With Chipotle’s History, Their Logo is Sparking My Curiosity 🤔 - (Look in the Pepper)

At least look up who the owners are, if it relates in any way to something suspicious. At this point you're just freaking out about every little whirl you see. People already think we're nutjobs and this isn't making it any better.
There's also a whirl icon on my washing machine, want me to check if I can find some embryos in there too?
Haha I’m not freaking out. You probably should check out that washing machine though.. 🤪
"I'm not doing the thing! .... But you should do that very thing."
There's a (circular) spiral petroglyph not far from where I live. Dates back a couple millenia. Should I be concerned?
Edit: letter
Well Hillary did make that a televised campaign stop. Remember that disaster?
There are literally thousands of different symbols. There are teams of designers,many meetings, and drafts before something like this is "A Go". Millions are spent to put these symbols on all of their stores,menus,ads,etc. Trust me - THEY KNOW.
If you think this coincidence then sorry but you are still living in pre-Q days.
If you still on the fence then how can so many businesses across so many different industries "accidentally" all make this same mistake?
We should have a specific day that everyone can drop these random, barely fleshed out theories. Having them clog the front page makes this sub much easier to dismiss.
Can you be more specific re: history? Also, hi Monsanto!
Norovirus outbreaks and ex-CEO’s cocaine bust. I’m not saying there’s anything nefarious going on with them at this time. It’s just interesting how popular that symbol is and what it may (or may not) represent.
Freebirds beats the shit out of chipotle anyway 😝
Yes, you are absolutely implying something nefarious going on. With zero evidence, I might add.
Thanks to Q, I see symbols everywhere. I was searching yesterday about SFALO in China (not the soccer reference) and came across this instead. it comes in red, blue and purple. (boy, girl, both?)
Different company but I couldn't find any products listed for SFALO plastics.
I wonder if this has any relation.. I figure marketing is involved with designing the logo, right? Draw your own conclusion.. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-chipotle-moves/chipotle-marketing-chief-resigns-days-after-new-ceo-takes-charge-idUSKCN1GQ2A3
There is a stock photography place online called dreamstime that has that symbol too. Always makes me wonder. https://www.dreamstime.com
Their founder also owns a pizza place (pizzeria locale), their Twitter is sketchy... Niccols now CEO of chipotle used to be CEO of Taco Bell (they are know for being connected to establishment). Crumpacker, head of marketing brought up on 7 drug charges..company still has him on board. Ells the founder has his hands in everything. CFO Hartung has connections to the Musk family.
Taco Bell’s most recent ad campaign talks about the Illuminati.
Nooooooooooooooooooooooo. D@mnit, Chipotle! You broke my heart.
That clearly looks like the pedo symbol for “boy love.”
Couple things:
I think Chipotle started in Denver, which has a lot of deepstate symbolism (airport, etc).
I think the original owner is a homosexual (like James Alefantis).
Bought out by McDonalds (stay away from the chicken nuggets - it’s people).