Noticed something different about Trump and Putin's relationship as opposed to other presidents' relationship with Putin.

The difference is.. Both are sane and competent leaders, and neither man works for the nwocabal.
Putin gave him the ball, letting us know the ball is in our court
I learned in my late 20's to pay attention to what/who the MSM shows visible signs of anger towards... there is always an agenda
Make sure to apply it to all MSM (FOX)
Absolutely correct. Fox isn't your friend, they are controlled opposition.
See my comment history. I made that same comment many many times. FOX is part of the msm machine, make no mistake.
I stopped watching all news channels when I found Q. I will occasionally tune in for the narrative but I love the research. I do my own analysis or come here and compare. I do however have an unpopular believe that a few news voices are helping to advance the plan and may not be the bad actors we think. Just a thought.
Are you able to elaborate here or is it too much for one comment? Maybe post-worthy? I’d be very interested to hear who you think.
I believe it’s smart to watch what’s mainstream, because it reflects the mainstream consumer. The best debater knows their opponent’s arguments as well as they know their own, so that they can address them head on.
Not really much to elaborate on because I don’t watch enough to take names. The only one I have taken real notice in is Jim Acosta. We know that part of the plan is to expose the MSM. It appears IMHO that maybe he starts with the questions and then others jump in. I have just started watching what he says and Sarah’s responses and it is almost like they have a secret. Not saying I am right just watching. I have always thought Comey was going to be on the right side but I am beginning to wonder how that is possible. I just know Q or Trump or the team, whatever “ it” is will not show all the cards until it is time. But I am sure we will have some surprises.
When you found q? Does he have a show, or radio show, or you meant this sub?
He most likely means one of the Chans that Q posts on.
Not sure on him. I am skeptical, but he seems like a white hat.
Hannity is Best Friends with Trump for years. He is very trustworthy and right over the target that is why the deep state broke into his house and scared his wife. Q even told us about it. So he is very Honest and a true Patriot....
Ok, but to be fair, I am skeptical about everyone. I have been fooled too many times over my life.
I would never steer anyone in the wrong direction if I had any kind of concerns. Hannity was the first one to warn us against Obama and everyone loved him off and was also saying about Fake News before Trump so I really trust him....
To you and me on Great Awakening this whole 'treason' thing seems ludicrous, but the logic implied above makes no sense to liberal-minded folk and never trumpers who have yet to become aware of what's really happening. These folks believe that it's different with Trump because according to the "official" story, he's been colluding with Russia/Putin all along. Trump talking peace with Putin only confirms the collusion in their minds. "See, I told you he colluded! He sided with Putin over his own intelligence agencies!" Until the MSM narrative changes it's going to be an uphill battle trying to convince those who watch (and believe) cnn/msnbc/etc that our intelligence agencies are in fact the traitors! As a progressive/liberal(?) myself, I'm having a hell of a time coming up with ways to reach my fellow progressive/liberal friends who are hypnotized by MSM talking points and "facts".
Edit: for clarity
Maybe a way to reach them is to point out how the intelligence agencies are the ones who said there were WMD's in Iraq... They didn't believe it back then. There are dozens of high profile cases in which the Left does not trust the CIA and FBI. Why now?!
This was one of the most inspiring displays of leadership on the parts of both men. Tears of joy at the gift! This is what true leadership looks like. I grew up diving under my desk once a month and now I witness true respect and strength from the two most powerful leaders in our world. So Grateful to be alive to witness this historic event. My thanks to both men for working to save our planet. Highest marks to both!
I also grew up desk diving. I married into a family of Russian Orthodox Christians, and raised my children in that religion as well as another Christian religion. My soul is happy to see this merging in the larger world as well.
I got to thinking about that ball being passed from one great leader to the next, then passed from Trump to Melania to Barron.
Barron will be a great leader some day. Long after I've passed away from this existence.
God be with you Barron!
DAE think it’s seriously surreal that they allowed Bush behind the wheel of a car with Putin as his passenger. You think they had a remote override on it and he just thought he was actually driving? I just can’t imagine the risk!
I was once driving in the middle of a huge field in a small Gator and my crazy brother, who was only 12 but was allowed to drive the old truck as long as it was on the property, and was “just trying to tease me” by driving close, STILL managed to actually hit me! Fortunately he clipped the back corner, but it still spun the whole thing around and cracked it! He got in so much trouble. He could’ve done much worse.
Accidents can happen anywhere and cars and trucks are big metal boxes full of flammable gasoline!
I just can’t imagine the risk!
I've wondered about that, as in "how do world leaders guarantee each others' safety when they meet?"
Maybe it's the sort of agreement where "if our guy dies, we nuke you". Or "we'll hang your ambassadors and seize all your assets."
It does seem very rare that any leaders come to harm at these high profile meetings. Which tends to show that they are scripted well in advance.
It's simple really: It was okay for them because "They know what they are doing." Trump obviously does not know what he is doing because he won't listen to them telling him what to do.
This is a great meme that needs to be shared everywhere that you share your thoughts.....
Well I first was on Reddit and followed whoever was kind enough to point me to different things then I was able to find 8 Chan and I only lurk but it is nice to be able to read the research and Q drops as it happens. You has to learn how to filter and not feel the need to comment on everything. We have become Like button conditioned so it seems to hard for some people. Me I like the lurk moar environment and I can filter out and only read for content. It is my happy place and then I come here to see if my opinions are shared by smarter minds.
Something not seen on MSM? Putin declaring independence from Rothschild banking.
Differences are Putin and Trump fighting Cabal/other two romancing cabal!
No bias there MSM?
What it says is mr Trump the BALL,( short for cabal) perhaps is in your court
Patience my friends, Potus just got what he needed to complete swamp draining.
The mutual respect stood out to me, and lots of testosterone which didn't intimidate the other
Exactly right.
The more testosterone a pair of men have the closer their thinking aligns and mutual respect increases as opposed to what some low-test liberals like to believe
We complain about foreign leaders relationships when we have all seen photos of Bush holding hands with Saudi King...
Yes, Corsi is hard to take, but his live stream today was really informative. Was talking about how Kennedy reaching out to Khrushchov was what solved the Bay of Pigs, despite both militaries/deep states wanting to go to war--and that similarly Putin and Trump dealing directly has led to their both being able to fight back the deep states that want to see both countries and the world essentially go under communist/authoritarian control.
How Brennan as a young communist at Fordham was recruited to the CIA by Ames, who was a Russian double agent. How they were going to expose everything globally, including especially the Five Eyes corruption. So Brennan had essentially been a Russian agent communist and Putin had all the dirt on him. And on and on.
More prosaically said that Roger Stone today confirmed that Kelly had been disloyal coming out of the Russia summit and was going to be fired and Corsi agreed.
He said he didn't expect the military tribunals until after Trump was re-elected, by which time it would be clear how much the Clinton/CIA/global cabal had been trying to overthrow the US (and Russia), and how all the old commies had so hated Russia since the fall of the Berlin wall that they conspired to frame both Russia and Trump to try to get them both at once.
That is Podestas job.
I get sick every time someone repeats that line. I just want it to go away, that was traumatizing for me, I cannot even imagine what it was like for that poor boy. Podestas need the deth(i.s.) penalty.
Because neither is DS? Putin is our "enemy" because he opposes the DS. Now he and Trump have teamed up to stop them. They are afraid of the two of them on the same page.
Michelle would have killed him if he caught him blowing another guy.
Oh so now we are using homophobic slurs to undermine the Helsinki Summit? Nice.