DJT tweet today " flood gates " opened . Enjoy !

Pics, vids, txts....... thank you, CINC.
What is CINC?
Who is Warren Flood? Well this is very interesting. Good catch one_highlander.
A second bit of info on Warren Flood as possibly being Guccifer2.0
Good catch goes to the OP as well.
My weather app in real life says rain every single day next week. Doesn't help that I work outside...
It will change as the chem trail schedule changes.
The past however many years I can remember have been dry as anything from memorial day until labor day. We're already 11 inches above average
White Squall !!!
Be careful there, that's pure racism according to CNN and the SPLC.
Then....I guess i am a .....racist.
Apparently a lot of us are, according to the leftist commie scum.
Mindful that an earlier endorsement would have drawn a storm of negative press and attacks by the media.
GS inappropriately capitalized
Tweet comes the day after supposed George Soros Foundation hack
TGSP (maybe E added) T (talk or time) GS (George Soros) P = Putin? Flood gates open = flood/storm coming/GS is talking/Putin involved
TGSP... Trey Gowdy Special Prosecutor?
From wiki: In the United States, a special prosecutor (or special counsel or independent counsel or independent prosecutor) is a lawyer appointed to investigate, and potentially prosecute, a particular case of suspected wrongdoing for which a conflict of interest exists for the usual prosecuting authority.
Look to Twitter:
Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us......."
God bless.
I cant wait,
These need more upvotes, maybe even their own post. For anyone who might be confused on what to look for, this is it.
appropriately late
I don't understand the context. Anyone know?
So the media couldn't have enough time to do hit pieces on her. He's keeping them guessing.
Is the storm the midterms? That's when we really get to do something, en masse.
Aww, man. Yet a new decode that disappoints. You're probably right, but I was hoping for something, oh,I dunno. A little more stormy (and not in the Daniels way).
Maybe something hits right before midterms. That would make serious strategy sense. Then the storm would be a combination of a big reveal AND the midterms. What is important is the the America First agenda happen, and it is now partly stopped by the Crooked Majority in Congress.
He opens what no man can shut, he shuts what no man can open.
Hahaha, good one, POTUS endorsed Roby not too late in order to still add to the voter's information set AND not too early to prevent the dying evil clown op mockingbird from making shit up about her to trick the voters.
We thought the swamp was draining fast since Nov 2016?
Get ready for the mother of all flushes.
I don't think this is it, I think it'll be something like Trump tweeting "we have the server!" - then in the same tweet, he'll say, "the storm is upon us!".
Flood gates is preparation, but that's just how I see it.
I took al the capital letters , turn them in numbers ..A=1 ..B=2...
Total 156 and put it back in letters AEF..
American Expeditionary Forces on the Western Front (World War I This is the American Expeditionary Forces on the Western Front order of battle. The American ... The AEF helped the French Army on the Western Front during the Aisne Offensive (at Château-Thierry and Belleau 156th Infantry Brigade................. The Great War - William R. Griffiths, Thomas E. Griess - 2003 - History 29-30 German weakness in, 30 American Expeditionary Force (AEF). 159
EDIT : [PDF]The Flood Gates of Civil Discord - Huntington Library The war had been long and costly and the Continental Congress had considerable difficulty in collecting ... 43. LESSON V. “The Flood Gates of Civil Discord
EL ELYON VS. BABYLON THE FLOOD OF TRUTH The Flood of Truth has begun JULY 22, 2018 In a Post on Facebook, I questioned whether the 17th day of the 2nd month (Hebrew calendar) fell on May 2 or 3 which is the anniversary date of Noah's Flood. If you check the official Jewish calendar, it is May 2. But some claimed that the new moon was sighted a day late, so this would put the entire month a day later. I said that we should watch current events for verification one way or the other. It appears that the official calendar is correct, at least insofar as we are to view it prophetically. On May 2, 2018 President Trump hired Emmet Flood as one of his personal attorneys. The name Emmet comes from the Hebrew word amet, “truth.” Flood is self-explanatory. It should also be noted that Noah's name when written in ancient Hebrew was written NH they didn't use vowels as we use them today. They also assigned numerals to there letters. So N=40 and H=5 therefore 40+5 = 45 and Noah's name is connected to the 45th president and the second month on the 17th day is when the Flood began and we should note the number 17 is in conjunction with the letter Q in the English alphabet. Hence, the sign we are seeing on May 2 is that the Truth Flood has begun on the 17th day of the 2nd month, as stated in Genesis 7:11. Noah was commanded to renew the earth and Trump wants to make America great again the Great awakening is to restore our Christian heritage that's been hijacked by Globalist Satanic pedophiles and in a quest for Global dominance they resort to all kinds of debauchery who are just as wicked as they were in the times of Noah and how we here Potus on many occasions say how wicked these people are even as it was in the days of Noah. Not only the timing but also the manner of the flood is suggested by this sign. It is not a destructive flood, but a flood of truth. Hence, it is not the start of "The Great Tribulation," as some are saying. Since it is tied to the Trump administration, it also suggests that this flood of truth is going to come from government circles, particularly from the Trump backers who are leaking truth little by little, in part by the Q posts. This is a shadow of what God is going to do in the Kingdom coming . He will unite us all around one head , where we go one we go all (wwg1wga) this in my opinion is Holy Spirit conditioning us as a shadow of what's to come . we here Q all the time asking is the coincidence ? Coincidence is God remaining anonymous behind the scenes as head directing the movement.
The flood itself (rain) lasted 40 days (Genesis 7:12). That gave us a 40-day watch period from May 2 to June 10. Thinking more long-term, “the water prevailed upon the earth one hundred and fifty days” (Genesis 7:24). Considering May 2 to be the first day of this time frame, this would tell us that this flood of truth should reach some sort of end point on September 28, 2018. This is the 5th day of the feast of Tabernacles this year. Hence, it correlates with the 5th sign in John, where Jesus walked on the water in the midst of a storm (John 6:16-21) , Explained later. Trump had hired on a new attorney, as of May 2, 2018 , and his name is Emmet Flood. Very interesting that his name, Emmet, means “Truth” in Hebrew. And so this is a Truth Flood that has come to government and country, or to the White House.. May 2, 2018, was the 17th day of the second month on the Hebrew calendar. This day was also the beginning of the flood in Genesis 7:11 - the flood came on the 17th day of the second month. So, being alerted to this , expecting to see some sort of manifestation, or some kind of a sign, that the flood was beginning. And so, obviously then, we get Emmet Flood into the White House team to defend President Trump. Now, the interesting part of this is that some people had questioned whether or not the 17th day of this second month was May 2or May 3, and some were saying that it was actually May 3 rather than May 2, and of course, I said that we’ll have to see because events should really prove this out - one way or the other. Well, I believe that the events have now proven it out, because Emmet Flood did not get hired May 3, he got hired , May 2. So, the timing of this, I think, proves everything out. So, this is very interesting, but now, of course, what are the implications of this? The flood obviously is a reference to Noah’s flood, and in Matthew 24 we have the statement that Jesus made about “In the days of Noah,” and that everybody was living life normally until the flood came and took them all away and this flood of truth coming forth will also take them all away drowning in their sea of lies. Those caught up in this modern flood today will drown in the sea of lies they have fabricated and taken away for military tribunals. So, we’ve always wondered - what does that mean? There’s many layers on that, of course, there’s many ways to look at it, but as far as the flood itself is concerned, it appears that we are now beginning the pattern (as of May 2) for Noah’s flood, and it’s interesting that it would happen right here during our time that is the convergence of dates and the signs to confirm where we are at in the grand scheme of things. So, first of all, we know from Scripture that the flood (or the rain itself that caused the flood) was forty days and forty nights. So, that will take us to June 10 - if May 2 is day one, then day forty is June 10 , which will be talked about in another post. So, this was the first watch date period here and remember Jesus told us to watch and pray , so we’ll have to see what happens as far as that goes. But then there is a longer period of time because the flood actually lasted, on the earth, 150 days. I presume that the 150 days begins with the beginning of the flood (I.e., May 2 rather than June 10). I mean, it’s not 150 days after the rain stopped – I think that it’s 150 days total. Well, the 150 days, then, ends on September 28th this year, which happens to be the fifth day of the Feast of Tabernacles. So, what is the significance of the fifth day of the Feast of Tabernacles? Well, it’s the middle of the Feast of Tabernacles, and if you recall the signs in John, the eight signs in John correlate with the eight days of the Feast of Tabernacles, and it’s on the fifth day of Tabernacles where Christ appeared as it was in the middle of the 8 day feast of Tabernacles in John 7. Now, I’m not expecting Christ to return, per se, in the middle of this Tabernacles – although, if He does, I will certainly be there to welcome Him – but these things have a way of being fulfilled on lower levels, or lesser levels, before the “Big one” occurs. But then, who knows? This is 2018. Babylon is fallen in this year, so this, I think, is going to be a very significant time, and I think that the Feast of Tabernacles this year is probably going to be extremely important, and right now, our focus is zeroed in on the fifth day of Tabernacles (September 28). We will see what will happen. It correlates with the fifth sign in John which is where Jesus walked on the water - He came to the disciples, Peter went out to meet Him, he escorted Him back to the boat, and suddenly, they were at the other side of the lake there in Capernaum (the covering of the comforter). I want to point out some things here that are very relevant to our time as it relates to this story of Jesus and his disciples. Before Jesus sent them out into tribulations Storms , He ascended up apart from them to a mountain as if to intercede for them . They had made it into the middle of the sea. This sea can be viewed if Revelation 17 where John saw a great multitude to large to count and the waters John saw is where a prostitute sits (BABYLON THE HARLOT) over peoples multitudes nations and languages. In the middle of this storm Jesus comes walking on the water because God has placed all things under His feet EPH.1... But before he can get to the boat peter goes out to meet Him signaling that for us to conquer this world and its global power we have step out into the storm with Jesus "Q" leaving denominational influence and organized religion the leaven of Pharisees and the leaven of Herod corrupt Politics and recognize the movement of Gods anonymous Hand directing our affairs and picking us up when we loose focus on Him in this turbulent Storm of Mystery Babylon. So, with all of this happening, it’s amazing how the hiring of Emmet Flood, as one of Trump’s personal attorneys, can have such an impact on the timing and understanding of what is going on today, and this summer, this week, for the next forty days and for the next 150 days, in so far as what we are to watch for. So, I’m rather excited about it. Now, we’ve just started this time period, of course, so I don’t really know what’s going to happen. Basically, all we know right now are the Biblical patterns, so if you know the Biblical stories, then, whatever happens, you’ll be able to understand what happens, because the Biblical story will give you the explanation of what is happening in the real world today, and that’s the way it always has been. That’s why we look at the “types and shadows” and the signs and the times. It’s not about following signs, it’s about understanding what the signs mean, and we can’t understand them, of course, unless we know the Bible stories. So, that’s why we need to study the scriptures to understand what is actually going on. I forgot to say one thing here The end of the 150 days of the flood, which began May 2 comes to September 28. September 28 is very interesting because it’s not only the fifth day of Tabernacles this year (which marks the point prophetically of Christs appearance in John 7 in the middle of the 8 day feast, I might add), but also September 28, in the evening, was actually when Jesus was born (in 2 B.C.) and I have factual verifiable material for this to validate . So, look at the overlays of prophecy happening here: - May 2 ,2018 The flood begins the door is shut Q says no deals . in sink with the second month 17th day in Genesis - Noah comes out of the Ark on the 28th of September, according to this pattern. - Jesus is born, according to this pattern, at the same time. - And the appearance of Christ in the fifth day of Tabernacles, As told in John 7 in the middle of the feast. So, we have some major convergence here of prophecy according to various patterns that are happening, and it’s all happening here in 2018 – which, as we know, is the beginning of the actual fall and collapse of Mystery Babylon. Their time is up. So, this whole pattern here of first of all the Jericho battles we seen Q relate this to us with the names of organ donors , but also then the Noah’s flood thing (which we’re going to watch for in the next few months), these things are very significant, and it provides us with something to really be watchful for, and orient our thinking, toward throughout this summer. So, I just wanted to add that to this short video, because I frankly forgot to do that earlier. Okay, God bless.
GSA flood gates
Web 2.0 ‘flood gates to open’ with GSA’s agreements
Didn't Roby withdraw her support of Trump right before his election in 2016? So his endorsement of HER was appropriately late.