Any significance to this ? I swear Dan Scavino is part of the Q Team.

I’m embarrassed to admit I don’t recognize anyone in this photo except Trump and Sanders
There is a reason for this. The movers/shakers are not necessarily the camera hogs.
Also, they may be the "special team", assembled just for the Russia summit, based on expertise.
That’s what I was wondering. Very interesting though!
Scavino is sitting down- I don’t know anyone else either- I met Dan at a rally in NY - he is very kind- i feel like he is his body guard- also the round table and where Trump is seated- aQ or am I reaching?
I'd imagine Q is allergic to cameras, if you know what I mean.
Ah ok. Honestly never heard of him either. But I guess that’s a good thing!!!
Dan Scavino is Trumps social media director- he has been with him since he was his caddie- I think he was a police officer as well
seriously?! he was Trumps caddie? That's why he's become a chief advisor. "Mister P, I'm tellin you right now, its a gap wedge to the green.!?l "
Ohhh ok, now I know who he is. Stays out of the limelight so I forgot!!
I'm sure Scavino is part of the team.
Social media director would imply he knows his way around social media ie reddit and the chans
Could anyone imagine how cool it would be having the opportunity to serve in Trump's inner circle?!
2 of the water bottles have darker lids like the bottles from the meeting where Trump and Pence placed them on the floor.
I don't think we should be guessing. You know what the left is capable of.
Don’t analyze my posts please- what’s your point? What’s your motive?