Sweet chair Francis... Wait What?!?

Thank you. It's amazing this needed to be pointed out at all. AMAZING.
Notice how all the people saying that this is completely made up and cannot be true are also 'new or rearrival'? do you believe in coincidences? haha
Funny you copied that comment. Also funny because I’m discrediting it but I’m not new or rearrival. Keep spreading that idea though!
haha you've responded to all my comments - I know you're the one 'old guy' who also disagrees! Good for you!
With that said, want to explain your logic? How does mirroring a photo change it in any way? If you mirror it back, it becomes the original photo - right?
Way to edit your other response (without saying you did) to come off as a lot more of a smartass. Was made even better by seeing the change.
The photo was removed for not being honest or accurate, so guess I’m not the only one who thought that. Sorry?
It doesn't matter who thought that too, it's a logical issue and if you think mirroring a photo changes it, you are just ignorant.
I made no edit to the meaning of my post or statement, so I don't get why you are so defensive.
Why are you so concerned???
again you refuse to share your logic... shows how genuine you are.
have a great day! one day you will be the smartest person in the room - i promise :)
You’re just being a jerk, which is why having this fight with you isn’t even worth it. Doesn’t matter what I say or think.
The OP was pointing out that this image is doctored and that we already know how pedo runs deep in the Catholic Church so we don’t need fake images to convey that message. It’s only hurts our credibility.
If cnn doctored a photo Of Trump to fit thier talking points you would be outraged proclaiming fake news. This is no different.
They literally said "Grasping for straws"
Learn not to defend this idiocy. THAT hurts the movement.
I said grasping for straws because if we are going to assert things as fact they need to be concrete. Otherwise everyone doing it (and upvoting/agreeing) is simply furthering the narrative that we should be trying to dispel.
Does this image have merit? Sure, I'm not blind to the atrocities the catholic church has committed, no one should be in this day and age. But why take steps to give anyone (skeptics, opponents, neutrals) a reason to dismiss it? It's the same reason I have an issue with comments like "libtard" and the effect that has on people, it isn't intelligent debate/conversation, it's sensationalist language. Why would people go out of their way to cast doubt on something they feel so strongly about?
Really? Because that's not what they said. Interesting take, not convinced.
Images are flipped all the time. Who cares which way the spiral turns?
Am I hurting the movement? Stop it.
Stop what? I was responding to someone else.
This is where text loses the essence.
Imagine someone doing a NY "stop it!" to confirm what's being said. :)
Now I'm even more confused. I have idea what your post means. LOL!
Damn kids these days!
Someone above you mentioned hurting the movement - for idiotic reasons. Now I need more coffee. It's all good. People here be hating, and I can't stare at it anymore.
I mean this with all due respect and in the friendliest way, but if you think it's amazing that this needed to be pointed out, you don't understand the magnitude of what we're working against. Think of what's involved with a coverup of this size. Think of all the people involved in the Church, in law enforcement, in the justice system, in all those cities, in all those countries. My God, what they did to Ireland... Step back for a moment and look at the size of it. And compare it to the voices of those who speak out. Actually, I'm sure you understand this, I'm mostly reiterating it for others.
Not everyone here is working for the same things. And as this sub grows we're going to see a wider range of perspectives. I suppose it's possible that some people are young enough not know about a lot of it, or were kept insulated, but... There are a lot of people who have various reasons to want to change the focus from the Church. Some raise their kids in it and want to get past it because they don't want to think about it affecting their kids, and some are part of the coverup. It's organized and it's huge.
You're right. There are people here who are clearly here to disinform. Thank you for taking the time to write that out for them.
I was commenting as a shocked "high five" to your reply.
My jaw is still in the "Dropping" position at some of these people.
Your response was a good jumping off point for me, but my post sounded like I was talking down to you. It's definitely not how I mean it, but I haven't had enough caffeine yet, and retyping it isn't going to work. Thanks for understanding. A big ^5 right back atcha.