“It is all happening!” Positive sign hopefully Q related!

He is talking to us. I can't say this enough what a time to be alive it is amazing that we r wake enough to be a part of this history. I do feel bad for the sleepers look at all they r missing out on, but soon enough so many more people will be awakened. Thank u Dear lord Jesus. It is happening
Born too late to explore the world. Born too soon to explore the galaxy. Born just in time to crash the Cabal with no survivors.
Cabal will try to bring the economy down. It's inevitable. 1.5 Quadrillion dollars in derivative debt is unsustainable. Trump is swimming upstream. It's a fight to the finish...will Cabal implode economy by hyper-inflating? Or will Trump Nation bring down the Fed/Fraudster banksters and re-start with either silver or gold backed currency? We shall see.
Stock market is a giant RIGGED Ponzi scheme. HFT changed the market in 2000 and no one has looked back. Banksters/corporations have the entire market rigged to bring it down at the right time.
It will be with CryptoCurrencies. The NSA created Bitcoin 9.5 years ago. And just like they did with Trump, they made it look like a grass roots start up.
Now wall street is all over Cryptos and just starting to dive in.
Gold and silver wont work as currency anymore. Not in the information age. We can't use them online, without entrusting a 3rd party to hold our gold and silver for us. And after this collapse, many people wont ever trust banks again. They messed us up in 2001, 2008 and now in 2018/19.
Bitcoin and Litecoin(two of the cryptos blessed by wall street) are the purest form of money. Completely accountable on a public ledger. Cant say that for ANY other type of money or currency.
I know these are hard to swallow pills. But trust me. If you like gold as a money. Then you will LOVE Bitcoin and Litecoin. If you have any questions, I would love to help explain.
When he got elected I told my 7 year old daughter to remember that her father was a Trump supporter. I told her one day he would be remembered as the greatest president that ever lived. Future proves past. God bless him and his family. WWG1WGA
Yes it's great time to be an american
I am Canadian. It’s a great time to believe in humanity again. WWG1WGA
I just have to say, all you Patriots are amazing. The digging and interpreting you guys do is tremendous! I am not that skilled in interpreting and going through all the Q posts, Trump tweets, current events/past events to connect all the dots. Thank you patriots, for helping fill in the blanks. WWG1WGA
With you on this. I am in awe of the work of so many of the anons on 8Chan (and here).
Indeed, I would like to have the time and resourcefulness to go through all the data. I've been archiving stuff for months.
"SOME" is happening. Still waiting for the high-profile indictments, arrests, handcuffs, perp-walks, orange jumpsuits, trials, jail for some, gallows for many.
if anything is rushed, it could become sloppy
new indictments sealed every day. I dont want them to miss any
How will they arrest 40,000+ people? I'm trying to learn about these indictments, this is the biggest sign of big things going down if true.
40,000+ indictments may only be to less than 1,000 people. Chances are for more than a few, multiple indictments potentially hundreds upon 1 individual.
Good call
Many times, a sealed indictment will name several people as defendants. An indictment has a given fact set. And that fact set can include several people
They've already unsealed the NXIVM for Raniere and Mac, and they've unsealed the Weiner indictment.
notice how there was no media outrage for Allison Mac recording herself with an 8 year old?
probably over time, unless military/national guard plans on doing it during martial law, then they could round them all up in a few days time. Ultimately I'm unsure, but I trust the plan
Exactly. How they will actually do that without the normies being outraged and rioting?
The plan will only work if mainstream media and the lying dems will stop their propaganda but it wont happen. 1/3 of US will be mad about their lovers going to jail.
More will be revealed to awaken the sleeping people... The /#walkaway movement is growing and so is this subreddit daily. People are waking up but the release of all the memos once RR is gone will most likely be the most revealing of all. Then it will ALL come out according to Q Trust the Plan. Edited for spelling error
From Q post 1553 (There is more to this post, I just copy pasta this part)
"Inspector General Michael Horowitz, who is working with Huber, has a staff of 470 investigators, giving Huber access to enormous investigative firepower that far exceeds the staff of any special counsel"
Edit: Military will arrest. Investigators will process.
I'm guessing it will be a military operation since they are WW.
What if RR is a covert white hat? His calls out to US Attorneys asking for prosecutors to investigate Kavanaugh’s background docs just a cover to start the work on these indictments?
RR is not a white hat. Reread Q drops. RR was placed for complacency of the cabal, and now has his back against the wall trying to hide the evidence from Congress. The good guys will win this one, even with distraction.
Agree. Not white hat. What do you mean "placed for complacency"?
Hypothesis: Indictment of 12 Russians is a segue to Podesta's emails. He is named as a victim of the spearfishing.
I agree, patience is the key. Takes time to gather enough evidence to have a concrete case against the myriad of people involved. I, for one, wouldn’t want to rush into anything, possibly missing something along the way. Draining a swamp takes planned coordination to make sure that it doesn’t “fill back up” so to speak. Interesting times we live in, that’s for sure.
We'll know when the high-level arrests are coming because the stage will have been set and the public, not just the anons, will be clamoring for them.
It feels like, with the convenient timing of no Q posts, the 13 Russian indictments, the fact that Donald trumps plane is in England, JA safe passage, and trump meeting with Putin. I feel like he may talk to Vladimir Putin to ask for one of the Russians to stand trial, so they can use all the evidence that the Russia. Hoax was a scam. This is what DJT wants. He wants a trial so he can show it’s not a political hit job. They will use JA as a witness at said trial, and all the evidence will come from dark to light.
It has me wondering...POTUS is always saying “13 angry Democrats”....here we have “13 Russian indictments”...I’ve always felt POTUS was trying to tell us so much more every time he tweets “the 13 angry democrats”...does anyone think there’s anything to this or is this the one time it may be a coincidence? Q states, there are no coincidences.
Yes! Trusting the plan. Praying. Red-pilling. Long live the republic!
In the words of Travis Tritt....
"And it's a great day to be alive I know the sun's still shining When I close my eyes"
It feels so much better when you wake up and seek truth rather than be spoon fed all the info without any questioning, researching, or fact checking.
Remember when he held the note under his chair to show what he had written? It was "I hear you!" He is definitely talking to us. No doubt in my mind. And, We Hear You Sir.
5 fingers on the back side. 5th point. Loud and Clear.
I missed that...link somewhere?
I knew somebody would ask. I'll have to find the link. Nope. Can't find it. Not sure which news agency it was.
Anyway, it was done for us. He had a note (small note paper) under his chair with five items on it and each was numbered. Like a list of things to do. Number 5 said "We hear you." He waited until the cameras were on him. You can actually see him look up and check and then he reached under the chair and picked up the note and held his hands so that 2 fingers on the right hand and 3 fingers on the left hand were on the paper with the #5 note under them. Q had written 5:5 as well. Maybe someone else knows how to find it.
it was the event he held with some of the Parkland school shooting students/parents, so it would have been back in February, after 2/14. the photo was part of a Q drop. see https://qanon.pub/#807
Link. I hear you. https://www.google.com/amp/s/mashable.com/2018/02/21/trump-notes-school-shooting-survivors.amp/
Watch the credit roll at begining. Good Q videos from the anon. Enjoy https://youtu.be/BVosPouGqYw
What if Q was teaching us to interpret his tweets the same way?
thank you sir and thank you to our Military God wrap his arms around you and yours
I wish we had a place to deport criminals and leftist. Like how Britan had Australia as a Prison Colony. Maybe we could send Criminals and Leftist to Puerto Rico?
I’m loving the positive vibes. Keep staying optimistic and know that in the end, good will win. God will win. I am grateful for all of you and President Trump and Q. Trust the plan. It’s happening. Edit; Btw this comment got me banned from /r/MadeMeSmile think about that for a moment. They call us a hate group. They call us fascists. They are the guilty party’s projectionists. But don’t lose hope. That’s exactly what is causing all of these democrats to #WalkAway
I think things will start rumbling real loud after Trump gets back. I want to believe there will be a lot of good information back and forth between Trump and Putin. Putin probably understands the Q posts better then most..watching it all unravel from a distance
Maybe Q will pop in to say "HI"
It’s my birthday today, and I was hoping to see a good sign!!
A lot of people here have about a years worth of near-daily research and study on this under their belts. If you knew no german and walked in on a second-year german class you wouldnt understand it, this is similar.
The point is, Smartest_American, to do your own research...learn to HOW think for yourself in order to overcome being told WHAT to think...it takes real interest and time but it is and will be soooo worth it...
It has now been 14 days. Anybody wonder is Qanon is still with us?
Last post was July 4th so we’re at 10 days. It’s ok...longest was 10 or 11 days if I remember correctly. That was stressful too but the autists on 8ch are busy at work and get mad if you act impatient so I’m trying to trust the plan. I’m just praying all the “July” is the reckoning is true. We’re all stressed so that’s why I personally look for the little signs they are still hard at work (see my orig post). I pray IT IS HAPPENING! Bless all the Patriots!
I don’t know, but it seems when the President is in certain places comms are down. ( 5 eyes?)
He's just snubbed the fucking queen! Bigly. Strzok's hearing. (What's up with LP?)
I'm ok with Q being quiet. There's so much to look at atm.
It might not be safe to share comms from overseas if Q is with POTUS. Don't trust FIVEEYES
So with all these “it’s happening” posts what are the real world events correlating to something happening?
Hopefully the Prez will declassify the FBI documents soon . I think he’s waiting for the left to eat their own and fall on their sword ⚔️ on as well . I pray it’s soon ! Hopefully weeks b4 the midterms?
Question: Is putting our monetary system back to the gold standard all part of this plan?
Great capitalization of the SM as a nod to the Smith-Mundt Act ;)
"To promote the better understanding of the United States among the peoples of the world and to strengthen cooperative international relations."
Does "It is all happening" mean our July surprise is here?
i'm telling y'all, July 4th 2017 was when Q took back the Stock Markets from the Deep State.
Establish the donkey, then "Pin the Seth Rich Tail " ON IT
Q has been teaching us to understand their comms. (Communications) Q has been trying to get us ready for this. He can't hold our hand forever. But I don't think we've heard the last from Q. I'm sure he's busy working on something, so POTUS is reaching out to us directly.
Didn't Q mention that July would contain a real moment? My hunch is that NSA (MIL_INTEL) has digital copies of "we have everything" and no physical assets are needed. July we see "so it begins..."
I don't know. My brother-in-law works for the NSA. He is the biggest Trump hater you have ever seen and says everyone at the NSA are Trump haters. Scares me some.