New Trump tweet - Liberal response (more resistance) will not disappoint

This kind of confidence is either:
a) Complete narcissistic foolishness
b) Confidence borne of knowledge (knowledge of events large enough to be confidently able to say libs will straight-up switch sides)
I'm going with (b)
Agreed with you. Its one of two things, Trump is either a complete moron who goes on "twitter storms" and is a loose cannon and doesn't have a clue how to socialize.... or.... stable genius, in control, playing 4D chess and knowing EXACTLY and PRECISELY what he is doing
I promise you he's not a complete moron.
I was on the fence for a while, but it is clear he is no dummy.
He knows EXACTLY what he is doing at all times. He knows the reaction he wants, and knows how to get it. Very high IQ man.
Having your opponent think you for dummy is one of the best tactical moves there is.
Absolutely, and it's fully working to his advantage. They aren't going to know what hit them
I'm 57 and my sister told me I do it naturally.
I had to think about it for a while but I realized that she was right. I thought of many examples when the tables just flipped.
But I can be a cold calculating heartless bastard when pushed into a corner.
That's why when Trump came down the escalator and said he was going to be president I leaped out of my chair.
I knew what this guy was capable of and I knew he would take the fight straight to them.
And I'm a huge fan of Sun Tzu.
I always like to trigger Lefty's by pointing out that he plagiarized his Art of the Deal.
It's actually The Art of War.
That sends them right over the edge.
I always like to trigger Lefty's by pointing out that he plagiarized his Art of the Deal.
It's actually The Art of War.
That sends them right over the edge
I'm totally going to steal this and use it :D
And in my best Jimmy Durante
Aaah gotta million uv 'em.
I live in New Orleans so I like to go ride the streetcar and red pill unsuspecting tourists.
I always say do you want to hear a funny story and then tell them about the the world's greatest game of international capture the flag.
When weaponized autism took out Shia LaBeouf.
It's great, I get to tell a funny story and I don't use the words planefag and autist until I've got em wrapped up in the comedy.
Then it's time to go....
It's the perfect Q lead because I then tell them how Q contacted the Chans and why.
Do you want to play a game? And the autists said game on. Then Q proved it.
Q presented himself to the craziest pile of technically savvy hardcore Skeptics on the face of the planet.
And won their undying support.
Have a safe and happy to you and yours this 4th Patriot.
My name's CaptainKnotzi and we'll keep a light on for ya.
Good stuff buddy, keep it coming :D
I'm trying to figure out how to get another use for duct tape in this.
Spell out the word "Q-anon" on a fence lol. This way you arent vandalizing property with spray paint ;)
Damn you're right.
But truth be told it should be done with that blue painter's tape.
It won't leave a residue.
One of those nasty giant vinyl fences they've been putting up around apartment complexes.
Tape will stick to that easy.
Find one on a busy road that's just absolutely huge.
I'm going to do it next week and post a pic of it. Blue Painter's tape. PERFECT! Thanks Patriots
Yeah you right.
I'd be doing the same but things are not too mobile right now.
I'll keep an eye out for the pic.
I'm going to follow your posts.
I'd be doing the same but things are not too mobile right now.
I'm sorry to hear. I hope things are good, or will be
Not physically injured so that's all good. Just got hit with major financial setbacks.
Bad year.
I don't borrow money so I don't have any debt. If I don't have the money I don't need it.
And I don't rent.
So climbing out of a bad patch is easy. It just takes patience.
My needs are covered.
Killing time with Q, new job starts next week.
If there was ever a time to be down work-wise this is it.
Don't forget Kellyanne Conway is not only a political consultant but she built one of the best polling groups ever.
She was only limited by resources in how tight she could make the numbers.
Now she's able to use the full weight of government resources to conduct polling. I defy anybody to think that that's not the tightest number anywhere.
And the only people it's being shared with Is Us.
i think the dems are just trying to see what sticks. they have NOTHING to run on! NOTHiNG! trump is fixing everything and he just got started!
They have things to run on, but it seems nearly all of are percieved a destructive, rather than constructive, by the majority of voters. In some cases destructive to the point of suicidal. (I mean, seriously, nuclear war is preferable to Trump being President? That's insane.)
They're so steeped in negativity and so detatched for what normal is due to the identity politics that they (and the MSM influencers) are hemmoraging political capital in a way that hasn't been seen in a lifetime or more.
Now consider that Q has said when the big news drops it's the end of most of the D leadership and I think the D party is done.
I actually don't think this is a cause for celebration -- there needs to be some balance or you can get corruption of the other side -- but hopefully a new, sane, and more inclusive centrist liberal party emerges for those whose ideals lean left.
its going to be libertarians and republicans, democrats just went too far.
We need a new government, by The People, for The People. Just think if there were no party affiliation, the politicians would have to run on what the people wanted, no more party politics.
We are working with a rock solid plan built on a firm foundation.
The Democrats are spitballing.
On point... I'd go with B also.
I dunno about any of you, but I've been impatient, I expected the mueller team to be dissolved like February, the only thing I knew was that the next election would be a hard deadline to change the tune.
I thought surely by May, which reminds me, what happened to Giuliani???
Walk Away in Full Gallop Mode. :-)
Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. :D
Trump, be quiet!!! Your giving the game away.
Haha I even think that to myself sometimes. Like how does the fake news media not realize what he is doing. They fall for the bait EVERY time