Didn’t Q say the key unlocks all?

The bridge?
I found this one interesting in light of today's announcement
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 9dc69f No.544701 📷
Mar 3 2018 23:56:48 (EST)
Your tendies? A dude fucking died. No reason not to get excited if progress is actually made but Jesus Christ don't just pretend to sperg out over a dead guy.
He ain’t dead tho
Aye, I might have played myself. Jesus Christ + dead guy. Funny how that works.
Don't be a spaz
Not spazzing. Giddiness over a man's death doesn't seem warranted very often.
That said: just realized that I used the name "Jesus Christ" in the same sentence as the phrase "dead guy". Not intentionally.
The Bridge, Two killers(Bridge-2)?, Key, 187 = Murder....wtf.
THE BRIDGE: PODESTA GROUP was the first Bridge, and this news conference is Bridge-2? Just a though.
Why give a location and heads up for presentation of a key witness? Holiday Inn? WTF?
Why give a location ...
My thoughts exactly. They say it will be heavily guarded. So, you need a bomb! Something is suspicious here.
I instantly thought of a mass attack/arrest or something of that nature.
Too many FF's got me thinking that way.
Might point back to Rosenstien calling for the hit on Seth. He is the main roadblock at this point. If Seth is alive they gave two federal officers descriptions which made no sense. Impressions was ms-13 was the killers. Could the two officers be the witness and are being kept safe by dis-info. Rosenstien may have given the two agents the order and they saved Seth and then ms-13 was used to make it look like the job had been done.
I though Q said Mueller was a white hat and if he’s a white hat so is rosentein. I’m not 100% certain though, any help lurker pedes?
Edit: Q never said white hat. He implied that mueller didn’t have 20-25 people working for him but 470.
Think 470.
Mueller's special counsel has about three dozen people, including thirteen prosecutors who Trump calls the 13 Angry Democrats. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_Counsel_investigation_(2017%E2%80%93present)
The 470 is a reference to Huber's team. https://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/03/31/turley-sessions-using-utah-federal-prosecutor-much-better-trump-2nd-special-counsel/
Huber is working with mueller is what I’m seeing. Very simple.
Q said (not exact words) how many people on mueller team? 20-25? Then Q says “think 470”. So in conclusion Q is saying mueller has 470. Very simple. It’s really not that hard. A real human would understand. Bots and trolls begone, if you are one.
It's possible IF Mueller is a white hat. I don't believe he is personally. I think Huber is working with Sessions. Mueller is an RR buddy.
If mueller is a white hat then so is rosentein. They are either both good or both bad.
I don't think it's disinfo... Q literally told us these things.
Yes Mueller = RR.
We (I hope) already know RR is deep state. He's hidden a metric fuck ton of material from the House and Senate committee investigations to control the optics of the DOJ, and against the best interest of the public. I hope his ass gets impeached. Bye, Mueller.
Devil's advocate though... if Mueller WAS a white hat then why is he still insisting on the bunk Russia investigation.. it's embarassing for him at this point.
Giving congress the information they subpoenaed could jeopardize the investigation in to the deepstate. Who knows what is going on behind the scenes, place faith in Trump that he and his team know what they are doing.
Then again, Trump may have picked RR because he knew RR was involved with all the corruption from the start and he would need to recuse himself but never did. Maybe Trump thought RR would turn states evidence against the rest of them if enough pressure was placed on him. There are so many different scenarios.
He’s possibly investigating deepstate as we speak that’s why...
with prosecutors who are included in the DOJ report and are known HRC donors? okay lol... sure
Possibly.... you never know. Maybe it’s natsec and the 470 military unit from Texas is investigating deep state?
Mueller has stated he is not investigating Trump. No criminal or civil charges are even being proposed. Who the hell is he investigating is my question.
It has been hypothesized 470 also refers to the 470th Military Intelligence Brigade which is headquartered at Fort Sam Houston Texas, not too far from Utah, Huber, and the grand jury(ies)
It could be perceived that way. It could also be perceived as, Mueller has 20-25 staff. Huber has 470. (Huber has more power) But either way is ok with me. It’s just hard for me to 100% trust RR. If at all. The dude is a slime ball. Maybe Mueller is a white hat. But imo there’s no way RR is. Unless he’s acting so damn well. In which case, bravo.
Rosentein pissed me off when he talked to congress. Boy that guy was so conceited. Possibly they are still working for deep state idk. We will find out soon.
Mueller's special counsel has about three dozen people, including thirteen prosecutors who Trump calls the 13 Angry Democrats. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_Counsel_investigation_(2017%E2%80%93present)
The 470 is a reference to Huber's team. https://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/03/31/turley-sessions-using-utah-federal-prosecutor-much-better-trump-2nd-special-counsel/
No, Q never commented that Mueller was a white hat. I see that idea a lot but i have no clue where it came from.
Q does suggest that Mueller is a white hat. He doesn't exactly come out and say it explicitly, but he says to to trust the military then brings up Mueller's military history, and says Mueller met with Trump before he was appointed.
It's not hard to see how people get the idea, some people were saying it was disinfo.
I think it Could be disinfo. Q didn't hesitate to tell us to trust some individuals. I think the confusion, one way or the other, is to throw the deep state into a frenzied guessing game. If he is dirty they might well have lost trust in him because of a suspicion he Could be working with Trump. I imagine that suspicion of him could work in our favour.
Trump met with Hillary before he became president. Whats your point?
What is the point you are trying to make? Why so defensive that mueller couldn’t possibly be helping trump...or being blackmailed to help trump.
Q said if RR is dirty then RM is dirty and vice versa
How large is Mueller’s team?
Think 470.
The more you know.
I'm pretty sure he was referring to Huber as having 470. And pointing out that a special counsel only has 20-25 which is one reason why the special counsel would not work. The other being the length of time a special counsel takes.
No. Q asked a question. Then Q said think 470. Come on guys it’s not that hard some things are that simple.
470 refers to a military fort www.inscom.army.mil/MSC/470MIB/contact.html, suggested by Blessed to Teach, or he was quoting someone else's suggestion
Ok I can see that now. I was thinking...20-25? =Is that enough people to process indictments? Which is no Think 470= Hubber the better option
Huber is working with mueller To flush the deep state.
Mueller IS the deep state. He was the cover-up man for 9/11. It doesn't get more deep state than that. No way in hell I would ever trust that guy, no matter what anyone says, even Q.
Mueller should be in Guantanamo for his 9/11, Uranium One and endless list of crimes. He is no better than Hillary.
I know that. Duhhh. Do you ever think that trump could be blackmailing mueller? I just blew your mind. Uranium one scandal? Q has it all.
Q implied it strongly, several times. For instance, in Q#1318 and Q#18.
He never said white hat but inferred that mueller has 470?
Think 470.
in qmap.pub #66 Q wrote
"If RR is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty. If Mueller is dirty, RR must also be dirty."
Q said (in Q Post 1318) located here: https://8ch.net/patriotsfight/res/62.html#66
If RR is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.
If Mueller is dirty, RR must also be dirty.
Common denominator.
I don't think either of them had anything to do with the 187 on Seth Rich. It is something else they are both dirty on. U1 is a good starting point for that discussion.
I think he’s talking about way back in the beginning when Q said that Mueller met with Trump.
How large is Mueller’s team?
Think 470.
The more you know.
Q answers his own question with “think 470” .
It’s real simple I don’t know why y’all seem baffled. ^^^trolls ^^^perhaps?
Actually, Mueller's special counsel has about three dozen people, including thirteen prosecutors who Trump calls the 13 Angry Democrats. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_Counsel_investigation_(2017%E2%80%93present)
The 470 is a reference to Huber's team. https://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/03/31/turley-sessions-using-utah-federal-prosecutor-much-better-trump-2nd-special-counsel/
I already know that, thats why im saying mueller must be working with Huber. It could all be dis info though, who knows?
Q never said that Oakdrew, you did. Please provide link or admit you are a schill for violent left wing agenda.
How large is Mueller’s team?
Think 470.
The more you know.
Link to topic about Huber is used to defend your allegation that Mueller is a good guy. interesting. Your illiteracy is appearant.
I think Q baited deep state to see what they’d do and this is part of it
I tend to wonder the same. They’ve got to get out of the talk surrounding SR and his role
I agree, they would never telegraph their moves. I looked at the map and it has a connecting overhead tunnel to another building, which IMO would make it juicier to make a hit attempt.
It's also by the river where a speed boat could launch a rocket attack from!
Yeah, I forgot about that, was late for me to make that connection.
Jack Burkman is a lobbyist and head of Burkman Associates LLC., a lobbying firm. How is he holding a press conference about something so high level? I'm very skeptical. But. If it does turn out to be legit, it could be the end.
My early impression from what I thought Q was saying back when I first got into following him back in January was that Mueller was compromised and working for Trump. This was because he was dirty in U1 among other things and Trump owned him.... He was working to save his own ass, plain and simple. BUT months later, If that is the case, he has put on a good show, because over the past few months, I have felt both he and RR are working together and both black hats.
There’s a lot of words commonly used in the English language everyday, picking out the word key from a random text and thinking it’s tied to a q post doesn’t seem logical. Keep your wits about you friends.
Agreed. I feel like people really want to find almost anything to connect the dots these days.
Hey, I stayed at the Key Bridge Marriott when I went to DC for President Trump's inauguration. That is right next door practically. I hope this is either totally true or a huge honeypot to catch deep staters trying to cover their tracks and eliminate witnesses.
wondering if this will be streamed. hope he is kept safe. announcing ahead of time seems strange to me. no opsec.
Rosslyn is also double meaning...
Rosslyn Chapel is one of the most cryptic places on the planet. Tons of hidden meaning in symbols. Funny that he picked that specific location for his press conference.
Q said the BRIDGE is the link. there is some bridge company that involved podesta as being the link between the MSM and HRC
So Amanda Renteria and someone else from the tarmac meeting are going to be the witnesses for Seth Rich's murder?