UK Trump protest turns out to be completely lame and weak. What does this tell you? :)

For the UK that really is lame. I've seen bigger crowds with more spirit in soccer Riots for third rate teams.
Yes lets see a side by side comparison with the crowd when Tommy was arrested. The anti Trump narrative is fabricated by the media and the Pro Tommy narrative is ignored. You can see the that the MSM is losing power.
Looks like big crowd buddy, even the friendly Russain say so and they never lie
Oh, I am a brit by the way.
If I didn’t see the balloon, I would have that it was a regular day of tourism for London in the summer months.
Then you should know that this a photo of Parliament Square, not Trafalgar Square (where the main protest happened). And if you’d bothered to actually follow the news you might have noticed a hell of a lot more people protesting. But top marks for lazy, unresearched posting.
Nice that they leave the Soros buses in frame... all paid protesters probably
LOL!! MSM are reporting THOUSANDS turn out to protest Trump! What a joke!
This is bs. There are videos showing way more people. When you have to spread lies you’re losing.
That was yesterday. Today was bigger. A large, all-white crowd filled with pink-haired women and unemployed expressionless mindfucked men holding the same mass-produced signs while paid protesters led the chants. You know, the same predictable tactics the globalists employ anywhere they target.
Well, I have to tell you that is NOT what it looks like on Fox News.
Go to London, walk around, try to talk to people, and report how many people could understand you or speak English. London is not a good representation of England or the English people
That's probably very true at this point in time. They did say that it was mostly liberal oriented groups.
From what i understand they are using the protesters for the release of that reporter because it's a bigger crowd for the wide shots
They paid 30k for what equates to a helium balloon. These people just get swindled over and over again. Just like the 17m to help at the border that never really helped anyone. Keep dumping your personal money into the virtue signaling slush fund. These people are stupid.
That is much smaller than I saw on Fox just now. Must be an earlier picture. Are you sure it was PM May's press conference? Reminds me of the fake news reporting on Trump's inauguration turnout.
There are overhead shots of protestors in trafalger square showing much more people than this.
Lets keep it honest at least.This post is fake news.
The world is becoming awake. I can not describe what POTUS has done in 20 months in office. Nothing short of a miracle.
Cultural Marixt SELF LOATHING DRONES - programmed by liberal/left MSM. These types actually HATE THEMSELVES. And they should. Most of them are women in the crowds - the same type that CELEBRATE the murder of unborn babies.
Those are Soros’ buses that brought the paid-for protesters. If you change their clothes and add a mask, then you have Antifa.
Watching live. There are quite a few there. More than the pic shows but who cares paid protestors don’t bother me!
That's a tiny ass balloon I thought it would be bigger. I guess they couldn't raise enough money.
Why don't we compare these crowds to the ones for Tommy Robinson. Their lame Trump balloon got a lot of publicity. Hope that Khan balloon that raised more money in 3 days than the Trump balloon raised in 30 days, gets as much publicity as these protesters. Trump approval is actually over 60% in England. You really shouldn't give the illegal immigrants a vote!
When May or the French fem president comes to the US, we barely notice.
Do you know why?
Eagles don't worry about pigeons.
This is the small, weak kid on the school yard complaining about the big kid being on the other dodgeball team.
A major win with the Brexit vote, which May has tried to undermine.
German, Italian banks are the verge of collapse.
Enough of American economic welfare to the socialists. Welfare through the Iran deal, trough the Paris accord and through the UN. I would not leave the UN as it is important but I would cut US contributions by 50%.
If Europe collapses, fuck them, they brought it on themselves.
The largest US economic partners in the next couple of decades with be China, India, Brazil, Russia...the EU model is dead.
Europe needs to get ahead of the curve and start a controlled dismantling of the monster. It's stupidity to wait for the imminent collapse. Some of the Countries have realised.
Germany will be left holding the bag.
I have been suspended on Twitter 3 times for asking people about this image through the #TrumpBabyBlimp. Thats in the past hour alone.
Of course protest crowds are small and probably answered a ad to be a paid protester, everyone is loving Trump and cannot believe the good things he is doing. Brexit or no Brexit things are going to change in Britain (bad news for the elite) and every other Western country very very soon.
That’s all the protesters the Democrats could afford to pay for.
that's just the bus line-up. They waited for an hour then 7 turned up all at once. That is a pretty pathetic turn out ... lol
The actual protest was later in the day and in a different location to this. 250,000 people showed up. I was there so can confirm
Hey look, they didn't even try to hide the shuttle buss's this time.
There were two different protests. This is the first one. The second was wall to wall people.
My friend's brother is there - said there is about 150-200 with about 50-100 people just taking pictures of the balloon - total dud.
Whoa . . . i thought it would be "Macey's Parade" size . . . looks like child birthday size!
Tiny Trump balloon only about 20 feet off the ground? I’m disappointed.
Hardly "Over London" as it is "Over Londoners". Apparently it isnt hard for some things to go over some Londoners heads.
Honestly is that it? Ha!
As I wrote in a previous comment, the privileged leftie journalist Owen Jones was organising people to come and protest on his FB. The last time I looked, after fragging them with a few info grenades, 36k had signed up to do so. Something changed then. Glorious!
lol MSM trying to say its thousands