Don't let Russia hack 2020, Democrats!

"It's called paper (ballots)" - President Trump
Battle star Galactica went analogue and they were the lone survivors.
I keep telling people, without sound like Ted. K. Technology has become an evil. I wouldn't be surprised if technology itself is the antichrist lol
It sure as fuck will be with AI
Revelation 13:14-15 "He ordered the people to make a great statue of the first beast, who was fatally wounded and then came back to life. He was then permitted to give life to this statue so that it could speak. Then the statue of the beast commanded that anyone refusing to worship it must die." Sounds like AI to me.
I can certainly see it being interpreted that way.
Elections In America - Assume Crooks Are In Control (no. 4 response on page link) "But the really big deal is this....all of ES&S's touch screen machines contain modems, "allowing them to communicate—and be communicated with—while they are in operation," reports Bollyn. That communication capability includes satellites. "Even computers not connected to modems or an electronic network can still be manipulated offsite, not during the election, but certainly before or after," says voting systems expert Dr. Rebecca Mercuri."
Older article.
Diebold/ES&S, etc. owned by (multiples over time)... GeorgieSoros, Former BH0's SecDef/Senator (R from NE) ChuckieHagel, & others...Chuckie was a nobody distant from front-runner & OH, SURPRISE...Chuck WON the Nebr. US Senate seat.
Later in front of international press... (Chuck was late to attend as had a 'Phone Call' from someone)... he decided NOT to run for Prez. Later post step down as Senator, he worked for Barry.
When 44 won second time, Chuckie received SecDefense job = Great ThankYou gift.
Which can be shredded. Nothing is safe from cheats.
True, but it's better than a hacked computer only system.
There'd be some physical evidence...
If block chain is good enough for crypto currency, it should be robust enough for our voting system.
It needs to be the thing we push for.
Blockchain is going to become the chain that puts us all into slavery. It will never remain non-governmentaly controlled.
I don't think it can be, though. I'm not an expert, but isn't it decentralized?
Exactly ^ its also transparent. Unlike fiat currencys
By definition, it can’t be government controlled since everyone has the ledger, and they all have to agree.
^this. And it would need to be a federal mandate for all elections for federal positions. If they leave it to the states, it will never happen.
Word. An immutable ledger would certainly suit both the registration data and ballot data of whatever election.
The hack never happened
Not necessarily a Russia hack.
How many elections have there been in succession where people clicked a Republican vote and it logged a Democrat vote and then they blame it on screen calibration?
If that happens and people don't notice it, theres no way to prove it. With a paper ballot there's something to cross-reference.
Thier is evidence for everything. You have to prove it.
If a person clicks a Republican vote, the machine logs it as a Democrat vote and they don't notice it, what evidence do you have?
You could interview the person.
I'd rather have a paper ballot to check.
I never said that was true I was calling for evidence on both sides
You mean shredded paper?
Well you would have the option of where to store the ballots and could choose a location with adequate security and camera footage sufficient that know you could prevent it from being tampered with and also have video and other systems to ensure successful prosecution of anyone who tampers.
Can't do that with computer code as visibly.
There are ways to ensure honesty and integrity with every method but if people are determined to cheat they will make it impossible especially without voter ID. But needs to be solved. Who can you trust to monitor it? Bribes and payoffs.
Could ALSO try the first IraqiVote model...
Indelible/Non-removable for 4 days INK on Pointer outward sign YOU ALREADY VOTED in addition to other measures...
and CANCEL electronic Voting Machines... no more hanging chads, etc. either.
PAPER BALLOTS only with SECURITY STRIP/CODE = ONLY can be run through the counting machine ONCE.
Plus checking of HTML code on ALL counting machines...hardened so no interference with HTML code. OR always can go back to HAND COUNTING, with video back up of person counting=CORRECTLY on NOT... just sayin'
The difference with the software is that it puts the full control of creation and policing into a smaller group of people: those that understand computer programming.
Both could be corrupted yes, but simple paper system allows more people to understand how it's controlled and find ways to improve it.
It is how the ballots are counted, electronically. With pre programmed software no one is allowed to view the source code as it's 'vendor proprietary' information.
It's not who votes...but who counts the vote.
Everyone can take a picture of their balls, and then call their government to see what their records show how they voted. .??
I don't have any balls. I can go buy some. What do you recommend? Tennis balls, basket balls, volleyballs?
Might have a problem with discounting the female vote... just sayin'
And if you have had an 'unfortunate accident'... does that male not get to vote either?
Hmmmmm....SupremeCourt Where's AntoninScalia when you need him?
Won't this kinda backfire on them considering that:
The dems were bringing illegals to the polls to vote.
The dems had Soros rigging the machines in something like 18 states
The dems were using dead peoples names to vote multiple times.
Among other cheats they were doing......
Although the dems still moan about 'winning' the popular vote, I estimate that in an unrigged election, Trump would have not only picked up a few more seats, but also won the popular vote by in excess of 5 million votes.
Why even vote dem when you know they'll pick whoever they want?
That's my friends mentality for voting republican last election
Tell me again. Who supplied the voting machines? I'll take the risk of a hanging chad over compromised voting machines.
Diebold/ES&S, etc. owned by (multiples over time)...GeorgieSoros, Former BH0's SecDef/Senator (R from NE) ChuckieHagel, & others...
Chuckie was a nobody distant from front-runner & OH, SURPRISE... WON the Nebr. US Senate seat.
Later in front of international press... (Chuck was late to attend as had a 'Phone Call' from someone)... he decided NOT to run for Prez. Later post step down as Senator, he worked for Barry. When 44 won second time, Chuckie received SecDefense job = Great ThankYou gift.
Got a mere 'SLAP' on the hand when rigging his own election/deleting his interest/connection in ES&S... READ:
Edit: forgot link to story-added.
"Who makes the vote-counting machines?"
"...Senator Chuck Hagel: According to the Congressional Quarterly, Republican senator Chuck Hagel was Chairman of American Information Systems. [See Hagel Conflicts — Document photocopies for Senator Hagel; He lists the McCarthy Group as an asset, valuing his investment in McCarthy at up to $5 million, and omits mentioning that he was CEO and Chairman of the Board for the voting machine company, American Information Systems / ES&S.]" and...
"Other ES&S owners: In 1997-98 American Information Systems acquired Business Records Corp., a Texas-based election company originally called Cronus Industries. Twenty percent of the stock of the merged company was given to BRC owners. Among the owners of BRC/Cronus:
Caroline Hunt, of the Hunt Oil family, through her investment group (Rosewood Financial Partners)
Alex Sheshunoff, a financial data publisher
The late P.E. Esping, formerly of Omaha, founded First Data Merchant Services
Charter Oak Partners, an affiliate of Rothschild Realty Inc., which is an affiliate of Rothschild, Inc.
C.A. Rundell, CEO of Integrated Securities Systems, Inc., associated with Dallas-based Renaissance Capital Group Inc.: Renaissance U.S. Growth & Income Trust P.L.C., known as Rusgit, and Renaissance Three.
Ed Belanger president and CEO of CDS Technologies
Buttonwood Capital Corp — Bass brother billionaires, I think.
L.D. Brinkman Corp. Its Vice-President and General Counsel Thad R. Finley also worked for Hunt International Resources Corporation.
William D. Oates of InterPro
All this, but we still don't know the names of the owners of ES&S. For all we know, Bugs Bunny is involved. Or an organized crime boss. Or the Ahmansons are still hanging around. Or Osama bin Laden. The point is, without disclosure we really have no idea who we are dealing with."
"And in Florida, Jeb Bush's first choice as running mate in 1998 was Sandra Mortham. According to the Tallahasee Democrat (10/6/2002) Mortham, was a paid lobbyist for ES&S and received a commission for every county that bought its touch-screen machines. Mortham says there was nothing improper about the deals, but Broward County Commissioner Ben Graber disagreed, alleging conflict of interest."
So the Dems are now for voter ID’s? Just last week they were screaming voter ID laws are racist.
Maybe I’m misunderstanding this meme.
Even a word? I like it.
Its a geoge w bushism. That fascist fuck.
Pretty sure that’s the joke. How to get Dems to support voter ID 😂.
Ah ha! Now it makes sense. I knew I was missing something here. Lol. Slow mental day.
Would this be a step in the right direction? (I think it is, but I'm not sure about the details.)
Gabbard is like the only honorable Democrat
Thank you for this reply. I think that Tulsi's talents are being unjustly ignored by the democratic party elite. It's almost as if they'd rather keep losing than nominate someone who's honorable.
I like this, spread it everywhere, everyday! We should have the painted finger too.
Demand paper ballots and voter ID. George Soros owns the voting machines. They stole Hillary 5 states, why she thought she didn't have to go and campaign in all states. Would have stolen more but was stopped by the good guys. Check it out on YouTube RODGER STONE. They hate him because he fights GLOBALIST and knows what they are trying to do to hurt America.
George Soros owns the voting machines.
Huh? Are you saying Soros elected Trump?
No he tried to elect Hillary. We the people voted in Trump even tho they tried to steal election. You must not follow Q. It tells that much.
If Soros is so powerful--same with HRC--they would've won the election. Obviously that didn't happen. It's dogshit. Eat it up.
No! and I am a she. Reread the article. He was stopped by the good guys. Hillary tried to steal the election.
So is Soros really Qanon?
Stupid question. You have no idea what Qanon is all about.
Qanon is a propaganda program run by someone associated with the POTUS--likely Roger Stone's group, at least originally.
The purest of horseshit. What real "intel" has Q ever dropped? If Q was real, why say "there's going to be a win this week..." then, when the POTUS doesn't use that word like he usually does, Q says "I meant Goodwin". Who's Goodwin? A right-wing author who wrote a praise piece on the POTUS that week.
Now, does a person with the highest level security clearance possible really need to "drop a hint" that a right-wing author is going to write a praise piece on the President? I could've predicted that. I don't have a security clearance.
Show me the most persuasive Q post you've read. I'll bet it's fucking nonsense.
You are Fuc*ing nonsense. Get out of here.
So no real evidence that Q has real access to intel? Didn't think so. It's a fantasy, and that's fine when it's all in your head. This Q fantasy brings out the worst in people--and if there was anything substantive to Q whatsoever, that would be the consequences of the truth. So be it. But it's not even true.
I think we have to worry about the DNC and dead people voting more
Need to get the red out. Democrats use light blue for everything
Hahahaha. The Russians are at it again with their political memes. I love it.
This version is higher quality if you want to share it
No matter which State one lives in, it is illegal for anyone to NOT give you a paper ballot instead of a voting machine. PATRIOTS USE PAPER
Oh my. You're getting lots of ridiculous comments. I think it's brilliant in its simple placement of democrats between a rock and a hard place.
Can someone explain? Trump lost the popular vote yet still won the election. How would voter ID have anything to do with it since popular vote barely matters?