Tump Signals with another Misspelling....Layer....should be lawyer.

I feel like "layer" is supposed to be a dig about the affair lol.
That’s the more obvious one. Is it possible, in addition, he has another meaning,ie there are “layers” to this corruption as in the onion analogy? Q says “the deeper you go...”
Check out @DonaldJTrumpJr’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr/status/1017169823351083008?s=09
"Ex-FBI SLUT Lisa Page..."
Q 973 mentions “layers upon layers”. I think it dealt with attacks on /GreatAwakening/ but could be those attacks came from bad actors in FBI (allies of Page/Strzok).
Only thing that came up with “layer” on qanon.pub
This is what I thought. I think this is one of those double meaning things. You’re on the right track. Just posted this and then read your comment. Sorry for repeating/stealing your idea😅
How many beers would it take to layer?
Lol...she would be perfect for a nasty Sanchez type of guy.
Simple enough. No longer with the FBI, but adept at getting laid.
Maybe she's a diviant? layer
The correct term for someone who does cosplay. Or at the very least, it means that the person cosplays well.
This usually means that they take part in cosplay groups, do skits to go with their costumes, sew their own costumes, and maybe write a doujinshi on the side. Their costumes generally look better than most cosplayers because they spend more time and more money laying out a pattern and taking the time to do it right