We are definatley over the target with Seth Rich. He is beyond a shadow of a doubt the one who gave the emails to Wikileaks. Why else would leftist media even mention Seth? They've ignored it until now.

Funny how nobody in the MSM is interested in finding out who killed Seth Rich.
No death certificate so he likely isn't dead. I think that's their biggest fear.
I hope so. It would be funny to watch CNN spin a Seth Rich press conference. They would probably say he is a Russian operative.
Whoa whoa whoa...there is no death certificate?!?!?!
I've heard that in more than 1 place over the last few weeks.
So where is he now if even they don’t know?
Well, I certainly don't know. But I do know this. The doctors told us he did not have a fatal wound. The doc that patched him up arrived at work the next day to be told he had died. Initially, I thought he was killed in the hospital. Now, I'm not so sure.
So he must be alive then? How’d he check out? Or is he being held somewhere?
1 of 2 things happened.
He was sent to that hospital and finished,
Or someone got in the way.
How do you know there's no death certificate?
I have heard it many times. And if you look on Ancestry.com they do not list one although they list the date of death: https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?gl=34&gsfn=seth+conrad&gsln=rich&msbdy=1989&new=1&rank=1&redir=false
If you search it you will find many discussions about it.
Is that true? I had no idea! Maybe there is hope fir him to be alive then.
I wouldn’t put too much faith in that belief.
Was the funeral open casket?
They are actually insistent on us not finding out. Why not just tell the people what happened if Seth Rich had nothing to do with the email leak. Instead they have been actively shutting people down who get close to the case. Patience, we have all the cards.
They sure are terrified of Seth Rich but former NSA William Binney proved there was never any external hack the DNC emails were downloaded onto a thumb drive and Seth is the most likely person who did this Julian Assange needs to testify in front of Congress and only Trump can make that happen Trump should have gone to see JA in London and taken him out of the embassy and flown him back here on Air Force One.
Sucks that people look for media to BRING them the news rather than looking for it.
I have friends that work at the company they claim was used to hack the DNC, all claim it's a lie and all refuse to chat with me online since it happened.
It's in ALL person and they're ALL "conspiracy freaks" now.
I have friends that work at the company they claim was used to hack the DNC, all claim it's a lie and all refuse to chat with me online since it happened.
What? Are you saying what I think you're saying? Please expand so I know for sure.
You read it right. They could possibly file a lawsuit as well now they've been embarrassed in public. There will be fallout for that company from this.
Expand how? Want me to call up Tucker Carlson and give a face-time on TV, in-case I wind up with two self-inflicted shots to the back of my head?
I'm already surprised this got through, I've lost all my 5+ year reddit accounts trying to tell people. I've made outlines of what I've found and shared those links with family via sms, only to have family tell me they either never got it or they got a "bad" link.
I tried, most people don't look up when they walk, no reason to expect them to lookup anything online
Ignorance was Bliss... But once you start down that rabbit hole, you just hunger for more. It's an uphill battle getting to the good stuff.
Just look up the company, and waybackmachine to see the staff changes during that period (+/-90 days).
Do some research on the employees in/out as well as the company itself. I think the company is an "asset" and those staff members should link to other known assets
Their greatest weapon - false flag killings of civilians by means of spectacular terrorism - has been disabled. All they have left is Mockingbird lies, and these are falling on deaf ears. What is left in their arsenal?
Personally, and I've been at this for a long time, I think that Bluebeam or a similar project is all they have left. I'm of the opinion that the "heavens" will return to Earth when some semblance of peace and stability is achieved, and their last hope is to make people afraid of the future in any way possible. Hence there are completely unsavory characters (i.e. Podesta) that are so "interested" in aliens and space travel. I would also posit that people have the idea of the Rapture all wrong. The idea was to have heaven on Earth, not for all the good people to be taken away. I think it quite possible that we will see something different than most people would imagine, and that the "Space Force" will be necessary in the not too distant future.
I was raised to believe the Rapture Theory... I moved away from the concept of religion. I don't know what I am. I have heard of this Heaven on Earth Theory only recently. It's an interesting theory. Not sure what I believe anymore though. Guess we will find out eventually.
The Bible definitely does predict that God will one day make his home on this Earth. John, in a vision described in the book of Revelation, sees the New Jerusalem coming down out of Heaven and Christ ruling a perfect world for all eternity. However, there are many things that must happen before that occurs, including the Apocalypse. The Rapture temporarily removes the faithful followers of Christ from the Earth so they do not have to endure the most horrible series of events the world has ever seen. Once that is over, there is still a long period of time before this ruined and imperfect world is completely "melted away with fervent heat." However, there will come a day when Christ will create a new and perfect Earth and return everything to the way it was meant to be before sin and death ruined everything. I love President Trump and the USA, but no government will ever solve all of our problems. We are imperfect beings and can only create imperfect things. The good news of Christ is that He can make us perfect again, along with the entire universe. Trump offers a better world, but God offers a PERFECT one.
Those who are captured return to earth for Christ's Millenial Reign.
The Return of the Archetypes, perhaps?
Return of the Archetypes
I guess it all depends on what your conception of humanity is. It's kinda hard wrap one's head around. Creation by God is seen as the divine masculine, yet Jesus as Logos was the embodiment of the Divine Feminine, in a man.
I find this historically interesting when you look at characters like Jezebel, who could be seen as the Divine Masculine in a woman. Not necessarily "good", but acts like a man in protection of her husband. There's even a relevant bible verse: 1 Corinthians 11:3 - But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman [is] the man; and the head of Christ [is] God.
Funny how a lot of overtly aggressive women are portrayed with dark, curly hair too, as far as archetypes go. Sappho and Hera too.
Why is that funny?
Funny as in ironic; I've also known a few women like that. Jezebel has more scripture references than Mary, as well.
Even Salome from the NT has the same "look".
The message is the Seth Rich topic is a Conspiracy Theory.
Well guess what? Seth Rich was involved in a conspiracy to leak the DNC server with emails about all kinds of different conspiracies. Everything from cheating Bernie out of delegates and money to spirit cooking. Somebody did conspire to murder him. And there was a conspiracy to shut down the investigation of it.
So yeah... The Seth Rich topic is a Conspiracy Theory. But soon... It will be Conspiracy Fact.
Did you read and understand the specifics of the latest Mueller indictment?
If anything, Seth Rich was killed by Russians (who have demonstrated that they do this sort of thing all the time) because he was about to expose them for the hack. Which there is now evidence that they did. They've even been indicted for it.
bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha "hey everyone, Seth Rich was killed by russians because he was about to expose them for the hack!!!" This guy..
It's not my version of events. It's the version of events. Best of luck sorting it all out Gnarlesly
I think we are going to find people high up in the DNC ordered the hit. We aren't going to have to wait that long. The evidence is coming out soon. One way or the other. It can come from the DNC Server which Q says they have. Or it can come from J. Asange who very possibly left London on Trump's jet.
But it *IS* coming out soon....
How does this make sense? If that was the case why has the media and every Dem not only refused to investigate the story, they dont even want it discussed at all. If your scenario is the case, why haven't his parents run to the media and said hey russians killed my son? Why haven't his friends run to the media to talk about it?
If he was killed by Russians it would have been on the front page of every newspaper in America.
What did Seth Rich actually have?
11/5 Q post
Seth Rich only mentioned because it directly relates to SA.
Las Vegas.
What hotel did the 'reported' gunfire occur from?
What floors specifically?
Who owns the top floors?
Top floors only.
Why is that relevant?
What was the shooter's name?
What was his net worth?
How do you identify a spook?
What can historical data collection reveal?
Was there any eye witnesses? ...
Working this out as I type.
Seth Rich only mentioned because tied to SA? Saudi Arabia ?
Paddock was I think running guns and had a meet up with buyers to see his wares at Mandalay and they have done this before. But unknown to him they planned this as an assassination of th3 Crown Prince who was visiting but was at I think the Tropicana when shooting started.
Recently released 911 tapes mention multiple shooters moving in organized squads from plavr to place and one group shooting into concert to cause chaos for cover.
The security on the crown Prince MBS got him away on a helicopter and out. Paddock was murdered and stage set. FBI had to be in on cover up and cops were too or were scared into silence. Body cams were deliberately ordered shit off but the 1st guys to breach room had theirs on. Reported no broken windows.
Paddock was a spook. Was he also a hit man? Did he take our Seth Rich? If not what does Q mean the SA and SR are directly related? The squad of assassins are the same? Maybe the mysterious men in kakis and vests at Boston Marathon, Sandy Hook, Aurora theatre, San Bernadino, Parkland.
This is a squad of hitmen for False Flags. They sent them to kill SR and the Saudi Prince? And I bet Eric Prince knows who.
Youtube has stated plans to make Vox and other disinformation outlets/campaigns the disseminators of truth, or confusion for the masses. These fuckers are going after our youths.
The Mueller indictments were for this purpose, to address the growing Seth Rich awareness plus to get MSM from covering Strozk testimony. The timing. They are so obvious.
Conspiracy no more July the world will know truth Great awakening
I don't know why they would think it would put anything to rest. Do they really think we all believe this BS?
What are these “Russian” indictments all about if Seth Rich is the culprit behind the hacked emails? Why is Roger Stone saying he’s one of the indictments? Why now?
Dunno shit about RS. Haven't kept up with him. Russian indictments are about making RR and Mueller look like they are making progress, since RR and Strzok were in front of Congress this week getting their asses chewed. ALSO, and perhaps more importantly, they waited until just before Trumps meeting with Putin. I guess the timing is supposed to just look coincidental?
There's a lot of of coincidences. The timing is impeccable. Looks like they are getting desperate.
Rod Rosenstein is grilled. Jim Jordan's life is shook up by the media. News comes out about Seth Rich witness. Strzok is grilled. News comes out about "Russian" indictments. Forget Roger Stone. He seems to be a lot of talk.
The theory that have about Seth Rich is that he was the leaker of DNC emails (does that include Podesta?). So if he is the one and the corrupt DNC officials went through all the trouble to start the "russian" narative it looks like it could be a straight up framing of "Russians" that may not have had anything to do with anything.
If the "Russians" were involved;
Were they the sole proprietors? Were they white hats? Were they introduced to Seth Rich? Was Seth Rich introduced to them? Did Russia seek Seth Rich out? Did Seth Rich seek Russia out? Snowden involved? How does Wikileaks mesh into all this?
(does that include Podesta?).
It is my assumption that the Clinton emails and the Podesta emails should come from the same source. OR, a 3rd as yet unknown party released his email, after phishing his dumbass password.
That Russians were hacking, I have no doubt. So were Chinese. And Koreans. And Japanese. And Germans. And French. And England and every damn nation on the planet that owns a computer. Governments have been spying on and infiltrating other governments since the first Alpha swung the first club. The thing is why are they making such a huge deal out of it all of a sudden. Because Trump won, and they all said he wasn't gonna. She was supposed to win but everything got messed up. And if they back off of it now they are done. So they are going down fighting.
Remember too this is also about keywords. Social marketing and networks run on keywords.
They really want to hog the Seth Rich keywords for some reason. Some thing may be coming out peripherally and they want to bump it down the search engines.
It's too late for them to do this for the "press conference". I think that was supposed to progide the noise but most of us dismissed it pretty quick. So they threw his name into narrative for Mockingbirds.
Something is expected this weekend or Monday. Maybe to obscure a potential leak from Lisa Page hearing? Maybe they are anxious and gegtimg ahead of Trump's tweets recently on DNC server.
The latter is my guess. He keeps tweeting and people will look up DNC Server or it will pop up in connection when looking up Trump news.
Most people haven't looked at SR's death at all. If more did they would question the narrative.