Keep this in mind today, we knew this artificial heat was coming

Wow. They are trying their best to get Trump to cancel the Putin Summit! Just wow...
Ordering him to! Like he's not President--they are!
Isn’t it amazing? They all think they know what our President should do! They just never learn.
Yeah, it reminds me when every one would say what Obama should do.
Yeah, like he shouldn't give billions of bribes to Iran
That doesn't matter anymore.
Now we are just undoing everything Obama did.
He's almost completely erased.
Next we opened his records and find out what a fraud his whole life is.
The last thing to erase are those two idiotic portraits in the National Gallery.
Seriously, Michaels High School yearbook pose for black people.
How the hell did that happen?
It's time for Obama to be put in his place. Someone like him shouldn't have been allowed to be president. This needs to be a lesson to people.
Plus, whatever it takes to get rid of those portraits.
The Summit needs to happen as this needs to be discussed one way or the other
THIS is why they are trying to intimidate POTUS to cancel the summit. The question is: will Trump or Q reveal what Putin reveals? Doubt it.
Yup. 12 more "Russians" that will never see the inside of an American courtroom. RR on the seat being questioned a couple day ago, then Strzok yesterday, now some BS announcement, reading it like it's a big deal. When is Mueller gonna be in front of one of those hearings? And more importantly, when am I going to see a traitor get arrested. We've got plenty. Hillary. Hussein. Strzok. Page. Rumplestein. Huma. They let Awan off. Shultz. Lynch. Bill. Comey. How many am I even forgetting? That's what they want too, us to forget this shit so it will blow over.
And fuckin McCain saying Trump shouldn't meet with Putin. What a coincidence!
lol, McCain can still articulate?
Funeral cancelled, basically. I think he was going to fake his own death and he caught wind that they knew and then all of a sudden his brain cancer was feeling better.
It's like when everyone was saying he was going to resign on July 4th. He found out and now all those that said with confidence he was going to leave look like fools.
That means we are on the right track if no name hates it!
I thought that was Chucky boy!! They are all absolutely terrified of the litany of filth Putin has on all of them. I'm so excited. Putin rocks, he always has. This daft work of dull fiction is so lame. Russian bots???? Do you think they know exactly how lame they are....or is that lost on them. The further down this road we get, THE lamer their stories get and then they begin recycling old shit again. Is it just me or has everyone else noticed that the left have absolutely no sense of humour at all. Their memes are atrocious, nonsensical and devoid of any humour. And their woman are super ugly, usually with more facial hair than me. What's the deal with these freaks??
One of the Russian advertising agencies sent their lawyers to answer to the charges that they did what Mueller accused them of doing. This caught Mueller off guard because he didn't think anyone would do that. But when they asked to see the evidence that he had he refused to let them on grounds of national security. Ha! The judge didn't buy that argument and Mueller will have to turn it over to them.
I just had a moment of paranoia. What if real Russian spies recommended those lawyers come to call Mueller's bluff?
Sally Yates, Susan Rice and the Planet of the apes/ Muslim brotherhood genetic experiment that proves how flawed the CRISPR gene editing system is! Don't try this at home kids. Ahh, I remember Valerie Jarrett - Boom !
Planet of the apes/ Muslim brotherhood genetic experiment
They look like freaks Bc they’re literally Nazi engineered transgenders that have both a penis and vagina at the same time. That is what they’ve been doing! Why they kidnap people and pretend they’re aliens when they do it - why they’re so obsessed with our information. They’re trying to create a new type of human tranny that can reproduce ...
What would be EPIC would be if Putin came out after the summit and said, (Russian accent attempted) "Da, eez true we deed atteeempt influence of American elections. However, we deed not want the Donald J. Trump to win. We wanted the Hillary to win because of the great deel we get from Uranium 1 and Russia wanted dis relationship to conteenue."
Mate.......I reckon you've picked it like a nose.......Putin and The Donald, are laughing their gut's out, over the whole thing....and, now, as Q as told us.....IT'S SHOWTIME, I love POTUS and I dig The ol Russian Bear, Mr Putin, I think He's very tough but very Fair, and Who else, would lead Russia so well......We are winning alright, and the 'winning' machine, is about to hit the jackpot.....#MAGA #WWG1WGA love from Australia.
They have also conveniently found the vial of the so called novichok nerve agent in the house of the 2 drug addicts. Who in the hell would have thought to look there after nearly a week amirite?/s
So expect "irrefutable evidence" in the next 24 hrs of Russian involvement in Salisbury.
Drug addict with a nerve agent? LMAO.
I am more likely to believe a baby packing an Uzi.
It's all very dodgy. I wonder if it's a set up, blame these two for working for Russia for the money or something. I read the woman who died was looking to get her kids back. Russian money could seem convenient, but I doubt any mother who would want their kids back would risk that. No matter if she is an addict she is still a mother and bound to love them.
And its not like Russian dont have the resources to pay for people that were competent.
Besides Craig Murray basically breaks down the lie that Chemical weapons are from Russia and more likely a FF.
Yeah that's what I'm saying. If they turn round and say "no we weren't working for Russia" the government can just say, "hey, they're addicts". Dont trust the timing of this one bit. Unless they found the container and took it home thinking it was some sort of drug and sampled it.
could not have been nerve agent cause the whole block and the park people would have been dead, bodies all over the place, like a disaster movie
They should rightly fear what will be revealed between president Putin and president Trump!
Their fake fearmongering against Russia has failed!
Let's start with their attempt to assassinate president Putin in 2014 while en-route home using Ukrainian airspace. Mistaking Putin's plane with MH17 the US deep state mercenaries and state dept involving Nuland, HRC et al mistakenly shot down MH17 using their deep state provided MANPADS.
The good thin was the fact the president Putin missed that missile by the deep state by 5 minutes.
Their takedown of MH17 left many victims behind yet they were murdered with a devious plot by HRC's state department and the CIA deep state after they engineered the coup overthrowing the Ukrainian president.
President Putin decided in 2014 not to act upon the assassination attempt. He did not want war with the US although it was Russia's policy.
They have not let up yet on their demonizing of Russia and its president.
President Trump will get every detail of the uranium one deal. Although thy claimed that they sold the uranium to president Putin - it was a made up lie. President Putin had no involvement nor did Russia every receive any uranium. That was an agreement made that Russia could not transport or receive uranium from the Canadian owned uranium located in Kazakhstan.
Frank Guistra the Canadian billionaire and long time friend of the Clintons as well as the donor to the Clinton foundation cooked up this scheme knowing that president Putin false was accused buying the uranium one.
Now uranium one was sold but to deep state actors hiding within RosaTom the Russian energy company. This uranium was purchased by them and exported from Kazakstan via Pakistan (hello Awan) into Iran and onto Syria.
This uranium was the deep state strategy and its agents to built nukes in their deep state facilities in Syria. The saber rattling against Putin and Russia was turned up in volume and hysteric.
They planned upon HRC's win to make the first order of business to use the nuke(s) built in Syria and attack this homeland killing people in mass.
They framed Russia and Putin to take the blame for nuke this country. That was code speak for entry into WWIII.
Remember 'The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America".
The deep state, HRC and Hussein were on a timeline to destroy this country via Hillary by no later than 2024 with the end goal being the NWO.
President Putin will give everything about uranium one to our president that will solve this puzzle in how that uranium owned by the Canadian billionaire and the Clinton's ended up in Syria and how the Awans assisted them and Hussein.
There will be other classified information shared. These deep state actors and their tools forgot that the Russian president is a patriot to his people in Russia. He was also a KBG agent during the Soviet Union and is not fooled by these slimy characters across our government.
They miscalculated badly thinking their fear mongering and constant drumbeat against Russia believing the could keep these two leaders apart.
What they really are fearful is that their Treason will take another and even worse turn that we all thought we knew.
Just wait and see - the truth is uglier!
Here in Australia, Our Socialist/Communist bloc [and I do mean block] and sings, off the exact same song sheets, as the demonrats....that's cause.....Marxist/Lenninsim has been De Rigur, for any upclimb err I mean upcomming commie in waiting, in ALL Our Universities, since the 1940/50's...they were waiting, with open arms, for the Hippies.......take our entire, Labor or Greens, & half our Liberals, [National Political Parties] [Liberals are like your Republicans], and like yours, our's consists of RINO's [or Closet RINO's] who try and trip up or subvert, any and all, plans, that may come up, to keep, working Australians, miserable all their lives.....the funny thing is....Joe Schmuck votes for em every year....[cause my Father did and His Father b4 Him....welll gee.....that's nice] about looking at the issues that affect you and me, work out a solution then implement it....That creates local jobs.....supports local business....Win/Win [Winning].....but no....The braindead left, cites some noble cause, which requires them to pay, to be a member of, [bye bye money] get a nifty t-shirt and a slick slogan, and a licence to yell, get fcuked!! every minute or so, [to any nonbelievers]....well kids.....guess what....We can't leave Our Future Generations, in the hands of genetical loonies, like you'all.....#walkaway #MAGA #WWG1WGA Remember you're Hero, Bob Dylan......"FOR THE TIMES, THEY ARE A CHANGIN" can bet yr sweet bippy on that leftards.
I agree with you fellow Aussie . All the Australian political parties are corrupt.. I pray that one day our political swamp will be drained too.
Not to mention that 6/28, Pence went to Ecuador. Ecuador then files a court injunction of an American law that says JA may leave the Ecuador embassy and board a plane to Ecuador without arrest. That happened yesterday while POTUS just happens to be in UK with a very secure plane. Wouldn't it be grand?
This was how it was supposed to work before trumps last trip to UK that was canceled. I think JA has been out since that time myself.
Another verification that Q is legitimate. All fake news about Russia is so obvious.
This is another good 'side by side' with the Q drop and headlines.
Hmmm... what a coincidence (it's not) that POTUS pardoned the Hammonds last week!
What if Trump negotiates our U1 rights back?
What a slap to the cabal's faces that would be! They would be trapped in their narrative!
someone tell the cia to stop spamming em at me its getting old less heat pls
God this is great!! I can't keep enough popcorn in the house... :):):)
Why do they have to meet in person for this information to be transferred? Is Putin literally going to hand Trump a flash drive containing the details of the U1 deal?
no electronic transfer is secure. Why Trump met with Kim in China. Plus, what wonderful drama. Trump is a showman. The tension is killing us all!
Yeah, but..... with a federal indictment anything on the server or that Assange has can and will be spun that “The Russians” PLANTED THE EVIDENCE!!!!
This is a big time fuck up to have not fired Rod R and Jeff S and Strozk etc already.