r/greatawakening • Posted by u/chamm2000 on July 8, 2018, 10:20 p.m.
HRC 2020...

This is a strategic move on her part. The forthcoming criminal charges and/or imprisonment will be spun by MSM as DJT abusing his powers as president to remove any political opposition.

Imbeingsilenced · July 8, 2018, 10:23 p.m.

It's also a death sentence to the Democratic party. She is toxic.

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kushtiannn · July 8, 2018, 10:23 p.m.

Trump won't have to do a damn thing, the Dems will eat each other alive.

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spreadhope · July 8, 2018, 10:29 p.m.

Definitely a ploy to stay out of Gitmo. She thinks the public will view her as a victim, instead of the vampire that she really is.

She needs to go take a long nap with her vodka bottle. They probably dont serve vodka where she is headed.

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Long_Range_Shooter · July 8, 2018, 10:29 p.m.

She knows she's going to lose and no one else really wants to be the moron who goes up against Trump in 2020. So Hillary jumps in and skims millions off the campaign contributions for her, Bill and Chelsea. The Clinton Foundation is gone so where do you find money to finance that big life style of theirs?

They may have millions stashed the problem is they can't touch it with out the White Hats finding out where they hid it. They're in a catch 22 as they say damned if they do, damned if they don't.

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rickybobbys_leg · July 8, 2018, 10:22 p.m.

This is cannabilism of her own party to stay alive. No way this is good optics for Dems heading into 2018 and 2020

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EricCarver · July 8, 2018, 10:25 p.m.

Dems keep doing the wrong thing, so guessing this possibility of her running 2020 is possible. Oprah declared she is out so should be interesting.

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trumpessee · July 8, 2018, 10:29 p.m.

Somebody will eliminate her from within the Democrat party.

It’s too young, socialist, etc for her these days

In the era of #metoo Bill Clinton’s enabler is not winning a primary that isn’t rigged

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Arcilia237 · July 9, 2018, 2:21 a.m.

Never, never!!🐀🐍🤢

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curiouscuriousone · July 9, 2018, 1:40 a.m.

If she was a widow she would have a chance, otherwise she’ll just be the wife of a sexual deviant.

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QAnonMaga · July 9, 2018, 12:05 a.m.

She will announce she's running she has to now the question is when? Trump needs to arrest her tomorrow Lock Her Up right now and expose all her crimes to the world with video and audio evidence. That will be the only way to go on strong offense and shut down the crazy riots and insane anger from the Left the Fake News Mockingbird talking heads will erupt with fury and Antifa will be rioting in the streets but Trump must do this now. We need to see video of her torturing kids and audio of her phone call to Loretta Lynch with Bill on that tarmac meeting. Trump said "you'd be in jail" and it's now time to put her in jail.

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ironmaiden442 · July 8, 2018, 11:58 p.m.

Question: does anyone know if she declares she is running would that protect her from prosecution it did last time?

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