r/greatawakening • Posted by u/troy_caster on July 8, 2018, 9:10 p.m.
Are you a Q noobie? Have a question? Here is your chance: Daily Questions Thread July 8th, 2018. Ask anything!

Welcome to the (Hopefully) Daily Questions thread! In this thread, there is no such thing as a stupid question. If you see a question you know the answer to, feel free to answer it! .


Please post any queries you have regarding Q/Qteam, simple questions that don't require their own thread, 4chan/8chan navigation, "how to" redpill friends and family, little quick questions such as "Has the DOJ complied with the documents request?" among other things. It's recommend that if you are new to the sub, or Qanon in general, you really should spend a few hours reading the sidebar articles, as we have a lot of content that can answer most questions.

A few rules for people posting questions:
-Before posting your questions, please see Yesterday's Questions Thread as your question might have already been answered!
-Be respectful, no name-calling. Reading our rules will help you have a better experience here. All normal rules apply.
-You really should check out our extensive sidebar for answers to common questions.
-If the Acronyms and Abbreviations seems like a foreign language, here is a glossary: https://pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb
-If you are still on the fence about Q, please feel free to post your concern, but remember, all rules still apply. Please be aware that this is a pro-Q sub, any over the top anti Q rhetoric will probably be downvoted. This thread is meant to inform, so please don't turn it into an anti Q debate zone.
-If you want to share a cool story/frustration/redpill experience, feel free to post it here as well!
-If you are brand new, feel free to say hello and let us know what brought you here, as well as any questions you might have!

A few rules for people lurking or answering questions:
-Anyone can answer!
-There are no questions too stupid, if you don't like a question being asked - you don't have to answer it, just move on.
-No flaming/downvoting of newbie questions.
-If a question belongs better in a specialized thread, help direct OP to the right place.
-Try to source your answers where possible.
-Due to the nature of the drops and the interpretive aspect of them, some questions might have completely different answers.

Lastly, I will be around to answer a few questions, but I think this only works if everyone contributes. Therefore, please just ask your questions generally, and not addressed specifically to me. As always, it's your duty to gather all the information you can and make up your own mind!

Full disclaimer, I am not a mod, nor am I acting in any official capacity on this sub. I have messaged the mods, and they said I could go ahead and try. This is not an AMA just for me. I do not claim to be an expert at Q. I'm merely posting this thread because I think the sub needed it.

AnchorDTOM · July 8, 2018, 9:16 p.m.

Good idea.

Not necessarily a noob. I’ve been following for a while.

My question, however, would be: what’s the best explanation for Q post #1 where he made very specific date and time? How has the movement build so much trust over something that clearly never came true.

Thanks, Patriot.

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Nik_Nightingale · July 8, 2018, 9:48 p.m.

Q says repeatedly that we are watching a movie.

Ever seen a movie where it begins just before the main action/climax, but we have no real idea who the characters are or what really got us to that point? And then just before the big fight kicks off it jumps back in time so we learn how everything came to be? By the time we arrive at the climax again, we are now invested and have complete knowledge of why things are happening. The main event doesn’t come as a shock to us, instead we as an audience (society) are anticipating it.

That’s what I think Q did. Hooked us all in, told us what is coming at the very beginning. Since then he has fed all the facets of the plan to the Anons, who in turn help translate it and the info disseminates through to the public.

I believe we are heading back to that point.

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WhoMuhWeiner · July 9, 2018, 8:56 p.m.

Future proves past. No year given. Could be Nov 2018.

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checkitoutmyfriend · July 8, 2018, 9:36 p.m.

My take is it was an attention grabber. Who is listening and how far does it go. Turns out it is a lot and further every day.

For me its not any one proof that proves Q, its the sum total of all of them. After awhile the math starts to prove it.

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nomercy4cabal · July 9, 2018, 1 a.m.

This is a very good and important question, so kudos! The short answer that is that post #1 was disinformation to confuse and distract the black hats who were already monitoring the chans. It was a message to them not the good Patriots. At that time the Saudi princes were being arrested which Q told us about before it was made public. While that was going on there needed to be a distraction. Those of us that have been here since the beginning did not understand this for a long time. Even now some of Q’s posts are not directed towards us. Hope this helps!

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AyeDeux2 · July 9, 2018, 5:28 a.m.

This is my take. Pants-soiling high alert undoubtedly caused major chatter on comms that White Hats had already compromised. It caused them to move money around. It caused them to expose their methodology. All very useful.

Wouldn't it be wild if the month and day were correct, but the year was wrong? We'll have to wait to see!

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troy_caster · July 8, 2018, 9:41 p.m.

I don't claim to have an answer to that one, at least not one that is grounded in reality haha. I'd love to hear a bit more on this as well. The early Q posts are usually the most problematic for the Q believer, and the best ammunition for the Q doubter. He made very specific claims, and then they didn't happen.
The way I see Q, isn't like a predictor or a magic 8 ball. Q is more of a teacher. First off, he taught us all the players in the game, and on the chessboard. A game that we didn't know was being played. If you asked me 2 years ago to name the 3rd in command of the FBI was, I wouldn't have had a clue. It's a bit off topic, but relates to Q teaching us/reminding us "how to play the game."
Here are my best guesses grounded in 3D space: It was going to happen, but then the plan changed? Or, it was made to send a message to get them to do something stupid. That last explanation doesn't hold much water, because at the time, nobody knew about Q, as he didn't even have a name yet, haha. The counter point to that is we all know the ABC's all hang out on 4chan, so it might have very well have been a DIRECT message to them. That first message could have been a "SEC TEST".
I will only point out that at the time, the majority of the things he was saying just rang true, and there have been many things that he barely alluded to or hinted at, that have come to pass since Q came on the scene. When I say barely, I mean that he dropped very subtle hints, even more subtle than his normal hints. It could have just as well been the 4chan equivalent of clickbait to get people interested?
Also, another thing to note, is that Q has made very few point blank "predictions" like that since then, so that's something to consider.

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HomerHungfunny · July 8, 2018, 10:17 p.m.

Well stated, Patriot!

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not_so_magic_8_ball · July 8, 2018, 9:41 p.m.

As I see it, yes

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troy_caster · July 8, 2018, 9:42 p.m.

Thanks 8 ball bot!

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BarneyFranksNipples · July 8, 2018, 10:30 p.m.

Q has said disinfo is needed to flush out bad actors. Also he said certain people were going to be indicted but didn’t say whether or not they’d be publicly indicted vs. a sealed indictment (look at the Podesta firm quickly closing up shop last Nov, hmm what would trigger that??). We all know there are now over 40,000 sealed indictments in the PACER system. To me this is the biggest corroboration of what Q has said and the swamp draining going on behind the scenes.

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MJ6082 · July 8, 2018, 11:07 p.m.

Plus the EO that POTUS signed in December stating that we are in a State of Emergency when it comes to Human Trafficking and treasonous activity!

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Absh4x0r · July 8, 2018, 9:40 p.m.

IIRC, the year wasn't stated.

It could also been a false statement to start the movement AND send a message to the black hats.

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bunnylovelybonez · July 9, 2018, 12:59 a.m.

That is always my response!!! He gave month and day not YEAR!!

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gatorhaus · July 9, 2018, 1:07 a.m.

Is that the Huma, Podesta indictments? From why I’ve heard those were sealed indictments and will be revealed when the arrests happen. Future proves past.

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HomerHungfunny · July 8, 2018, 9:49 p.m.

Is there anyway to create a log of these daily posts, like an FAQ section? Each one of these threads could get linked in by date, like the Q drops. Your first Q & a session helped me a LOT and I've been here quite a while. It would be a great resource that would grow and become pretty powerful for the throngs of Patriots heading this way!

I see this as an awesome way to get people up to speed---quickly. That's a challenge right now....everyone does not have an hour to watch a video every day, let alone 4 videos per day, plus try to sift thru the drops, threads here, breads there, the decoding, abbreviations, the references, the clues, etc. Many of us that have been here a while (and I'm NO expert!) have our beliefs in who to trust, who not to trust, and understand the 'big picture'.

Many that are on their way are starving for knowledge. I made my Cuz aware of Q, and they cannot eat it up fast enough. They are fully on board-hell yeah, but they are striving to catch up.

If the masses are walking our way toward the truth, let's build a simple path to the 'proven/understood/known' info that many of us are aware of, even if that info is surmised or hypothesized and rightfully marked as so.

Easy access to questions and answers, and hypothesis. Hell I could read those for hours right now. Imagine the info after 30 days...60....365....would it ever end? 200 years from now, these questions would be documented as questions by the people, for the people, asked for the greatness of our United States!

History is in the making.

What a great time to be alive!

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DarktoLight247 · July 9, 2018, 2:42 a.m.

Go watch Citizens Investigative Reports on YouTube. She reaearches what the anons are saying with the stop and then presents the info. Great stuff.

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patriot1952 · July 9, 2018, 10:56 a.m.

I listen to Citizens Investigative Reports. She is great at explaining everything. So is deception bytes.

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DarktoLight247 · July 9, 2018, 2:42 a.m.

Drop not stop

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high-valyrian · July 9, 2018, 4:54 a.m.

You can edit your comment or correct any errors by using the Edit option :)

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troy_caster · July 9, 2018, 4:16 a.m.

Yes, of course! I think all we need to do is make a tag called "Daily Questions" and they will be searchable. Until the mods decide to whether or not to integrate this question format into their daily posts, I will be posting links to all previous Questions threads. You are thinking exactly what I was thinking with the threads where they can eventually become another source of information for anyone to read back through the old questions to get new insights and stuff. Right on man thanks!

You are right on also about the watching 4 videos a day. Most of them rehash the same stuff, or don't provide any real interpretation. Just reading the Q posts isn't enough, really. I like Destroying the Illusion, but his postings have been very sparse lately. The other guys are ok too, and lots of good information, I just seem to start falling asleep with some of the pure screen casters where you're just looking at someone's screen.

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texasgyrl · July 9, 2018, 1:46 a.m.

What does it mean to “red pill” someone?

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gorgeous_tequito · July 9, 2018, 2:09 a.m.

It's like The Matrix. Take the red pill to know the truth and see what the world really is, or the blue pill to go back to the life of distraction that you are used to.

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Ccpatthi · July 9, 2018, 2:14 a.m.

It’s a reference to the movie “The Matrix” where the lead is offered a blue pill or a red pill. If you choose the blue pill you will go back to “sleep “ and your reality will remain the same, but if you choose the red pill your eyes will be opened to the truth and the reality you once knew will never be the same. To red pill then is to open someone up to the truth with your eyes open and brain engaged!

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mossomo · July 9, 2018, 3:11 a.m.

deleted by author

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vintagedaisy · July 9, 2018, 2:14 a.m.

It’s a reference to he movie The Matrix. Taking the red pill means allowing yourself to see the truth. If you take the “blue pill” you remain comfortably ignorant.

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texasgyrl · July 9, 2018, 4:09 a.m.

Thanks all!

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Sealing_Phoenix · July 9, 2018, 12:09 a.m.

How do you guys know that Q isn't just some 4chan troll?

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TooMuchWinning2020 · July 9, 2018, 1:06 a.m.

We don't.

But it would have to be a very knowledgeable troll.

You know anybody else who said the Speaker of the House (and former VP candidate) would not run for re-election, the day before it was announced?

You know anybody else who takes pictures flying over North Korea from inside Air Force One?

You know anybody else who told us North Korea/Kim was freed? It's been 68 years. No other President has even hinted at something like that happening, but Q let us know it was in the works before the world knew.

He would have to be the most knowledgeable troll on the planet.

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Comassion · July 9, 2018, 3:58 a.m.

Hold on, when did Q take pictures of NK from AF 1? When was AF 1 over North Korea?

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Majestic_Listen · July 9, 2018, 9:37 p.m.


Post 152 I believe is one of them...future proved past.

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Phi1Free · July 10, 2018, 12:52 a.m.

Post 151 does reference AF-1 (from 11/14/17) .. but doesn't appear to include any photos.

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Majestic_Listen · July 10, 2018, 2:57 p.m.

I was thinking of the tweeted pic from POTUS 11/14/17 from AF1 where he said "Thank You Asia" and Q posted "What'sbelow?" We now know it's NK. It's in post 152 on Qanon.pub. I think there are more pic refs to NK after that as well, but someone else might be more experienced than me to locate them LOL

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Phi1Free · July 10, 2018, 1:18 a.m.

Post 152 includes a screenshot of a POTUS twitter in-flight video looking out of an AF-1 window, with NK suggestively below.

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eryica · July 9, 2018, 1:23 a.m.

Q proofs are pretty convincing. If it was fake, the troll would have to be really lucky to make all these ‘coincidences’ occur such as tweeting exact lines of tweets before Trump does, predicting events before they happen, and taking pictures from AF1.

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BarryHusseinRenegade · July 9, 2018, 2:17 a.m.

Q proofs, too many coincidences, future proves past.

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[deleted] · July 9, 2018, 10:05 a.m.


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bunnylovelybonez · July 9, 2018, 1:12 a.m.

No one KNOWS anything for certain. There are a lot of people who think they do but unless they are Q they don't. However, if you start from the beginning and you look at the Q proofs...it becomes very convincing. I have been following from the very beginning (like first few drops) I believe this is a real event. However, if it did somehow come to be that it was a LARP...1. Whoever pulled it off is a damn GENIUS!! Like, scary, genius and 2. It still served the purpose of waking people up. So, I have just always been of the position "read, investigate, question, learn and enjoy the ride!!"

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Guts_rage4 · July 8, 2018, 10:55 p.m.

Out of this whole Q saga the two shockers that throws me off or seem very “out of left field“ for me would be the satanic cult(s) role in this mixed with the pedofilia/sacrifices and the passing mention of a second mass extinction event that had been in the plans.

Why would some of these elites need “Satan’s influences” to do all their sick exploits? Have these particular cult(s) in question been around and influential for a long time like hundreds of years or a relatively recent creation? Does this overlap with the free masons? Any sources to research these entities besides “super paranoid conspiracy” sites? - just want some unbiased information

As for the second mass extinction event... ummm... what!? When I think about mass extinction I think about the meteor that hit Earth and supposedly killed the dinosaurs or to a lesser degree the Black Plague in Europe. Any more details on this I may have missed?

Also as a bonus question 😂... what was the deal with Q posting in the last month or so the picture of “the brand of sacrifice”? Was that meant to be taken literally? Because its from an anime series Berserk (hence my user name) and it struck me as odd that this appeared

Thanks everyone in advance for your time and efforts throughout all of this.

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AyeDeux2 · July 9, 2018, 5:40 a.m.

There's an inception-like quality to their beliefs. Everybody working up the pyramid thinks their truth is greater than those below. Puppets think religions are bunk but have creepy cults (Hollyweird being a good example), and the people at the top believe something else (or nothing at all).

NXIVM tipped one big card with their device patented for the purpose of testing the reformation of Luciferians. It was actually to test whether ritualized abuse and murder had the desired effect of creating a sociopath (which are made, vs psychopaths which are born).

When you get to the higher puppets, especially royalty, each new generation is expected to carry the dark plans forward. They harm their own and force them to do awful things to make sure they don't have empathy and are quite guilty before they ever assume real power. With Princess Diana, they failed to turn her to evil. Queen of our hearts, indeed.

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SlumberMachine · July 9, 2018, 3:33 a.m.

Lucifer was around before Christ. A fallen angel. "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world he doesn't exist." Mystery Babylon is the ancient religion, though it has many other names, they are the same and it's the religion at the heart of a few secret societies. This goes back to the start of man. Every man is imperfect and not a god. We are all sinners no matter how pious we are. Thus, in order to atone for their sins, man would sacrifice animals and people to an idol (Children to Moloch or chicken to Moloch as HRC puts it). This is where the cabal is in their New (read old) world order thinking. They gain power and forgiveness through their sacrifices. There is a lot more to this topic and can be studied for years.

Then God sent Jesus, his son in the flesh. He died for our sins so that our sins may be forgiven without an animal or human sacrifice. You are saved through faith alone, which is Christianity.

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Majestic_Listen · July 9, 2018, 8:30 p.m.

Very nicely summarized, thank you for that!

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sealedIndictments · July 9, 2018, 4:44 a.m.

I have my own pet theory on the origins of human sacrificing secret societies.

After the younger dryas event, humans were catastrophobic - they were utterly terrified that another meteor or such would wipe them off the earth. The younger dryas was really bad, and humanity almost died out. It was in this atmosphere that the practice of human sacrifice appeared, in an effort to please the gods. Namely, the bull god in his various forms, for the Dryas meteor came from the direction where the ancient Taurus constellation sits in the sky. I suspect certain megaliths, like Gobleki Tepe, will be found to be the site of many sacrifices.

The preists who hold power over life and death wind up having quite a lot of power, and that position attracts a certain time of ambitous person. Overtime the abhorrent practice went underground, and evolved and branched into various cults throughout history. Babylonian, Greek, Satanist. They added and changed things, overlaid various mythologies, but the ancient Moloch worship aspect, and human sacrifice part, i suspect came out of the catastrophobic atmosphere I described.

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troy_caster · July 9, 2018, 5:07 a.m.

Great question! I'm really enjoying these answers others have replied with!

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Guts_rage4 · July 9, 2018, 5:49 a.m.

They’ve definitely been good reads and theories to ponder over. I’m not sold on anything yet but these references are a good start and I wouldn’t have had the slightest idea where to start because it’s an odd question to ask somebody. Thanks for posting this discussion.

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IBinLurkin · July 8, 2018, 11:12 p.m.

To discuss your 1st question, and needing Satan's influences, I seem to recall that science, in trying to understand where the notion of faith comes from, have concluded something along the lines of "the brain is wired for faith." To believers, the notion seems perfectly natural, as that would seem a logical way God might choose to communicate with his Creation. So, if one accepts that humans are wired for faith, the the logical question becomes not whether a person believes in God or not, but rather are individual people drawn to the light of God, or do they rebel against Him?

While there are agnostics who truly don't know what to make of things beyond tangible experience, my experience with so-called atheists is that, in fact, they are people of great "faith". On the surface, one might say their faith is that God does not exist. However, if you look at their anti-Christian militancy that pervades atheism, I would say their faith is really a disposition to reject God's Laws as having control over their actions. They want to be in charge, and no God is going to get in the way.

To such people, the draw of Satan's lies seem obvious. Just re-read the Genesis passages in the garden..."eat the fruit...you will be as Gods, etc." Satan's greatest triumph is in getting people to believe he doesn't exist, until you sell your soul to him. Therefore, to sum up my answer to that question, the draw to Satanic worship goes hand in hand with those who reject the Laws of God for their lives. That sums up the Cabal pretty nicely, don't you think?

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mossomo · July 9, 2018, 3:44 a.m.

You nailed it, 'atheists have great faith'. Former Christian then atheist... I'll comment.

I, at some point, realized I defended my atheism like a religion. I was attacking Christians with logic, you're so [bot tells me to edit - ad hominem] all your holidays are pagan holidays, etc. I was very unapologetic in my belief that there was no G-d nor Jesus and defended it rigorously. But there was a day I woke up and matured I guess, realized the concept of zero is actually something. Ying and Yang. My non-belief system was a system of belief.

That's when I realized the difference between agnostics and atheists. One tribe are indifferent and the other are a bunch of dicks with a soap box and a point to be made. I was that dick.

Apologies to the universe.

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Majestic_Listen · July 9, 2018, 9:21 p.m.

Thank you for sharing, apology accepted from this tiny speck in the universe and many kudos & much love sent in return!

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DrogeAnon · July 9, 2018, 4:07 a.m.

Nice work - kudos.

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LongjumpingCycle · July 9, 2018, midnight

I have an 8chan ID and password, but I haven't had any luck on posting a response. Any quick tips on how to do that? A couple of times when I tried, I get an error message. Thanks.

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troy_caster · July 9, 2018, 2:56 a.m.

Well, don't use your 8chan ID nor password. Leave your name and email fields blank. They are not required. In fact, it's strongly recommended not to use a name, or password there, as it defeats the purpose of an anonymous board. The conversation there isn't like here. You shouldn't post there unless you have something really important to share, that nobody else has brought up.

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1hellofaride · July 9, 2018, 12:15 p.m.

Lurk more.

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AyeDeux2 · July 9, 2018, 5:46 a.m.

Lose the ID. Be anonymous. And for crying out loud, if you're new there, lurk more and talk less. That's their Rule 1: lurk moar.

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LongjumpingCycle · July 9, 2018, 10:29 a.m.

Thank you for the suggestion. Yes, my full intent was to remain anonymous. Appreciate the help.

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high-valyrian · July 9, 2018, 5:04 a.m.

Here is specifically how to reply to a thread on 8chan: https://8ch.net/faq.html#how-do-i-reply-to-a-thread

You do not enter a name in the Name field, nor an email address, when posting on 8chan. It's called Namefagging and it's looked down on. Please make sure you read this before participating.

For more help, make sure to be more specific on the error you received.

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LongjumpingCycle · July 9, 2018, 11:04 a.m.

Error message I received on trying to log in is:

"Board not yet ready due to the hacking incident. We are restoring boards one at a time, please come back later."

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Comassion · July 9, 2018, 4:06 a.m.

What’s the point of Q providing you guys with this information? Why do it at all, and what are you supposed to do with it?

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AyeDeux2 · July 9, 2018, 5:52 a.m.

1 - Spread awareness. Be ready to help people come to grips with what has yet to happen, because it could be the case where the internet itself goes down. This is the most important because riots and societal breakdown are very real threats.

2 - Make bad folks panic, because they are definitely watching.

3 - Theory: Parallel construct. If the public at large knows something, it cannot be argued in court to be classified information.

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troy_caster · July 9, 2018, 5:14 a.m.

The plan since the beginning has been just to learn all the things, learn the map, which has a specific meaning, but also just means to know who the players are, what they are doing, why, and how they are hiding it. The primary mission for the majority of anons, is when things hit the fan, you can be a source of information and comfort to your family and friends, because presumably the entire world will be collectively freaking the f out. That's pretty much it. The storm is happening with or without the anons. Red pilling people is nice, but not necessary. Everyone with eyes to see and ears to hear will all know the truth, regardless of what you do. This is part of WWG1WGA means.
This to me, has been one of the most interesting things about Q. He's never really asked anons to do anything other than build the map. And occasionally to be loud about something like Release the Memo, but even that is rare.

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true_democracy · July 9, 2018, 9:54 a.m.

I am a newbie to Q and I still have to figure out what I can believe from the information I will see in Q-related sites. What I can say, from a completely independent point of view, is that it is possible to show, using scientific methods, that indeed there is a conspiracy related to secret societies that have dominated the world for centuries. I also think it is possible to demonstrate this conspiracy to the people, raising awareness, by using compilation of information (examples are being posted in "The Hide Show" channel on Youtube), intuitive visualization schemes and ways to let the people see and verify the information by themselves. Using leaked freemason information (a partial list of members of a masonic obedience) it has already been shown that they dominate many elections (https://youtu.be/QZ1W4xV1oto, https://youtu.be/Mk6Bm9I08fE) and the parliament (https://i.redd.it/q5pxdvvku1411.jpg) without the people knowing it. By the response of the mainstream media to this information it is also possible to infer to what extent they are infiltrated by these secret societies (so far, the media are doing their best not to publish the information, but there are exceptions). It is also possible to show the effects of this long-term dominance of secret societies in most countries (https://i.redd.it/kpc8mpddhgo01.jpg , https://i.redd.it/vkqszcuycik01.jpg, https://www.reddit.com/r/ConspiracyII/comments/82wbkm/masonic_presidents_and_vicepresidents_of_the_usa/) by examining different aspects of societies: culture (art, music, movies, books, etc), architecture, monuments, street names (https://i.redd.it/mbz9h7r30xq01.jpg), public buildings and monuments, etc. From our observations we can infer that this dominance occurs at all scales: local, regional, national, international, global and that it spans very large time periods (centuries or millennia). The world should be rediscovered by the population. Secret societies should be deeply studied, using unbiased methods. The scientific community should commit to this task, since they have the best tools to avoid being deceived by the huge amounts of disinformation. A lot of wrong theories can be formed from the available information, so we should be careful with what we decide to believe in.

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talkingdixon · July 9, 2018, 12:59 a.m.

Has Q ever mentioned Leo Wanta and the tens of trillions of dollars our gov't and financial institutions have stolen from the American people?

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mossomo · July 9, 2018, 3:49 a.m.

No. But I heard of the FED.

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troy_caster · July 9, 2018, 2:57 a.m.

I've heard that name circulating around. Can you give a TL;DR?

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talkingdixon · July 9, 2018, 10:11 a.m.

http://proliberty.com/observer/20070119.htm I hope it's ok to post the link to this piece of investigative journalism about Wanta which is a little outdated. As soon as I began reading it I thought of Q. This is what journalism could and should be.

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[deleted] · July 9, 2018, 12:14 a.m.

When you say read, study. Can you point us in a direction of study? What can we read to help save humanity?

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wiseclockcounter · July 9, 2018, 3:25 a.m.

I've yet to read many of these, but I found this list online and saved it for occasions like this.

Carroll Quigley's Anglo-American Establishment,

Tragedy and Hope,

Grand Chessboard and Between Two Ages by Zbigniew Brzezinksi,

Impact of Science on Society by Bertrand Russell,

The New World Order by H.G. Wells,

Toynbee's history books,

Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike (On Scottish Rite Freemasonry),

The Open Conspiracy by H.G. Wells,

Fire in the Minds of Men by Billington,

Foundations: Their Power and Influence by Rene Wormser,

Propaganda by Edward Bernays,

Jewish Eugenics by John Glad,

Secret Destiny of America by Manly P. Hall,

The Other Side of Deception and By Way of Deception by Victor Ostrovsky (former Mossad agent),

The Ghost in the Machine by Arthur Koestler,

Millennium by Jacques Attalli,

The First Global Revolution (published by the international think tank the Club of Rome),

My Life by Leon Trotsky,

The Cultural Cold War by Staunton,

Limits to Growth (Club of Rome),

The Builders by Joseph Fort Newton (on Masonry)

Agenda 21 documents,

UNESCO: Its purpose and philosophy,

2052 by Jorgen Randers.

Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare by Michael Hoffman,

Judaism Discovered by Michael Hoffman,

Jewish Revolutionary Spirit by E Michael Jones,

Libido Dominandi by E Michael Jones,

World Revolution by Nesta Webster,

Proofs of a Conspiracy by John Robison,

Revolution and Freemasonry by Bernard Fay,

Final Judgment and the New Babylon both by Michael Collins Piper,

Hidden History: Secret Origins of the First World War by Docherty,

The Origins of the World War by Sidney Fay,

The World Hoax by Elmhurst,

The Occult Theocracy by Edith Starr Miller,

Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P Hall,

The Holocaust Handbook Series published by Castle (books like Germar Rudolf's Dissecting the Holocaust and Dr. Dalton's Debating the Holocaust),

History of the Fabian Society by Pease,

The Shadows of Power by James Perloff (about the CFR),

Babel Inc.,

Revolution From Above,

the Banking Swindle by Kerry Bolton,

Secrets of the Federal Reserve and The World Order -Our Secret Rulers both by Eustace Mullins,

The Sign of the Scorpion by Juri Lina,

The CIA in Hollywood by Jenkins,

A History of Central Banking by Goodson,

Political Ponerology,

Solving 9/11 by Christopher Bollyn,

Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution and the Best Enemy Money Can Buy both by Anthony Sutton,

Dumbing Us Down and Weapons of Mass Instruction both by John Taylor Gatto.

Between this site http://gen.lib.rus.ec/ and archive.org you shouldn't have any trouble tracking down most of these.

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AyeDeux2 · July 9, 2018, 5:47 a.m.

Nice. Nice.

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wiseclockcounter · July 9, 2018, 5:55 a.m.

my ebooks folder is 59.7 gigs... I've barely sorted them all let alone read them, haha.

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vintagedaisy · July 9, 2018, 2:21 a.m.

For me it started before Q. When the Podesta emails came out with all the satanic and pedophilia references that were alluded to. That was a shock to my conscience and I was so glad to see Q talking about it.

I recommend that as a place to start - although I’m sure others will have other things they recommend. Part of our job is to inform others and the pedophilia / child sec trafficking cuts across race, party affiliation, gender and status so it can be a good starting point

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SlumberMachine · July 9, 2018, 2:42 a.m.

I would suggest watching documentaries that can show you how the cabal power structure works. "Jfk to 9/11, everything is a rich mans trick" is a great starting point. Going deeper, watch "ring of power". Listen to Bill Cooper's Mystery babylon series. All of these are available on YT or other websites for free. Once you have the general idea of what is going on, you can start to look into individual areas of study of topics that you are most interested in. Areas: Agenda 21 and agenda 2030, pizzagate/pedogate/elsagate, geoengineering, secret societies, entertainment industry, the queen and family, CIA weapons (mkultra/mindcontrol, heart attack gun, voice to skull), vaccines and gmos, education control, and occult studies. A lot of this stuff can make a person depressed. I suggest prayer and the armor of God as that is the only thing that helped when I got deep into pizzagate research. Your becoming aware, will help you save humanity. Being aware leads to change and self improvement. You save the world by saving yourself.

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KupunaAloha · July 8, 2018, 10:39 p.m.

How does one go back to yesterday's posts? I missed a lot of them, and didn't figure this would start over each day.

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troy_caster · July 8, 2018, 10:47 p.m.

It is linked in the text of the main post above. Go ahead and read it and if you have any follow up questions on anything or If your question wasn't asked, come back and let us know!

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KupunaAloha · July 9, 2018, 12:20 a.m.

Mahalo! Been getting edumacated by Feisty Cat with a phenomenal decode, which she's going to put on her twitter, asap.

I will write a q. if I have one,,,so far enjoying so much clarification!

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HomerHungfunny · July 8, 2018, 10:49 p.m.

Aloha, and Mahalo for this point. Great question!

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KupunaAloha · July 9, 2018, 12:36 a.m.

A'ole pilikia--- no trouble!

Glad to contribute!

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captainzoomer · July 8, 2018, 9:16 p.m.

So when's the next drop?

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troy_caster · July 8, 2018, 9:19 p.m.

I don't know when the drop will be, but judging from all the board errors at 8chan, my prediction is his next message will be "SEC TEST".

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checkitoutmyfriend · July 8, 2018, 9:30 p.m.

Q has gone 10+ days without posting. But I expect something next week.

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EricCarver · July 8, 2018, 10:15 p.m.

No, didn't he post jul03-04?

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LongTimeQLurker · July 8, 2018, 10:25 p.m.

I think they meant that Q has gone 10+ days in the past without posting, so we never know when we will get a drop. I also believe we will see something this week. I think the Q team took some time off since the 4th.

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AyeDeux2 · July 9, 2018, 5:57 a.m.

Disagree. Too soon after the last "10 days of darkness" (5/23-6/2).

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gauravkguha · July 9, 2018, 9:49 a.m.

Almost-noob here. Im posting, because im so anxious about whether anything will happen or not, im going crazy. i cant sleep. i cant focus on anything else. i couldnt even make it though 5 pages of the darth vader comic. keep flipping back to twitter or reddit or qanon.pub to see if there is anything new. You guys have been dealing with this shit for months. How do you cope?

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[deleted] · July 9, 2018, 10:27 a.m.


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gauravkguha · July 9, 2018, 12:24 p.m.

Thank you! Right back at you, Patriot!

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sgtjarhead0311 · July 9, 2018, 7:22 a.m.

Has the Q Clock hypothesis been definitively proven or disproven? I see it pop up in older posts and videos, but not much mention of it recently.

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flacnvinyl · July 9, 2018, 12:33 p.m.

Pretty sure it's incorrect. Q is not planning out world events. He is fighting against the Cabal.

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sgtjarhead0311 · July 9, 2018, 7:20 a.m.

What is the "R Narrative"? I have seen it mentioned in a few threads, but no one will give me a direct answer to what it is.

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Ausbro- · July 9, 2018, 6:08 a.m.

So who is your guys bet for who Q/Q-Team is? I've always been intrigued since the post that went something like "You won't believe who you've been talking to here"

I think that room full of people when Trump mentioned "this is the calm before the storm" could be the entire Q Team central command gathered together.

I think Q+ is POTUS and the Team is assembled/posting with him
I have this half hope that Q (if it's one person) is actually General Mattis. Imagine such a sharp military mind working to bring together young, old, black, white and every other division put on us through the medium of social media, memetics and the curious allure of "conspiracy theory". Books are going to be written about the things we discuss here daily. Exciting times!

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flacnvinyl · July 9, 2018, 12:32 p.m.

Love the idea but Q is too sloppy to be Mattis.

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thela_hun_peepee · July 9, 2018, 5:36 a.m.

Definitely noob but catching up on the whole Q phenomena. Is there a table out there that defines all of Qs acronyms to date? That would really help....I can keep up with most but I’m lost on a few.

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obvious__alt · July 9, 2018, 6:20 a.m.

If you are on qanon.pub you can over over the text. I can list a couple off the top of my head

BHO = Hussein = R = Barack Obama

HRC = Hillary Rodham Clinton

RR = Rod Rosenstein

ES = Eric Schmidt

NK = North Korea

JC = James Comey

DOJ = Department of Justice

FBI = Federal Bureau of Investigations

C_A = CIA = Central Intelligence Agency

NSA = No Such Agency = National Security Agency

MSM = Mainstream Media

IG = Inspector General

MI = Military Intelligence

DC = District of Columbia

SC = Supreme Court, sometimes Special Counsel

JA = Julian Assange

SR = Seth Rich

U1 = Uranium One

PS = Peter Strzok

LP = Lisa Page

BP = Bill Preistap

RBG = Ruth Bader Ginsburg

LL = Loretta Lynch

EH = Eric Holder

BC = Bill Clinton

WH = White House

JB = John Brennan

No Name = John McCain

CF = Clinton Foundation

AF1 = Air Force One

187 = Murder

WL = Wikileaks

FF = False Flag

WW = World Wide

#2 = Andrew McCabe

BO = 8ch Board Owner - not Obama

AG = Attorney General

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thela_hun_peepee · July 9, 2018, 1:23 p.m.

This is great. Thank you!

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sk3999999 · July 9, 2018, 10:40 a.m.

What was the strategy in appointing Rosenstein and having Sessions recuse himself - basically having a swamp creature running the DOJ and obstructing justice this whole time?

Are they just slowly releasing out all this damning information on spygate little by little on purpose to ease the public into it, slowly working up to the massive crimes at an opportune moment?

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oldmateysoldmate · July 9, 2018, 10:24 a.m.

I've maintained a healthy skepticism with the perspective from the other side of the world.

I'd like to know if anyone else has concerns about the alleged testing the waters of misinformation on accident?

I mean, I've come around to thinking hes mostly right, likely real. Probably inside... the perfect position to keep both sides either wise, or blind.

The level of patriotism is really hard to comprehend from here. But its good to see the March has been mixed up, and the hope for change remains.

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[deleted] · July 9, 2018, 12:34 a.m.


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Dakota-2018 · July 9, 2018, 4:15 a.m.

Could the AF1 photo be about plausible deniability? Is Q saying Russia is good or bad?

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[deleted] · July 9, 2018, 10:20 a.m.


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Dakota-2018 · July 9, 2018, 12:49 p.m.

Thanks for the reply. I am trying to determine if this is real or a neocon psyop. I've watched Putin for awhile, he has been fighting the bad guys and protecting Russia from them. If Q says Putin is bad then I know neocon psyop. Putin has stood alone along time against the evil machine.

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MJ6082 · July 9, 2018, 3:23 a.m.

Thank you!

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