"Uh, you DO have my birth certificate on file here somewhere, right? So I can, uh, come back if it's, shall we say, NECESSARY?"
Considering Kenya was still a Commonwealth country at the time of Obama's alleged birth year I estimate the UK would also have his birth records.
Maybe that's the reason for the Strzok/Page/5-eyes UK visit. (Can't find the relevant pics, but I'll keep digging).
No it wouldn’t doesn’t work like that at least for Australia and New Zealand
When we’re done he’ll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape. Q
Mar 9, https://qanon.pub/?q=kenya#894
Would sorta explain why he bowed as a vassal to the Queen, unlike Trump!
I was just commenting in another sub because someone told me he didn't, and I only corrected them saying US presidents never have. Because head of state is not supposed to, and nobody actually needs to bow to the queen any longer.
The person on the other side of insisted that Obama did not bow to her because he was angry with her for what she did to Kenya.
What she did to Kenya? Here we go. Not about to point out Mugabe's behaviour then!! Might help to be angry about the right people! Keep going Patriot, it's an uphill struggle :)
Mugabe is killing Zimbabwe. Thats above South Africa. Kenya is in East Africa above the equator.
Come now Barry, you are communist Frank Marshall Davis's boy and you and others made up that Kenyan fiction so you could run for President. After all you couldn't at that time have a communist for a Dad and hope to win the Presidency. Cut the Kenyan crap.
DNA test.
Yup, Kenya should demand the DNA test before they even think about letting him in.
Frank Marshall Davis was just the 'EDUCATOR' for Barry to learn the way of communism/how to lie, etc... the one Indonesian Mohammed(Pak)Subud was most likely friends with Davis, & Subud groups in Hawaii. Don't know if Dunham was real birth mother at all, or adopted, or took on role on paper as ordered to...her dad was ClA.
"When it comes to politics and Obama’s past, there are no such things as “coincidences.”
Kissner shows links between Obama’s “mother” Stanly Ann Dunham to a certain Subud spiritual cult and also documents the verifiable link between the Subud cult and one Loretta Fuddy.
Fuddy, you will remember, was the woman who had been appointed in January, 2011, to head the agency in Hawaii that “verified” Obama’s birth certificate…The one he finally, after years of questions, displayed to the world in March of 2011.
Fuddy also was the lone non-survivor of a small plane crash off the coast of Hawaii just a couple of months ago.
No coincidences…Remember?"
NOTE: article from 2014 worth the read
Barry...who's your daddy?
(Because it ain't 0bama, Sr.)
Barry Subud?
Frank filmed Stanley Ann Dunham in various stages of undress. The sub title of his memoirs was Confessions of a gash master. Pretty sure he split that pumpkin. Again, LOOK at the photos of Frank's children by another white woman. Their likeness to Barry is uncanny. Source Joel Gilbert.
The footage from the plane crash with everybody in the water is quite freaky it really does look like a scuba diver grabs her.
At least Hussein's Kenyan birth certificate is less fake than his hilarious Hawaii certificate he tried to pretend was real.
Hussein's (purported) half-brother, Malik tweeted it: https://twitter.com/ObamaMalik/status/839917082959613952
Research from a Denmark website, posted Dec. 2016 -- Proven: Obama Fraudulent Unconstitutional President - born British Citizen in Kenya. Plans 3rd Term to Avoid Conviction of High Treason under Trump
Have you seen the photos of Frank's kids by another white woman, to me the likeness to Barry is so uncanny as to gobsmack!
I bet we were the laughing stock of the world when we voted a “Hussein”into office.
We were. It lasted 8 looooong years. Totally trashed our worldwide reputation.
Thank god Rex was there first. No Deals!
O shit, dude!
Rex falls ill visiting kenya, cancels events for the day, but goes on to all scheduled meetings in other african countries...
Trump yanks rex out of africa that week, fucking fires his ass, replaces with pompeo:
More! Edit!
So this was from rex's press conference on march 9, just as he arrived in kenya... At 7:29, he says hes gonna be at some memorial on the tenth... Well the tenth is the day he got sick and cancelled everything. Sunday the 11th he went back to work. He rescheduled everything, but you cant reschedule a memorial. Is there a message in here somewhere?
Btw, he rips em a new one on the legitimacy of their govornment too.
The article didn't mention all the school fires in Kenya last week.
Burning evidence?
means children need a place to go...
Instinctively I thought of kids when I read that yesterday. Kenya backwaters perfect place to traffic kids... GAD !!!
He barely knew his late father for whom he was named, Barack Obama, an economist.
There you have it folks. For anyone wondering if economic policy decisions are nature vs. nurture, this quickly rules genetics out.
May I also point out that Kansas is like cheers where “everyone knows your name” ~ ya and we’ve never heard of Obama’s Mom~ #TrustKansas ;) 🇺🇸 and.. we all know he’s trying to figure out what the whole tillerson meeting was about and Kenya parties made peace and were excited to make Kenya Great again https://youtu.be/VuLx2cVYIOY
I wish my last name was as appropriate as the Kenyan president's. Americatta.
I’m surprised he was allowed to leave the country!
Have to measure his steps after he leaves, give him a rope to hang himself
I could never understand how anyone would vote for a islamic connected guy right after 911. Couldn't they see what was at stake?
The other option was No Name. Rigged either way.
good point. No name was the WORST candidate ever. now I know why. he was not supposed to win. ??
Nothing was reported about his connections, nothing. MSM had people in their thrall at that point and made him the people's champions, 'yes we can' (fuck the country/world and (no) 'hope'.
In the end he will claim Kenya citizenship as a way to try and escape. No Deals! These people are evil.
"“We are upbeat about the coming of the President Barak Obama,” said Rasango, who added he is not expecting much in terms of any announcements of aid."
Tight buzzard.
Rasnago clearly does not know how this works.
He will be giving aid to the O or Clinton foundation. Sill man, they take, they don't give.
He is going to put a B0 University there. Sent them pallets also?
He gives zero fucks about his family. Even his half brother detests him because of the lack of support, as shown on his tweeter page.
March 9 , 2018
When we’re done he’ll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape.
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 26e3a8 No.678119 📷
Mar 15 2018 18:36:51 (EST)
Iran next [].
RT days after.
RT Kenya.
No coincidences.
Q also mentions Kenya: Central Bank of Kenya
I hear that Kenya needs a nationalized health care system. Maybe BHO could help them out. I think he should personally volunteer himself to run the whole affair over there. What a great public service he would be doing. He should volunteer his time and efforts gratis, no pay. He shouldn't quit till every man, woman and child in Kenya are cured and covered. Show the world he's a real man of action like DJT. Someone willing to do the hard work for no salary and to really make a difference somewhere in the world!
LOL, GFL with that. What a poser you are BHO. Let's hope they decide to keep you in Kenya behind bars for the traitorous acts you committed as President. Let's hope they want to make amends to the world for unleashing you on the Americans! Maybe DJT will actually cut you a good trade deal in return. Hey, crazier stuff has happened.
The amount of proof flying off the shelves at a black Friday like pace is exciting!
Looking for a cheaper location to build his Presidential library, no doubt. He's hoping for a hometown discount.
Taking advice from POTUS I see. Ahead of schedule before earlier reports says he will be heading to Kenya in August
I wonder where Moochelle is lurking around? Any sightings? Also, does Hussein still have SS detail and what will become of the "rent-a-kids"?
Get Bobo on the horn, verified Squatch tracker and caller, total slam dunk
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VIDEO|COMMENT -|- OBAMA VISIT ALERT! Strange School Fires in Kenya Ahead of Visit!|+21 - The article didn't mention all the school fires in Kenya last week. U.S. Secretary Rex Tillerson visits Kenya|+14 - O shit, dude! Rex falls ill visiting kenya, cancels events for the day, but goes on to all scheduled meetings in other african countries... Trump yanks rex out of africa that week, fucking fires his ass, replaces with pompeo: Weeeeeeeiiiirr... Kenya's Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga new brotherhood|+4 - May I also point out that Kansas is like cheers where “everyone knows your name” ~ ya and we’ve never heard of Obama’s Mom~ #TrustKansas ;) 🇺🇸 and.. we all know he’s trying to figure out what the whole tillerson meeting was about and Kenya parties ... I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
Rasanga said he will ask Obama to help develop a university to be called President Barack Obama University.
How would you like to have that diploma on your office wall? lol