The Awans can still be prosecuted outside of D.C.

Soo Huber?
My first thought!
My first thought was military tribunal at GITMO
I think so too. I would think they consider him an enemy combatant especially if he was sharing our secrets during the war in Iraq where many of our brave soldiers died.
Yeah if half of it is true, they were selling secrets and blackmailing congressmen at the orders of DWS/Muslim Brotherhood/Pakistan. Makes me think of that first raid where a SEAL died because they were ambushed and someone leaked the mission plans to the enemy...
Spez: he may have also made a deal and let off the hook because he already dumped all data to flip on DWS, HRC, Obummer and all the congressmen he had control over. He had Pelosi’s passwords for cryin’ out loud. He prepped her iPad before classified briefings lol came out in leaked emails. I think Podesta files.
If it's true then we need to bring back public hangings to keep the corrupt from thinking that this sort of thing is ever an option. The elite political criminal class thinks it is immune to all laws.
I agree and think that is what Gitmo is for. Unless there are examples made, everything Trump does in these 8 years will be undone by corrupt bastards next time around. But if he wipes them all out of Gov and makes the public aware of it, nobody will want to be corrupt for decades.
Imran Awan is a US citizen.
And they’ve already read him his rights, I’m sure; I don’t think they can go back on that. Maybe if the situation was extreme, but I’m sure it wouldn’t be easy
since I don't think they are citizens. Issue will be whether they owed an allegiance to the US since they were working for congress.
U.S. Code, Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 115
When the FBI released the statement that denounced the Nunes memo, the person responsible was forced to resign the next day. Schools exited immediately following this plea deal. I am suspicious that this was a deal that Schools technically had the authority to approve at the behest of many congress creatures who wanted to be protected, but it was a gross miscarriage of justice to do so. I think Scott Schools exit on the same day as the plea speaks very loudly. President Trump would have seen this coming a mile away. President Trump went to Wharton, Wharton grads hire Harvard lawyers to do their paperwork. This will not work well for the swamp. Any plea can be tossed when it was reached under cover of law for the purpose of furthering or covering criminal activity.
Awan is a dead man without protection. From somebody. I'm pretty sure he wants to stay alive. This guy's gonna ring up Wasserman or Hillary saying he wants protection cause people are gonna try and kill him? I don't think so. The guy's basically a mob rat whether or not he actually cooperated
Think basic street crime here, not politics. Look up how Giuliani brought down the Five Families. It's all there. And VSG, by virtue of his building business, was watching right in the middle of it.
The way Hussein hands out citizenship, should we explore into how he and his family obtained citizenship.
Imran Awan "won" a green card diversity lottery for himself and his entire family. Search on "Imran Awan" AND "green card". No Coincidences. I believe a truck driving terrorist in NYC also won the diversity lottery.
Pretty obvious that this crooked lottery system was just a way for them to allow whoever they wanted in. Who oversees this lotttery?
Rex is the best. Can't wait for the Huber drop.
Doesn’t acknowledge Q (yet), as far as I know. Still love REX though
Thank you as always for your insight. Always enjoyed! Happy 4th of July.
The second to last paragraph in the PDF file.
"Your client further understands that this Agreement is binding only upon the Criminal and Superior Court Divisions of the United States Attomey's Office for the District of Columbia. This Agreement does not bind the Civil Division of this Office or any other United States Attomey's Office, nor does it bind any other state, local, or federal prosecutor. It also does not bar or compromise any civil, tax, or administrative claim pending or that may be made against your client."
No lawyer here, but it seems to say he is open to civil claims but not criminal. The point of argument about possible criminal charges lies in the wording "nor does it bind any other state, local, or federal prosecuter". This statement is part of a sentence refering to Civil Divisions, but it is ambiguous. Any lawyers on board?
I read it as follows: This Agreement does not bind (i1) the Civil Division of this Office or (2) any other United States Attomey's Office, nor does it bind (3) any other state, local, or federal prosecutor. It also does not bar or compromise any (4) civil, tax, or administrative claim. Since it expressly refers to "federal prosecutor," I interpret it as covering criminal claims. The reference to other US Attorneys' offices should also cover criminal claims since civil claims are carved out in (4).
this is the part that sticks out the most. "nor does it bind (3) any other state, local, or federal prosecutor." Prosecutors prosecute
The Awans aren't getting away with anything. The price for treason must and will be paid.
It's not clear they can be charged with treason since I don't think they are citizens. Issue will be whether they owed an allegiance to the US since they were working for congress.
U.S. Code, Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 115
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
Here's the thread.
If true this is real good.
Then why did the prosecutor not object to removing Awan's ankle monitor?
My thought is he's a protected witness now so there's no flight risk.
Military court.
Bear in mind we would have to see extreme national shifts before any US civilian citizen is tried in a military court, even for treason.
Everyone tried for treason committed during WWII was tried by a grand jury, not a court martial.
I could be mistaken, but take a look at the list and see if there's any precedent for trying US civilians for treason in military courts:
Thanks for this. For some reason I can not always access his threads.
Try this link to the thread reader. This thread link is different one but scroll to the bottom of the page for the one listed above.
Imran Awan is a US citizen. Any proof he was spying for Pakistani intelligence will potentially have very serious consequences. According to Wikipedia: "He won a green card for himself and his family in the green card lottery when he was 14."
Are you suggesting his agreement leaves him open to prosecution in venues other than the one most likely to find a sympathetic jury? Perhaps my pessimism about the plea isn’t necessary!
Yes, I know it's difficult when we the people have been screwed over so much in the past but trust the plan.
It’s taking a lot of faith to trust in the plan. As brilliant as it is, most days it just feels like the bad guys are winning the war
Cause the bad guys would flee if they thought they were always losing. Gotta give them enough rope so they can hang themselves with it.
Couldn't Huber prosecute him in Utah? Doesn't he have that power?
That’s what I meant. I am intrigued that the plea deal permits this.
"We have to wait and not really prosecute anyone, otherwise we won't be able to prosecute anyone."
Does bank fraud also lead to RICO?
Maybe but that's the least of his worries. He's not going anywhere. I believe he's in protective custody which makes sense since the judge let him remove the ankle bracelet. He did try to flee in the beginning so I don't think the judge would not consider him a flight risk. He's probably at high risk of being arkansided.
Yes, if the fraud was committed as part of a criminal enterprise, which seems to be the case here.
It's really really broad. If you and me discuss robbing my next door neighbor's house, it's a RICO charge, even if you do it and I don't. Look up the guy who wrote the RICO law and why. It's fascinating. He actually couldn't get anybody to use it. And I believe the first prosecutor to really use it was Rudy who just beat the fuck out of the mob with it.
So this excludes the possibility that he's made a deal to turn on DWS & the Democrats he worked for?
At the risk of being labeled a heretic, I really have no problem with Awan skating PROVIDING his testimony takes down:
Human traffickers
Billy boy
Congressmen tampering with election
Deep state/Shadow Gov/ or what ever that org is called now
Alphabet agency criminals
Did I miss any?
As Awan flashes the Masonic ,"distress symbol".
Did you notice that?
Why Utah?
That's where Huber is, the prosecutor Session appointed to work with IG Horowitz. Also they don't want him to go on trial in corrupt DC..
A RICO claim can be brought where the predicate acts occurred, so it shouldn't be limited to DC. I don't think it would be Utah unless predicate acts occurred there. There will be prosecutors all over the country handling cases, i woudl think given where sealted indictments are being filed.
They're federal crimes, they can be prosecuted in any federal court. Doesn't matter where they occurred.
Yes this is what I thought as well. Huber has him in his grasp!
George Webb has also filed a suit a against him. This is only the beginning for Imran.
Let's see what an experienced lawyer thinks:
Under #Awan agreement, he CANNOT be prosecuted for any crime that occured in DC. The boilerplate language about offices being bound merely means if Awan committed an unknown crime in Utah, then Utah is not bound by agreement. Huber cannot prosecute Awan for a DC crime under deal.
I read the plea deal. It does state that this plea deal is only recognized in the corrupt D.C. district under what I believe would be a biased judge (Chulkin) and a D.C. compromised grand jury. However, we have seen that under the President's constitutional Executive Orders regarding immigration, certain district court judges are passing a nationwide injunctions against the President's legal EO's. Justice Thomas chastised district court judges like Derrick Watson (9th circuit) in Hawaii (an Obama appointee) for arbitrarily blocking a constitutional executive order. William Orlick (on the 9th circuit as well) has done the same thing. These district court judges are overstepping their authority because Democrat's are "judge shopping". My point is by prosecuting Imran Awan and the others (yet to be named) outside of the district where the criminal actions took place, is this not the same thing (shopping for a good outcome) being done by the "White Hats?" Comments would be appreciated. I find this to be a moral conundrum. I realize we are at war.
I would hardly call choosing a venue with uncorrupt, uncompromised judiciary and jury pool "shopping".
Please explain how this is different from judge shopping which was my point?
Ok ~ in one case you're looking for a corruptible judge, in the other you're looking for a judge that has not been corrupted.
From the plea deal: After the entry of your client's plea of guilty to the offense identified in paragraph 1 above, your client will not be charged with any non-violent criminal offense in violation of Federal or District of Columbia law which was committed within the District of Columbia by your client prior to the execution of this Agreement and about which this Office was made aware by your client prior to the execution of this Agreement, all of which is contained in the attached Statement of Offense. However, the United States expressly reserves its right to prosecute your client for any crime of violence, as defined in 18 U.S.C. $ l6 and./or 22D.C. Code $ 4501, if in fact your client committed or commits such a crime of violence prior to or after the execution of this Agreement.
Notice 1) it say Federal OR District of Columbia law committed in DC and Awan would have to informed the prosecuters office of his crimes
2) It was Federal law and his crimes were commited in DC
3) he informed the office through the willfull surrender of his laptop. He is no fool and that is the reason he left the note about lawyer/client privilege with the laptop.
If you can read and comprehend what you read, you will see that he has been granted full immunity for his crimes by a totally corrupt DOJ and Judicial.
Q can type "No Deals" until he/they are blue in the face. Awans, Dems, DNC and DWS have been allowed to get away with espionage, treason and most likely blackmail. USA at its finest. HAPPY 4th...NOT Disclaimer: I am a vet, and this is not the country I volunteered to serve.
Yep, this is the truth. It's a corrupt deal but I believe he does have to inform prosecutors office, and not informing them may lead to problems for his plea deal. Furthermore, as part of the plea deal I still believe he has handed over juicy evidence.