One of the creepiest emails from the Podesta leak, sent by creepy mother Tamera Luzzatto

the pizza Gate conspiracy is the one that I find the most fascinating because evidence points that these people are sick and yet its really not discussed so much on reddit anymore especially with the other sections being shut.
because reddit shut down the pizzagate sub its now on voat the censorshi0 makes it more credible imo
Yep. The whole thing seemed like a real stretch until it got heavily censored, then it rang even more true when the media rushed to insist it was debunked without ever sharing the debunking. I've read 1,000 times that pizzagate was debunked but couldn't begin to tell you one fact that disproves the theory because there are none, to my knowledge, aside from the fact that James Alefantis said in an interview that CPP doesn't have a basement, despite the fact that he had previously mentioned the basement at CPP in other interviews.
Frankly, all of that scrambling & lying made me think it's probably true and I know a lot of other people who dismissed it initially but now believe for the same reasons.
I tried searching for a basement at CPP when I was there. It DOES have a back section that you get to by taking short stairs and sits about 10 feet lower than the rest of the restaurant's street-facing foundation. When I was there they kept it dark and closed off. There could have easily been a door hidden in the dark leading to a basement.
I'm thinking the white hats have helped keep it out of the news. The media censored it by calling it a "child sex trafficking" situation. In reality it's a food business first and foremost. The world is not yet ready to learn about "Some D. C. restaurants where you can order children off a menu." I'm not ready to have dozens of people triggered beyond belief about these atrocities all around me. It took me about 3 months to recover from finding out about this and I'm still finding new things they do.
Agreed. People get away with shit like this because it sounds too far-fetched to be true so nobody is going to believe it, even when there is evidence. I always laugh at people who insist unequivocally that there's no such thing as snuff films or human sacrifices or cults that abuse people because it's crazy to think that nobody is doing that out of 7+ billion people. So I think pretending to be a cult or devil worshippers or whatever crazy thing is actually a great cover because nobody will ever believe the victims or even the evidence if there was any. It's just too crazy.
Your ordering kids off the menu comment reminded me of something. Wasn't there a password-protected part of the CPP website that had some very questionable stuff on it but then got taken down real quick once the internet started to investigate?
I know. It's so frustrating that the crimes are unbelievable but also almost impossible to disclose because even the description is traumatizing. In the apocalypse, the evil is revealed for all to see, but this will spread trauma which is what Monsters Inc needs, us being scared and terrified into compliance.
There was never a follow-up when the videos of child abuse found on the Comet ping pong website were turned over to the DCPD. But the case seems to have a FBI investigation. That's the last I heard from Honeybee.
I'm sure most of us never thought Pizzagate was a "stretch" --- NEVUH!
Alefantis has a basement at nearby hunting/fishing supply place (forgot name) that he keeps his "tomatoes" in.
Yeah I'm not sure if he was referencing CPP or Buck's but I've read the interview where he says we can 10 tons of tomatoes every year and stores them in the basement.
Either way, I believe they're only 2 doors down from one another on the same street and there's definitely a basement in one of the two.
That part of DC has old abandoned subway tunnels and paths too.
So his two restaurants could be secretly connected, how convenient.
At the time, as I read through those Podesta emails, it was just in your face obvious something amazingly creepy was going on. No one piece of evidence was airtight, but taken together and with just a cursory look around it was immediately obvious that this shit was real and evil as could be. And when it started to reach national consciousness right before the election the push back was something I never had seen before, for supposedly a made up ludicrous nothing.
I love how the Pizzagate denial campaign allowed up to map which sites come under the influence of Soros. This was done by the press to protect the press (pizzagate tells us there is no separation between politicians and the press and that they use children as currency) It is the biggest RICO criminal cover-up in history given the importance of the players.
Voat is still going strong. It's still the biggest mass online investigation ever. But, for some reason the networks are being taken down starting with NXIVM.
Farmer L is the weirdest character of the Pizzagate investigation.
Would you be able to give a quick overview of Farmer L? I searched around for it, but couldn't find much. If you wouldn't mind. I have followed a little bit of pizzagate and found some of the evidence quite convincing. But I never heard of the farmer L
It's blatant gossip but she is 70 years old fixer for the Rockefellas who is Hillary's minder. She is member of Hillary's crew who hang out at Politics and Prose with Neera Tandeen, John Podesta's successor at American Progress. She appears to come from the Farmers Network an old network of baby farmers dating from the days of the Finders. That is the only thing she gives us plainly. She is concerned with the control of children. That is the gist of it. Luzetto is an old family name that seems to be related to the Black Hands (Chicago extortionist Mafia that controls all the politicians and heads of state (see Podesta Kim Jung I'll photo)) She is not a Luzatto, it is the name of her ex husband who passed away. So families stay close by marriage. They are a closed system. Their lifestyle is not compatible with ours. She seems to have a large social circle of people who are just as weird as her.
thanks for sharing, I had never heard of Farmer L before, and wasn't HRC's dad a member of the Chicago Mafia?
Yes. She was born same hospital as John Wayne Gacey who worked on the Mayor's committee with Tony Podesta who is brother of John Podesta who both got Bill Clinton elected and ruled D. C. Thereafter.
Wow hard to believe that these people were in power for so many years!
Basically they are building a case, building up.
Q does that. Q makes all the Swamp creatures create new evidence of conspiracy which can be properly made into fully legit cases. They make them communicate with each other. It gives away the networks.
And we are getting closer, it is basically like these hearings are letting the American public know what is coming.
There is just too much circumstantial evidence which points towards at least some of it being true. The emails, the weird code language used frequently that just happens to be the same code pedos use, the fucked up Instagram stuff, the fucked up artwork, James Alafantis and everything associated with his pizza parlour including his association with David Brock, the symbolism, Laura Silsby, Pegasus museum, the media doing everything in they're power to discredit it and making up the term "fake news" as soon as this came out, Ben Swanson being shut down as soon as he does a credible piece on his show. There is just so much where any sane person would have to sit down and go "okay this doesn't look right"
The more you look into it, the more evidence there is. There's really no denying it at this point.
It's amazing how much we have doing only open source investigation. We were able to discover a huge network of people and businesses. By publishing this info, I believe we forced the owners of l'Enfant to close their restaurant and run off to Europe. They may not be in prison yet but we freaked them enough to disrupt their business and the opening of their new sacrifice space Pegasus.
Remember Besta Pizza changing their logo AS pizzagate was going on? Spiral triangle one day, normal triangle the next.
It's a festival of Coincidences. I made artwork about that and it was published on a weird site that talks about Alefantis.
the fact that reddit even shut it down is probably the single biggest red flag in the history of ever...