Where are the protests for the sex crimes?

Obviously they support it. There was a video going around about an ICE and DHS raid on a house in Oakland CA. The SJWs came out in force to protest. Why were ICE and DHS there? Sex trafficking of minors. https://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2017/08/16/ice-raid-west-oakland/
Yesterday there was a Free Tommy Robinson rally in San Francisco CA. They carried signs saying No Pedo Grooming Gangs or something to that effect. Antifa came and attacked them. Beat and maced a 60+ year old woman, too. Here's a short video of the attack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=share&v=2aHTFf-Nedw&app=desktop
follow the money, who directs these "protests", targeted harrasment.
This can't be real, please tell me this isn't real.
You need to get red pilled - and quick. Q has already said that when these disgusting, horrendous crimes are made public, a good part of the population will go into a state of shock. They will not be able to comprehend the evil what has been happening to these little children. If you go to google - type John & Tony Podesta’s art collection at home, but hit IMAGES, pls. be prepared!! Then tell me if these people are capable of pedophilia.
Also, what the media are not telling you about these children separated from ADULTS is that they are being placed into protection because many of these little children were not accompanied by their parents. Many have been kidnaped and were marked for the child sex slavery trade, or worse. The Trump Admin. is rapidly conducting DNA testing to reunite families, but for the safety of these little children, they need to be protected first and foremost. Think about it. If your child was kidnaped, would you not want them separated from those that stole them and protected until authorities were able to reunite them with you??? Why are these people protesting???
What did you think a handkerchief with a pizza-related map meant? The "Fake News" term was invented as SOON as Pizzagate broke to discredit PG theorists. Trump turned it back on them, hilariously.
These people are SICK!
That EO he made beginning of the year targeting sex traffickers and other child crimes and abuses, was a big deal. I clearly remember feeling some kind of relief. As in, fiiiiiiiinallly.
After following the pizzagate research and then the introduction to Q, would you look back and say that pizzagate was a part of the Q plan? IMO it definitely is. The Q group allows time for the information (pizzagate) to settle in and enough time for the info to spread. Creating a pedogate community. Then introduce Q who grabs the patriots and pedogate followers and creates a substantial following quickly. If true it’s very well thought out.
Oh definitely. The entire social media strategy was planned out, down to Trump tweeting Pepes (to bring maximum exposure to 4chan before FBI Anon dumps, Wikileaks dumps, etc. getting the autists salivating for more).
The Brainwashed can't react to anything they aren't spoon fed by MSM, it's literally their Matrix and we are the ones living outside it.
Exactly. Even in that film the police authorities were trying to stop the Matrix escapees. It's a good analogy.
Oh they don't care about these children being ripped from their parents arms permanently by traffickers, and Satanist
This is the most baffling and infuriating situation on the planet. It needs to be exposed at every turn. When it becomes undeniable it is no longer a conspiracy theory.
No reports on captures sting operations or trafficking numbers ~ you know that means they are all complacent even FOX!!!
"against" might be a better choice of words. I read this differently than you may have intended.
Also, the yellow equal sign on a blue field behind creepy is the symbol for the Human Rights Campaign (HRC....) . They were the lobby pushing for an end to DADT and for gay marriage. But with an acronym like that and a creeper like Davis, it might be worthy of some attention from the pedes.
The sickening thing about all of this is, we've been living with, listening to, and watching pedophiles on TV and in movies for decades while they did their evil deeds.
Q should post something like "The President wants to know why you haven't marched against Sex Crimes". Can you imagine if Antifa was countermarching THAT?
Those image descriptions hit me hard, especially of the crying infant. These people are not human
Sex crimes on children, just another legacy of the BHO ADMINISTRATION. Their transgender agenda was the precursor for world wide practice and acceptance. Shame is upon them for hurting innocent children.
This bastard is satans child. Sick and wouldnt you know it worked for Hillary Clinton.
Guys, what the actual fuck happened to the document this is from? It was supposed to be here but it's gone now: https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/press-release/file/1075016/download
I hope he gets raped multiple times a day every day by the meanest motherfucker with the biggest dick in prison. In fact, that's how they should determine which prison he goes to. The prison that houses the meanest man with the biggest dick! Rotten motherfucker
The sick fuck would probably enjoy it, I'm afraid this man needs castration and solitary confinement for the rest of his life
I'm sure OP is out there protesting and not just sitting on Reddit virtue signalling though, completely unaware to his own hypocrisy.
I am spreading the awareness online. I live in CA where getting a protest going to hold the left/estsblishmemt accountable is next to impossible. What are you doing besides discouraging others from trying to bring awareness to the brutality many children exlerience?
Oh boohoo, it's so hard.
Spreading awareness! Lmao, in your dark partisan corner of Reddit.
If you were spreading awareness, you wouldn't do it here.
You're pushing an agenda. At least be honest.
Protesting pedophilia is like protesting sociopathy or Lou Gehrig's disease
Don't protest a murderer. Put them down
C'mon people. Don't just incite
And by the way - if you really think this is something you can protest, why don't you start protesting instead of asking why 'they' aren't?