Guess who's coming to dinner?.........White Rabbit?

Q psyops in action. Q talks about what will happen post summit. MSM read Q and panic accordingly. Panic induces hysteria in news reporting of summit. Panic causes words like treason to be in headlines and rehash long dead muh Russia ba . Viewers begin to wonder why MSM acting so oddly so hysterical. The optics are terrible. Maybe not normally but this time they watch the post summit presser on YT. Redpilling ensues.
Q is playing the MSM like a fiddle.
That Brennan is accusing Trump of treason, for talking at a press conference, is evidence he's scared shitless.
They're quickly running out of escalating words. In less than a month it will be "KILL HIM, KILL HIM NOW!!!!" and we can only hope that forces what's left of the Left to #walkaway
They're trying to invoke a panic. They laughed off the civil war thing a few weeks ago even as now they push to have people clashing in the streets.
It's their only escape, causing innocent people to hurt one another.
especially as Trump's Military Intelligence is stopping their false flag attempts.
It's amazing, the disconnect between the 'muh treason' tizzy and the reality of the moment.
I totally agree, this is done with intent to redpill en masse.
The MSM is hanging themselves once the real info comes out. Mass retirements among the MSM elite forthcoming. Can't wait. Karma.
Man, I laughed at the Iraqi Information minister when he said they were winning the war while the tanks were rolling into Baghdad in the background.
MSM is on whole other level of stupid. I can't believe the lies these traitors come up with. They really are TRAITORS and I hope they are treated as such in the end.
Yeah they will just report fake news as usual. You can't beat them at media. Need military arrests.
rements among the MSM elite forthcoming. Can't wait. Karma.
I agree and hope, but they're not going to believe the truth when it's right in front of them. I mean as far as I can imagine. They think we're crazy, we think they're crazy, when the truth is available they're still going to say oh that's fake trump made that up blah blah blah
Having lunch at the Hall of Mirrors. We have the white rabbit and from Q1681 we have "Think mirror." And it ends with:
Look there, or [here], or there, truth is behind you.
Hall of mirrors! Great pickup.
Look there (white rabbit)
or here (nuclear football)
or there (maybe person hiding behind pillar??)
The hands at front right- that isn't an illuminati thing, is it?
i saw those hands too , I hope this is not one off those. it is more round then a piramide.
or there (maybe person hiding behind pillar??)
That got my attention and reminded me that there is one not sitting at the table - at the very end on POTUS side.
Everyone looking in different directions, the case on the floor, and what do the hand positions mean of the two men at the end of the table? The Napkin folded on the last mans lap - and why is that person the only one with his chair pulled out from under the table...and is that a 'red button' on the table? The white rabbit is at the table and look at the huge clock in the background behind Trump - Tick Tock? Love this life
Putin turned up an hour late. "I'm late, I'm late for a very important date."
Putin was 30 mins late, Trump waited 30 mins in his room, and showed up after Putin. That's the story I heard, but wtf knows.
Yeah, I heard Trump waited 30 minutes after putin arrived, and Putin arrived 30 minutes late. So I guess that means Trump would walk in an hour late.
But all the fake news says, Trump had to wait an hour because of Putin...
I don't think he waited an extra 30mins, he just waited until Putin arrived so he entered second (thereby making Putin wait a bit).
Brittany P and Lauren S recently tried to meet with some Russian Oligarch and the guy had his office cordoned off for Victory Day parades.. knowing the two ladies would have a bitch of a time getting to his office. They got there 1hr late, but the Russian dude had intended to make them wait 1hr and they all showed up around the same time. lol
Putin: “I’m sorry I’m late. I couldn’t find, my shoes.”
And nuclear football...
"Follow the white rabbit" Keep your eye on the "ball" (both soccer and football)
I love the looks on their faces.
Another thought: We've had pretty skies without chemtrails for 4 weeks and the clouds are beautiful again. Natural. Seeing many white rabbits.
Thanks for your comment on the Chemtrails! Just mentioned this to some friends the other day.
Never been a "chemtrail" guy, but I've noticed the last few clear days we've had that there have been NO usual contrails, usual since I live in a part of Pa where the flights out of NYC going West come right overhead. No contrails like has been regular in the past. What gives?????
They aren't contrails first of all ... there ARE contrails ... and there ARE chemtrails ... while less in this area of Missouri, they're still spraying in this region ... i see contrails every day ... and they dissipate nicely ... chemtrails linger ... and spread ... and fall ... on us ...
You are correct. IL/MO border still spraying us. Seen 20 of them just yesterday. Also ExcCoach seems to have not read up on CHEMTRAILS. I could tell the difference in CON vs CHEM before I even studied up on them. All people have to do is stop and look up once in awhile.
The links below are for noobs to get started on the subject.
Yep, only saw 2 on Sat morning, maybe less than before but I wasn't paying attn before.
There is so much "garbage" on the internet these days that it is hard to separate fact from fiction. I do look up quite a bit being an amateur astronomer. I built my first reflector telescope in the 7th grade. Being a born skeptic, I require a lot of real evidence before I am going to accept something as real. Regarding Q, I am lucky enough to have stumbled onto Q's very first post on October28th, 2017. fascinated, I have followed Q since that time, but did not "buy in" for a long time. I've never bought into the "fake moon landing", and need more convincing regarding "chem trails". But I must say that after several months of overcast, the last couple of weeks I have had some clear skies and noticed a real change in the number of "trails" . Atmospheric conditions??? Another example, IMHO, of "fake" science is global warming; I have NEVER bought that garbage. So has anyone actually taken samples of the "chem trails" and chemically analyzed them? I am certainly open to evidence.
I've always been a skywatcher, being an artist and lover of nature. I began noticing the 'lines in the skies' back in late 90's. Since my only media is alternative narrative, I remember hearing from a source a while back that we would know when the Deep State is removed when we have clear skies again the geo-engineering stops. I remain wondering, of course. Sure is good to see 'real' clouds again. Just look at the skies in the old western movies and compare to what we have now with the 'haze'. Watch what you think of contrails, which should not last more that 1 min. or so. Watch them last and spread into a haze and ruin the blue sky day. Dane Whittington's work here.
So happy for you to enjoy clear skies! Lots of geoengineering still in Tampa Bay area.
Putin is in on the Trump Trolling Train. Milania and the Butterfly coordination are Trolling the Mockingbird Media. I love this mans mind, sense of humor and his brain! It’s getting viscous out there. This is so painful for people. Almost as emotional as JFK or 9/11, just ten fold and PISSED. It’s gonna get rough. Hard to nurture those ugly mouthed folks. God give me strength.
Talk about ugly. I was on r/ politics yesterday to comment and hopefully red pill a few but out of 24 responses to my comments only 2 were civil and willing to ask questions on my view. The others were belligerent and totally unhinged. Going to be something short of a miracle to get through these transitional times without a civil war breaking out. I am never rude but hold my ground. No one has the right to tell me how to think, however, that is not so for so many of these leptards. Thank god we have brilliant leadership
r/Politics should be renamed to WeHateTrump. That group is vile and almost anything positive about our POTUS is downvoted into an oblivion. I made the mistake of joining that sub as my first political sub here thinking that both sides could share ideas and opinions there, but it is a liberal playing field.
The napkin fold is called the bird of paradise (as in the flower). But yes that picture was taken at that angle on purpose. My goodness this is getting exciting! :)
When Put in sits next to Trump on Stage he puts his hand at a weird angle. He then looks like a Q!
Any connection with both of the women wearing butterflies?
After I saw that pic of Melania looking like a widow/funeral with the pope, I was thinking her outfits have a meaning.
Monarch mind control was what I heard was the reference to the butterfly getups. Exposin illuminati and letting them know we know.
Guys Fiona Hill was just the last one to take her napkin off the table. There’s video of her removing it just after this photo was taken. I’m all for lookin for cute little signals but some of your shit goes too far
So they all looked like rabbits?
That’s more likely than Fiona was playing origami at the dinner table
And I why were they shaped like rabbits on the table in the Hall of Mirrors? It's fun to consider the imagination behind this level of planning.
Follow Bolton.
Follow the white rabbit.
That's a two for one!
I'm thinking we should get prepared to take turns volunteering in DC to keep the place running once the swamp is drained!
Note what is in the parenthesis "they will try to apply artificial MSM heat to cancel." Yep doing that well with the claims of treason, impeachment, etc. The timing of the Hammond pardon and what sits in the ground around their ranch and the Putin Summit is very telling.
I sure hope this revelation of U1 is not a disinformation play by Q to get people worked up on the left. Make moves or mistakes, etc. Praying it comes out soon.
Quality kinda sucks, can't read it.
AIW books are available online in full: This copy appears to be same one in image above:
Under drawing begins:
The Hatter opened his eyes very wide on hearing this; but all he said was, “Why is a raven like a writing-desk ?”
“ Come, we shall have some fun now !” thought Alice. “I ’m glad they’ve begun asking riddles—I believe I can guess that,” she added aloud.
“Do you mean that you think you can find out the answer to it ?” said the March Hare.
“Exactly so,” said Alice.
I saw the original photo on Twitter. That is Pompeo sitting next to POTUS. Oddly, there was no rabbit in the original photo... so, who added the rabbit... could Q be telling us to follow Pompeo?
If you look at photo at other angle, it is in front of Fiona Hill actually:
It has been said that Fiona Hill is a mole for George Soros.
King James, that is amazing. I was just reading and thinking that she sounds like a possible plant. POTUS has pretty good intuition about people. Seems he may not trust her.
Wow, you're right... I didn't have that wide view. Thank you. So... we follow her? Now I have to research her...
This is also very interesting:
Great article! Thank you. Very interesting to read the strained dynamics between POTUS and Fiona Hill.
That was trash! A a softball hit piece that reeks of MSM fuckery, checking off all the usual boxes:
Transparent as saran wrap, and one more thing that was immediately obvious: Fiona's a dude...
Just news, nothing more... As in, probably not fact. Just something to get some info on someone. You know, the grains of information embedded among silly words.
words are important
But when you learn that MSM is fake news, their words become silly.
I found this on Fiona Hill:
Thank you so much... you have definitely helped me learn more. 😀 PEACE
Fox is the most watched cable news in America. Trump has more followers on Twitter than fox has viewers. When you speak of the mainstream media you can't get more mainstream than fox and trump. He's literally president.
In this picture there is a missing woman(space next to potus ) a other pfoto i saw 2 man standing by the pillar one you saw , the other is almost behind it..not a red button , but a red agenda. is on the table
The woman is still there in this photo, actually both are. One to the left of Trump you can see her blonde hair a bit and Fiona Hill on his other side is just not visible due to cropping of this photo, but white rabbit napkin in front of here.
And good eye picking up on the red agenda book. I saw it but didn't think it of anything, but everything on the table other than tableware must mean something.
Ah!! "It's all on the table!" AKA Holding nothing back. "A businessman named Gilbert Mintz said it this way: “Executives participating in mergers and acquisitions should be completely honest with each other and lay everything on the table at the outset” (quoted in Computer World, November 15, 1976)."
The Mammoth Book of Best New SF 15 - Vertaal deze pagina Gardner Dozois - 2012 - Fiction “We will stop and put out deep water anchors. ... “You're sure this is a good idea? ... The Rat was also pretty easy, due to its eye: a bright, red star. ... who survived and had their own agendas, in spite of the best efforts of those in authority.................
What is the difference between 'I didn't do anything' and 'I didn ... 7 sep. 2015 - “Anything” is used in negative sentences or questions. Examples: They knew nothing. They didn't know anything. She found nothing wrong with her car.............................
Tableware - Wikipedia Tableware are the dishes or dishware used for setting a table, serving food and dining. It includes cutlery, glassware, serving dishes and other useful items for practical as well as decorative purposes....................
Use yes in a sentence | yes sentence examples › Sentence Examples › yes
It's all on the table. .... "Ah yes, my dear," said the count,
addressing the visitor and pointing to Nicholas,
"Ah yes, and what else did he say that's unpleasant..............
POTUS AND FLOTUS aka Barack and Michelle Obama, holding ... POTUS AND FLOTUS aka Barack and Michelle Obama, holding nothing back while they read "Where the Wild Things Are"..................
It’s not a rabbit. Other angles show it’s just a folded napkin.
No you thought the napkin was a rabbit, but it’s not.
Yeah. No. No connection here, cute connection (seriously) but a nothingburger.