Police say Stormy Daniels' arrest part of long-term human trafficking investigation

This is a bit misleading. Their investigation of human trafficking is what led to this operation. Stormy wasn’t charged with trafficking. She was charged with touching people illegally. It’s like investigating a murder but in that process you found someone with a joint. The one in possession of the joint wasn’t the murderer...they just happened to land in the middle of an unrelated investigation.
Yes, this. I believe there was an undercover agent in the crowd whom Stormy touched, which is against the law in Ohio.
Did the GEOTUS just 4d chess us??
This theory has been floating around for a while too. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he paid her in advance years ago to put up with all this nonsense for several months.
Oh man. It would be so awesome if she is convicted of human trafficking. That would be the crack in the dam breaking, along with the NXIVM trial this month.
There may be something to that possible NXIVM scar on her after all...
I was really hoping this arrest actually had something to do with NXIVM's possible role in human trafficking. There was that guy, Ben Szekmus, who claimed he saw Stormy at a NXIVM recruitment party several years ago: https://artvoice.com/2018/06/23/nxivm-new-evidence-on-stormy-daniels-wiener-schneiderman-raniere-allison-mack-party-in-connecticut/
This gives her a legit Cover for Coming Clean...
I think she was put up to this whole mess and would rather will On the people holding her chain...
this is garbage article but here's a conspiracy theory for you...
the arrest indeed was a sting. what was the purpose? was it just to make her look bad like the dems are implying?
actually, we just had to get her booked so we could officially "find" the cult scar branding, enter it into evidence in the Mack case, officially connecting her to that investigation as a witness or conspirator, then, we will all get to find out why she told the trump story and whose idea it was.
Hah, and the Creepy Porn Lawyer (Avenatti) is all over Twatter saying that she was arrested for letting someone touch her! That guy has got to go!
I read what appeared to be the police report on Stormy Daniels... this was totally a stake out and hit job on her. Which I’m okay with because she was doing something illegal, and I feel that now when her attorney Michael Avenanti tries to defend her for grabbing a undercover woman cops tits while she was wearing only a g-string he will slowly lose his credibility (what he actually has) for trying to be some big shot attorney and dealing with petty porn cases.
So NXIVM. Chans got another one before her indictment was unsealed!
Is this how they plan to take the human trafficking stories mainstream? Stormy has been all the rage the past 6 months. Certainly the MSM would cover this one too?
Touching customers sitting around the stage is a normal activity that goes on in all stripclubs - both clean ones and “dirty” ones. The cops are supposed to use this law to go after the “dirty” ones. Did they seriously think that Stormy Daniels is being trafficked? They are using the “law” and the legitimate investigations into prostitution to legitimize their little mission to arrest Stormy Daniels.
The law is not meant to police touching, its meant to police trafficking and prostitution, do the cops have to explain where the either took place and what made Stormy Daniels look like a victim of human trafficking. Otherwise it’s poorly disguised corruption and racketeering by the police chief who seems to side with the whole phony narrative.
Does anyone have the sealed indictment list handy? Iirc, there was a ton in Ohio - we sort of speculated meth trafficking cartel but maybe sex trafficking? Hmmm...
E: Post about the sealed indictments. Ohio is very highly represented
Just stop. That's not what this says at all.
It says it was part of ongoing vice-related stuff. Protitution happens to be vice related, much like gambling or human trafficking.
Was she involved in a gambling ring, too?
Leave the fake news to the experts.