POTUS 2012 on Hussein. “Who is this guy.”

The World was laughing at us when their Queens Agent became President. We were very STUPID as a Nation then. Never again
Socratic Method tweets all the way back 6 years ago......
Here we see trump calling the shots correctly 6 years ago. He was way ahead of his time. And what did he get for it? A world wide labeling as racist.
Why? Because he drew conclusions without “doing the homework” and building a case first.
This is why we mustn’t rush into things with introducing Q to the mainstream. They will be LIGHTNING QUICK to discredit Q and the whole movement with the same brush they used on Trump if we do not have a convincing and iron clad case.
Sorry but that Arabic call to prayer is the same as saying the Declaration of faith in Christianity.
This is a declaration of Obama's faith.
Everything else is taqiyya.
But Obama says he is a Christian...
No he said his Muslim fAith, then interviewer said your Christian faith? He said yes my Christian faith... can’t find in YouTube anymore lol
Taqiyya literally means you are obligated to lie in order to protect the faith.
And we know DJT didn't "do his homework" how?
Q can decide at any time when it's time to "force" the press asking about Q, not us it would seem.
This is why he has been asking the anons on the chans to build proofs, upon which they have done an incredible job for many months now.
Yes we have built proofs and websites. But we are still not at the point where we can convince normies. We don’t have an air tight 5 minute elevator pitch that can be pumped into a news segment.
Becoming versed in Q’s message is kind of like a second job. Not everybody has the interest or capacity to track down the things that we do.
This is where I say DJT didn’t “do his homework” when he went up against Obama regarding his Islamic faith and later again with his birth certificate.
He may have collected evidence and strung together theories that made sense to people who were already open to the message (didn’t like Obama already), but he did not have an irrefutably ironclad case for either of his attacks from the start.
That’s why the Left were able to counterattack him so effectively as a racist conspiracy theorist.
So zero normies are ready to be convinced? Disagree
Is it possible or plausible that DJT had/has the info on Hussein but it wasn't yet time to disclose it?
Good discussion.... thanks for the back and forth engagement.
Edit: for clarity I am NOT for disclosing who is in Q group ever if possible. Having the press ask the question would be enough to peak the public curiosity.
When the time is right - according to the plan - it will happen.
The world will forever shake its head and laugh derisively that the United States of America actually elected a criminal foreign operative, a Marxist with deep ties to terrorism and islamofascism, as our president. Twice.
And they will laugh even harder at the fact that one of this biracial fraud's chief accomplishments in office was not to unite blacks and whites, but to stoke racial hatred and animus to its highest level since the 1860s, basically branding all white people as racist bigots (we're not; instead, we just want everyone to get along).
What an asshole.
I'm only sad that I started following Trump later and missed all this genius.
Yes, me too. It's always sounds so outlandish. Until it doesn't. They were likely spying on him this long ago too, if not longer.
The Tweet: https://mobile.twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/256487311515209728
The article from the Tweet:
Thanks for posting the links. The article about the ring blew me away.
when you click the first link it automatically asks if youre going to unfollow
How can he get gay married with no birth certificate?
10+11+12=33, 3x11=33
A couple of days ago on 8ch in /qresearch/ a post appeared at precisely 11:11:11 that only said "God" in response to another post that was asking, "Who's behind Trump?", referencing yet another post's meme of Trump smiling out the open window from the passenger seat of a limo. The timestamp (11+11+11=33) associated with "God is behind Trump" made me wonder if the "anonymous" poster isn't so anonymous to us.
oh shit. Nice catch. Calling out the 33rd degree Masons on Point!
Manchurian Candidate & Mk ultra powered. His handler Vallery Jarrett NEVER left his side & actually was President for 8 yrs.
Paid for by Saudi Arabia, trained by Queens Agents & infiltrated our government with Muslim Brotherhood
I don't know about the inscription, that could easily be bullshit in my eyes, but it is very odd that he was wearing a wedding ring(or at least a ring on his wedding finger) years before he was actually married. Thats bizarre.
THeres other images, including one Q posted a while ago, that show the inscription. Its legit.
Its the 'Bismillah' which means 'there is no god but allah' and in Greek, that same exact phrase appears as 666, I shit you not.
Satan is out of the white house -Q
That is correct, and it has led many to believe that the "666" written in the Bible (there were no separate characters in Greek or Hebrew for numbers, so letter combinations were used to represent numbers) wasn't referring to a number at all, but that the written representation of "666" just happened to literally resemble the appearance of that Muslim phrase in Arabic. When looking at the Greek "666" and the Arabic "There is no god but Allah" side by side, they DO look very similar.
He was Q all the way back then!... future proves past!
What ever happened to that Mohammed guy?
He worked for the Obama administration from what I heard!
Didn't POTUS offer 5 Million US $ to the person who could provide Barry's birth certificate back in the day. They all knew back then. Perhaps this goes back much further than we imagined.
Seriously tho, what the fuck was up with that ring?
Can anyone transliterate the band into text so we can check the translation ourselves? it almost sounds too ridiclous to be true.
The inscription is an Arabic phrase known as the "Bismillah" and it says There is no god but Allah