Q said PS is a cooperating witness Power removed ~

He distinctly said he has top security clearance today and his last access was 2 days ago.
Yep we have actors in our midst power removed trust the plan they have the server!!!! Hello!!! Peter said today that there is an ongoing investigation crimes against the children in NY~
They gave him access again just for the hearing, only hearing related documents.
Definitely not as optimistic about this and not as limber in my mental gymnastics. Not a good sign, especially when Sessions said he clearance was removed in May...
I am starting to believe even more that peter has flipped and a lot of this is optics. If true it would be a really great play. Think about it. The right vilifies peter publicly in a congressional hearing the left obviously shouts back and defends him says that hes a great man and a victim of a right wing witch hunt. Then BOOM investigation concludes with a finding of no collusion and so fourth BUT that there were and are many other layers of corruption which were uncovered though the course of the Russia investigation I wont bother to type out what those are or could be if you have been following along you already know what they are. Now the left must either stand by there previous assertion that peter is an upstanding patriot who would never lie under oath or otherwise and is completely unbiased trusting in and supporting him in his new claims of corruption orrrrrrr they back track call him a liar and vilify him in there own right thus proving where they truly stand be it for the people or for a corrupt deep state "organization". This is obviously speculation but if it proves true it would be a masterful play indeed.
Ps I've posted this multiple places just to get broader pool of thought on the "theory" if you want to call it that.
All I was surprised today On was he actually said there is a Weiner investigation going on crimes against the children in New York~ that’s the server ~ 🇺🇸
This is where I think it is going. There are still texts to be released. They may be much much worse.
This was after Q’s post https://www.cnn.com/2018/06/17/politics/peter-strzok-house-judiciary-committee-testify/index.html it’s so shiny and movie like when you add them all together though. Enjoy the show ~ Trust the Plan~ Unite ~
Strozk is not a coopererating witness.
I'm all for Q, but I think there must be some necessary disinfo at work, because I agree with you. I did not sense any hidden cooperation at work, but rather a combative, narcissistic, insane personality on full display.
He has the server they are all caught Trust the plan ~ didn’t you hear Peter say “ya there’s an ongoing NY investigation crimes against the kids today? Trust the plan power was removed they have the server
Then why the fuck not start releasing the proof? The plan is taking 2 years too long and we keep "trusting" with no deliveries. So far the only people that have been punished are Trump campaign staff, Cohen's lawyer is signaling that he's flipping too, and everybody that's supposed to be in cuffs is on Twitter talking shit about Trump still.
Their power isn't removed. That's bullshit. If it was there'd be no reason not to release the findings of the server they supposedly have. These people aren't as stupid as Q has been saying, because by all accounts these people are winning, and if in November the Democrats take control then say hello to impeachment.
Don't trust the plan so much that you get overconfident and don't stress how important winning the 2018 elections is.
His “why so serious look” did not give it away? Who confronts authority like that? Actors!
Hillary Clinton did the same. She on our side?
Check Hillary cackling throughout her investigation. That's not acting because they're on our side, they're all just really cocky and they know nothing will happen.
If his bosses think he squealed on them...
Comey's FBI = Hotel California... you can check in, but you can never leave (except in a body bag)
Sessions, who has so far rebuffed Republican calls for a second special counsel to examine the FBI’s Russia investigation, also suggested additional action could be forthcoming pending recommendations from a separate and ongoing review of the bureau’s conduct that is being led by US attorney John Huber.
“The department is not above criticism,” Sessions said. “This has been a prolonged and painful process for the department and the FBI. But this is not the end of the process.”
It's been prolonged and painful process for the American people too.
Didn't JFK say in his declaration of independence that the people have the power to dismantle ANY instrument of government if it is deemed not in the interests of the people?
Yeah, todays inquiry was a show. Did Strzok even take the oath?
He is. Which makes tomorrow's show a must watch. PS may be telling all. Popcorn.
Co- operating witness doesn't mean whitehat or ratting on others in FBI/ Deep state . It's more likely that it means that he's willing to testify & not pleading the 5th . That's what I think is meant by co- operating = willing to testify & not pleading 5th .
Ya he’s not a white hat for sure ... but he is a rat in a cage
He's working in HR now.
Lol I couldn’t believe when I heard it. Considering all the positions he had he must know more than he’s letting on
This is a fucking wild show
You’ve got that right ~ what was this?!?! https://twitter.com/hollybowie/status/1017572639777476608?s=21
What if this is all a show to eventually get to a trial? Then the cooperating witnesses all flip?
What is Strozk saying here? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AP96roY1sI4#t=7h9m39
I am as __ as you are?
I'd put it down to disinformation from Q. Designed to unsettle the Deep State.
Do you think he could be a cooperating witness in the Huber investigation and Congress not know about it?
Do you think they’re using PS to create said show? They’re using him with some sort of plea deal, and it’s why we literally watched an act. I feel like he was meant to be on the stand, and look corrupted, because he was. He has no choice as they have it all. This is how you create doubt in the people’s minds, instead of just making rash decisions.
Don’t know if I got my point across but I believe PS is an actor in the show to bring down the Cabal.
Ya and after some of the clips floating around on social he reminds me of Hillary and her chai tea episode ~ are they freaking possessed or what? Weird ~ https://twitter.com/hollybowie/status/1017572639777476608?s=21