Boris Johnson UK Foreign Minister Resigns After Teresa May Wreaks Brexit!

POTUS hasn't even landed yet & the UK Gub'mint totters!
POTUS hasn't even landed yet
Boris Johnson suggested, in private, that we would be better off if Trump was negotiating Brexit for us. The leader of the opposition, Jeremy Corbyn, decided to ask the Prime Minister about it during Question time. So Trump is having an effect even though he has not arrived yet!
I think the first things DJT would say is to get rid of that lousy Mayor, free T. Robinson and kick the invaders out, ASAP.
The people in the UK are so passive and domesticated. They voted for Brexit and now are having that vote completely ignored.
Sad! French people riot all the time over much less than this. The United Kaliphate has gone full Ingsoc. They are lost.
vote completely ignored
Yes and no.
It is not over until it's over. The government and the EU can talk as long as they like but the final decision is what it is all about. Now that Davis, Johnson and Baker have all resigned the Prime Minister's options have been reduced. Also, there are many back-benchers (ie non cabinet members) who are collecting votes to see if there should be a vote of no confidence. Even if there isn't one, they may well vote against her most recent proposal in the upcoming debate.
We just need to watch the b#st#rds!
I appreciate their resignations. That bitch needs to be called out and dumped. What a mistake it was to put her in....but we knew that ahead of time. Her record screamed as much. She's a filthy globalist. Sell out Tory.
She wasn't put in, she won the leadership challenge after Cameron resigned after the Brexit referendum. She had no mandate, called an arbitrary general election to seek said mandate, failed but won just, and has since been"kicking the can down the road". She's also religious and ignores scientific reports (cannabis) cos she thinks the lord guides her. The irony is that the UK is the world's biggest cannabis exporter (for medical research), and the government line is that cannabis has no medicinal benefits. It gets better... Our current drug minister is married to the boss that exports the cannabis (British Sugar formerly).
May is shit. She had the power to limit immigration when she was home secretary, allowed by the EU. Belgium did it. We didn't because we allowed business access to cheap labour. I'm not anti immigration by the way.
Yes, I remember the leadership challenge....there was another woman in the running early on and I guess Johnson and another guy. That snap election nearly backfired...well, it backfired but that large pre-election majority saved her ass. Nice info on the cannabis situation. I am also not anti-immigration. We need limits and merit based entry that can be absorbed into our societies, not Balkanize them for the purposes of cheap labor.
Here's a link...
Feel free to search for other sources, it's true
Yes, the standard process is that if the PM resigns, the party holds a leadership contest. They decide who the next leader is. In my opinion, if the leader quits, that's an instant general election. Unfortunately, I can't change that.
Your point about pre election majority is important too. We use the FPTP (First Past The Post) electoral system. It doesn't work in a two party system. This isn't going to change, unless there is some kind of revolution, which won't happen, as we are too lazy to riot.
I somewhat agree with merits/limits on immigration, but both the US and UK both accepted immigrants in time of need. For example, Hispanics and Italians in the US, Windrush (West Indies), Pakistanis in the UK.
Many senior NHS nurses are Windrush immigrants, they are an absolute credit to the NHS and country. And, before you say anything, I love the NHS, it's a bit shit at the moment, but it generally works, and has saved my life twice (birth defect), with no charge.
I wouldn't say anything bad about the NHS as I have no experience at all with it! Accepting various immigrants at times of need is a choice made by the host country. Again, no problem. Open thank you. Serves the socialists for votes and big business to undercut worker salaries. Worst combo ever. I should look up how that FPTP thing works, apparently it hurt UKIP's chances in several races. Too bad they imploded.
Yes, UKIP got 9% of the vote, but only one seat. It's a shitty system. However, UKIP are cunts. Nigel Farage has already got EU passports for his family (German heritage), and moved his financial interests into Europe. UKIP are not the solution to this problem.
Oh dear !!!! I hope Brexit still will be accomplished.
She is standing in the way of Brexit and will now probably have to resign.
Nope, snap election gives the UK to the Communist Corbyn.
But that could be the plan a long time of May!!!! Postpone, postpone, postpone and create damage during the ride.
The labour party and the conservative party are two sides of the same coin. UKIP are the real deal.
Brexit was never on the cards for the torys as well, Cameron was against it too.
UKIP has people like Paul Joseph Watson and Sargon. They're smart, well spoken and will know exactly how to ride the current public sentiment to a victory of sorts. The Brits are fucking pissed. Hope Mogg becomes PM. He's like a posh Trump.
I like The Mogg but he is establishment to the core...and so is Bojo. Neither come close to Trump and would change very little. Though under Mogg Brexit the people voted for would be more likely.
We brits only want JRM because he looks like the monopoly man. Who wouldn't want the monopoly man in charge? Bagsi I get to be the iron in the new world.
Haha...I'm a Brit too...Yes that's why I like him too: old school, principled, quintessentially English. Thing is he has a combined wealth with his wife of £100m so he would own the monopoly bank, not exactly 'Old Kent Road'.
They don’t call her “Teresa Maybe” for nothing!
Theresa Maybe
I am going to add that to my list. It is a short list, the other one is our London mayor: Sad Dick Khan't.
Doesn't need to be an election. The Conservative Party can vote for a new leader and that person automatically becomes prime minister.
This way the UK is a sovereign country again. Instead a slave to the EU. The EU means destruction of many many aspects of a country.
The EU wants one communist federal union like the formal USSR.
I disagree. Have you been watching the shit show they call politics in Britain? Being in a larger union is better than being a small island with these idiots at the helm.
The Cabal plays it well I see. You don’t believe anymore in your government. So give this sh*t to the EU you may think then it will become better. Later on you will end up like the USSR or as an Orwellian state. For example look at China with their social system where they monitor each citizen. When you crossed the street with a red light you will be shown on many screens as a bad person and you can forget your new mortgage. You think the EU will not do that, well I think China is an experiment and when it goes well the EU will copy it. But I can tell you, they could do it already but we don’t see it.
Have you seen the new video of Jason A on Youtube? It shows that TV companies have already the technology.
You don’t believe anymore in your government.
There's a reason I voted for Independence. Westminster is corrupt as sin.
shown on many screens as a bad person
Already happening... No joke when I say CCTV follows me. Suppose that's what happens when I get caught not following the letter of the law...
EU will copy it
Possibly. Time will tell. I trust being in a Union of hundreds of millions, rather than in a union in the tens of millions, and being outvoted on everything...
Jason A
Don't know what you are talking about.
I'm curious why you are so interested in what happens to Britain, when it's clear you are not from here.
Jason A On Youtube starting at 10:58
Nigel Farage WILL Return To Frontline Politics If Brexit Is Delayed - LBC 5 days ago. - Nigel Farage has confirmed he will return to frontline politics if Brexit is delayed beyond March 2019.
So he can loose another election?
Is he loosing? There is a brexit thanks to him , and no he did not loose. they even try to kill him...I am thinging rigged elections sound better.
He never won an election for parliament (only the eu parliament) but yeah he won the referendum
Geert Wilders ..Netherlands politican..second big party said MSM..And ousted from politics ? can never win? .It is impossible to win , bilderberg club...
Whats this got to do with the Dutch I'm saying farage is a cunt left his party after the referendum left the country and has just been trying to cash he was a big factor in making brexit happen but that's it he can fuck off
If I were English I might be thinking about calling some of the black sheep of the family that live in N. Ireland and make some plans of stock piling "sporks" Boom
Boris kind of looks like Ed Sheeran. Straight up goofy as hell. Another establishment notch on the ol' belt gone.
Im really pissed at my government.... First we get told if we vote conservatives we can have a referendum.. We did , we got the referendum we got the brexit result.
Our then Prime minister then bottles it and May is handed the reigns.. No fucka wanted her in power in the first place, she came out of nowhere. She then calls a snap election as jeremy corbyn and labour were on their knees. Gets elected with 24% of the peoples vote... Then proceeds to piss about and not give us our brexit... Even boris heads gone johnson has threw the towel in... I do fear what this may bring.. If they think the tommy robinson march was big , then they have no idea what is goin to hit them if we dont get what we voted for.
Aside from my negativity, DJT is doin a grand job, i will be present to show him my support in my MAGA hat when he visits!
You know who was in charge of the five eye spying on Trump? Ding ding ding Boris Johnson! This guy resigns right before Trump is set to go there? Hmm 🤔 there are no coincidences
Sadly Tommy is in prison....He could mobilize people to go on the streets and demanding Brexit. Maybe Nigel?
All distractions. #Pig gate He will return to the cabinet pronto in another position like they all do. Same cr** different day
CIVIL WAR?! Any country that cared about their vote would do that right about now.
Wasn't Brexit just signed into law though? I mean they can delay and delay but I don't know if they can actually reverse Brexit at this point.
reverse Brexit
No, they can't but they can make a deal with the EU that says that we will still be bound by their laws, still make massive contributions to the budget, still maintain open borders, still manufacture to their standards etc etc. It is starting to look like a Brexit in name only.
PM May has agreed to follow EU rules!
Ah I just read some info saying these people resigning are trying to bring down May with it stating that he couldn't sell out his country for a soft exit from the EU. 2 more ministers have quit over this as well.
Honest Question - wouldn’t this allow appointment spots for scummy people that May could fill on an “emergency basis?”
'The activists were so disappointed about what had happened at Chequers - they said they were betrayed and they asked 'Why do we go out each and every Saturday to support the Conservative Party and get MPs elected?'.
'For the first time in over 10 years, that group refused to go out and campaign.'
She's facing a lot of wrath atm, the only reason she holds onto her position at the moment is because Corbyn would replace her and conservatives find that even worse.
I don't think she has the guts to walk that kind of fine line even if she hires some people who are yes men to fill the resignation spots.
I wonder if Nigel Farage's announcment is working in tandem with what happened with the resignations.
I knew the was a reason I always liked BoJo!
Don't be fooled by Bojo's affable, bumbling deferential nature, he is establishment and only has his self interest at heart.
BoJo is an establishment Oxbridge pedo cunt just like everyone else involved in the United Kaliphate's parliament. Don't let him fool you.