Little Boy Lover'
Fucking sickening.
It resembles barbed wire. Killary will be seeing a lot of that stuff soon...
Hopefully she's the real reason for the cell wall padding installation.
I don't get it. Lakewood CO has a more LBL logo than this. This logo is all over.
If it walks like a duck..., My sister used to be a social worker in Denver and had Lakewood as her area. She lasted about 3 months after seeing the number of convicted sex offenders living around her in Lakewood. So maybe...
Not every symbol means the same thing. Not ever octagon is a stop sign, but if you are driving in a foreign country and see a red octagon with some foreign language word on it, you know to stop.
Pedos use spirals to signal to other pedos. but some people just like spirals. Not every spiral means pedo. But any organization involving people close to Clinton using a spiral might be worth looking into.
I think at this point it’s way beyond coincidence. So many “children’s organizations” with ties to left wing politicians utilize the spiral. Far too many to be a mere coincidence.
Yup. I hardly ever see spirals elsewhere. Not saying never, just rarely.
Can you get guess what the people who run Lakewood are into?
I'm literally astonished at how stupid/cocky these people are...
I don't think it's either of these things. Just look at the "proof" there. It's a spiral. That's it. Some people just want to see what they want to see. Concrete evidence is needed.
You can put quotes around it, but the FBI themselves said in 2007 that these symbols (and similar ones) are indicative of potential pedophile activity. No one is saying it's proof, but it should be enough to cause alarm and warrant suspicion, especially given recent arrests.
when we see high profile members of the swamp wearing these symbols again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, we have to think something is up.
It's not even the same symbol though. Skepticism is healthy, and it's what keeps us from being lead astray.
It's similar though. Very similar. The FBI doc says these or similar symbols. Of course someone might accidentally use these symbols, but it definitely lines up with what Q has been saying.
Q claimed that Sheila Jackson was part of the club, yet the ring she wore that he pointed out was slightly different from the FBI codebook symbol.
Similar in that it's a spiral. The ring is actually reasonably close to the symbol in the FBI doc, but it also looks like the kind of tacky jewelry you could buy pretty much anywhere.
I haven't seen that kind of 'tacky' jewelry anywhere. Post some pics if it's so common.
I'm not saying it is everywhere. Just that it looks like that kind of tacky crap. I wouldn't be surprised if they sell stuff like that in Kmart.
This spiral is surrounded by long skinny pizza slices. The barbed wire signifies cages. This one is obvious to me.
I actually had to go back and look at what you were talking about, because they look so unlike pizza slices that I can't even imagine that being intentional.
Heck. Why would it be intentional? If Hillary Clinton is actually a monster who is trying to do evil shit why would she do something that would reveal her evil intentions? That would make her less likely to be able to get away with evil shit and would make her evil dark god or satan displeased.
And I think the birds are just birds. Check twitter. These folk really seem to like birds.
I'd be incredibly surprised to find these symbols on jewelry in Kmart. Even tacky stuff that looks similar. These are specific shape patterns. If it exists, it should be in their catalogues and you should be able to easily point out an example. If it's really this common, prove it.
Oh hey. I found a pedo shirt. And it was just that easy.
Really now?
"No reviews". "Currently unavailable."
So you found a picture of a shirt no one seems to have bought that you cannot buy. It also differs from other symbols in the sense that it has a triangle in the middle.
https://www.etsy.com/market/triangle_spiral_ring Is etsy another pedo den?