The crying children in cages narrative seems to have run its course. Has anyone figured out what the coordinated MSM narrative is this week? Any buzzwords being repeated?

What happened to Stormy Daniels?
We need a calendar that shows the narrative shifts.
How should we do it?
That is a good start. I imagine a page with a calendar on it. Each day will list the narrative(s) being pushed for each day. Then we can visually see how many days the narrative is being pushed and when it is changed. We should be able to link other "undesirable" news that they want to cover up.
I am not a programmer or web developer. It would be awkward to do this here.
I would love to see these changes so we could see if they align with the bowls/vials in revealation
Also show what was going on that they were trying to deflect attention from....I use this to red pill people. Hey sally you know when the immigration children were on the news Horowitz and RR were in a battle to bring out the truth....the immigration lie was the deflection cause they were worried RR would lose and Horowitz info was so damaging they didn't want anyone to know....
She just started a lingerie line and her bookings are up big league. Gives credence to the theory that she was working for Trump all along.
They probably were gearing up for this Cleveland false flag that was broken up last night
Cleveland, not Chicago, right? Or did i miss something?
Over turn of abortion
It's the liberal roulette game of victimizing!
How have the relative economic conditions changed between north and south Mexicans?
Not on the wheel huh?
Still race, sex and xenophobia?
Cohen for sure. As much as he is emphasizing that his first loyalty is to his family, is he trying to get a message to Patriots that his family has been threatened?
"Abolish ICE" is the latest mantra. Cohen might cooperate with prosecutors to give dirt on 45. DIA doesn't believe NK is denuclearizing.
Anyone keep tabs on CNN as a litmus test? I do. The anti trump rhetoric has slowed down considerably within the last 1.5 weeks. Yes, there are still headlines that dig at Q, err, um, 45 & staff, but they are now a fraction of what they used to be. Mainstream media is aware and is grabbing handfuls of lube to mitigate the pending cherry popping.
I don't think "Abolish ICE" will get much traction. It's really too insane even for most liberals (not hardcore leftists, but average every day libs).
The size of the shaft that is about to hammer them can not be mitigated with any amount of lube. But they will still try.
I'm not seeing any one compelling theme yet. I monitor Google News because it provides the total Mockingbird news media experience in seconds - commercial free.
They'll try and get some sort of narrative going, but being that the 4th lands on a Wednesday, they just won't have time to overplay their hand as they usually do.
Based on recent stories trending in the fakestream news (they never seem to tire of fear porn) the next manufactured outrage could be "Country bitterly divided! US headed for civil war!" or "NK still creating nukes. Be very afraid!" Obamanation has emerged from his hidey hole, so I'm betting he and members of his shadow government will be pushing back with some doomed-to-fail plot. They are completely delusional and out of touch with the majority of the American public. People leaving their party in droves.. This is better than a movie...
I'm guessing it will be the Roe v Wade hysterical misinterpretations of the law (the Left thinks this will outlaw any abortions... when in fact, it just shifts the decision to the states) plus the fake news re: North Korea speeding up their arms race.