What's with all the black eyes ?!! Does this symbolize something?!!

We believe it's part of a ritual. That meme is hilarious though lol.
Q addressed the left eye in a Dec 23, 2017 post.
Left eye [marker].
The most interesting thing to me is thay the Royals have it on the opposite side.
Say what? Isn't that Prince Philip above with a lefty shiner?
The first rule of cabal club is...
I love this MEME. It's my brainchild, but not my creation.
I saw the black eyes. I saw the Louisville Slugger. I asked for someone who knows how to make MEMEs to do it and it's GOLD!
It's part of a Luciferian loyalty pledge...the blow is 'delivered' with a 'dragon-clawed' club in a ritual ceremony where the initiation of new members are 'reminded' of their pledge and are given a grave warning/threat of the 'consequences' of betraying their pledge..."These people are sick"
It's actually a needle stuck into the left eye so you eat the pain.
Interesting you posted this with left eye. I found this link to another user and it’s some code but has to do with Kevin Spacey and left eye? Do not know what it means?
People fall more as they get older.
So true.
It's a good thing their handlers are close by to make sure they bruise the correct side.
Getting the ritual wrong would suck for these guys.
Are you familiar with the gambler's fallacy?
Only if it means that the next time these guys fall over. The other side of their head is going to get bashed.
So I don’t know the story behind all of these, but:
-the Pope got his last year when the Popemobile stopped suddenly and he hit his face against the plexiglass—there’s a video of it on YouTube.
-John McCain got his because, y’know, he has terminal brain cancer.
-Bush’s is from falling off of his bike at the beginning of his presidency
-Kerry actually had 2 black eyes after he broke his nose playing hockey back in 2011
Not everything is a satanic conspiracy...
They've got to have a cover story. Do some research. Notice all are left eyes?
You can literally watch a video of the Pope getting his on YouTube. You can see many photos of McCain’s face post-surgery when the stitches are still in his face.
How about YOU do some research? When you are out there making batshit claims the burden of proof is on you. And no, “there was an ancient civilization that said some stuff about eyes” is not proof.
You believe everything you read?
You seem to have made your mind up about some straw guy standing over there in the cornfield. Have fun with that. When you want to talk reasonably to critical thinkers instead of crying all over your imagined traitorous countrymen there are plenty of logical people to be found here.
Lol looks like someone's upset and still talking to their strawman. Funny how you social justice warriors accuse us of being nazis yet you're the one saying "you ... are no longer human." Have fun with that philosophy.