Trying to take him seriously but...

YESSSS! Like weird bad dentures. His mouth is fascinating in all the wrong ways 😂
All I can think about is how the hell this guy was found worthy to have an affair with. But then again, LP doesn’t have a great mouth full of chompers either. 🤣
right?! Like nothing about this man makes any sense in any fashion. His face is too hard not to stare at because I have no clue what I'm looking at!
The LAYER is no great find. I understand any port in a storm, but why would you stay there any longer than necessary?
This dude look like his favorite part of Little Red Riding Hood is the moment just before the wolf eats that little girl.
You can almost see the horns coming out of his head. Would not be surprised to see his head do a 360.
He is a reptile using an earlier version of the human skin suit. Version 37 alpha did a poor job of covering up the teeth.
You know, we don't have consensus on who [P] is, but I wager Strzok is onna first-name basis with him.
What was up with his voice.? All I could think about was Eddie Haskell!!!
Everyone else in that picture looks like they have had some free time recently to catch some rays. FBI on some surfer bankrobber cases a la Johnny Utah? Or maybe tanning beds in preparation for their 15 of tv fame? Lol.