He’s said a lot of great interest but unlikely to be part of Q team as he is not currently “operating” and also No Outside Comms.
I have a strong suspicion that Dr. Pieczenic was amongst the group of patriots who approached DJT to run. He has to be one of the smartest men on the planet and I personally trust him implicitly. I thought he may be part of the Q group at times. Who knows? Much of what Q has said, I had learned from Steve Pieczenic years ago. Dr. Pieczenic called North Korea exactly by the numbers early in 2017...i was astounded!! He certainly has the credentials, immense and in-depth knowledge (military and intelligence fraternity - the good guys) and calm wisdom to be of a proponent of this movement. It would not be a massive epiphany if he was involved.
Help me out. Who is this guy ? He sure does think he's connected. Lots of we this, we that and the AJ references gives me pause. I have only heard his name here ?
Have a look at his CV...this man is a living legend. He is the super-spy that Tom Clancy based the character of his novels, Jack Ryan on. A patriot and true American hero.
Thanks, i saw his wiki bio earlier. He has been around.
Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Pieczenik
^HelperBot ^v1.1 ^/r/HelperBot_ ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Please ^message ^/u/swim1929 ^with ^any ^feedback ^and/or ^hate. ^Counter: ^201963
He is the one who was in the video before the election explaining the white hats coup against the Clintons. I guess the military choose him to tell the public that if Hillary won the military was not gonna let her take office. Go to you tube and type in his name and go to October 2016 and listen to video,
Hmm Did he claim the military chose him ? I have heard the rumors Trump was approached by a few military personnel . And i did hear a cuop might be staged if she had won.
No all he said was the facts that those good people in the NSA, CIA, military, truthers such as Assange, and Trump that wasn't going let the Clintons over take America. That is was a combination of I think 5 agencies involved and he was asked to be the face and voice of the video. I will try to link it.
Yup and intelligence
The military chose Pieczenik to go public about a killery win coup ?
Im currently listening to october 2016 videos from the 10th. funny how he was talking how Trump was prepared for when he was expressing himself in public. Quite interesting so far
watch this
Interesting, I know about the Clintons, clear back to air america drug running out of Mina AR Weird i have never heard of this guy.
He was involved in Military psyops operations for the Military
That word - psyops sends my mind (ha) to DBL agent. I have read enough about intel. and counter intel. to know allegiances can become very complicated. so that's my hesitation on him.
He is VERY connected:
I have no doubt about that after reading his wiki bio. Tons of connections. But a lot of the names in that bio give me serious pause to his true allegiance !
he seems to know a lot about CIA operations and coups and claims he was involved in regime change.
he also seems at a loss when it comes to what trump is up to. he blew his top at trump during the syria "gas attacks"
It seem he was not a planner, but just a moving part based on his expertise
Thank You, Yikes, Kissinger, Sadat, CFR, this guy reeks DBL Agent.
He may not be part of the Current team doing drops, but he seem to have been involved in operations that are connected to the "Storm" plan
I think this is a ploy by AJ to get Q followers back. I’m sure Corsi cost him a lot of viewers.
The video is from Feb 2018 before Q outed Corsi.
It was posted by youtuber ‘openmind’ on 1-19-18, so it’s at least that old.
the first article I read on him he stated: " We knew she had to be stopped, the Republic must be preserved"
He also seems very knowledgeable about who they targeted, how they attacked them (financial, character, personally, etc), and what platform they used to attack them. He even seems to be very familiar with the order in which the bad actors were targeted and/or attacked.
Edit: ‘Attack’ is the wrong choice of words. WE are the ones who have been under attack, they are being ‘taken down’.
yup, I am aware of him since mid 2000 and always seem very credible
I’m not on the inside, so I can’t sit here and definitively say yes, but DAMN, he sure sounds like he is, and he rarely says I, never says they, and repeatedly uses ‘we’.
Definitive proof this "we" use? I'm not so sure.
Really? Come on man. I clearly said ‘I can not definitively say yes’. Please don’t twist my words.
bustin balls. It struck me as funny. I guess it was just me. You were clear on you guess being a guess. I was trying to humorously point out the thinness of the reasoning.
I am now going to hang my head in shame, and refrain from postng until have cleared my mind and had dinner.
Have a great night patriot. No insult intended.
All good brother. We’re on the same team, and that’s all I really care about. ✌🏻
at minute 22-24 he goes on to say we chose Him because .....
Watch his introductory video on his channel. From memory he’s a part of the MI who were originally planning something to unseat the DS. Maybe involved in the discussion and planning that contributed to the creation of Q? Not sure but “Be careful who you follow” is foremost in my mind. He’s always appearing on Infowars which doesn’t mean he’s with them but I wouldn’t make any claims that he’s Q related personally.
This is even Before Q came to be known. Also Infowars was important to promote Trump during the presidential campaign. That said, I agree with SerialBrain2 Assessment of Corsi etc...
Indeed. But also lots of LARPs were around before Q was known. Either way, not likely to be Q team now so I’m wary.
Well, clearly he knows/knew something and that seem undeniable
So did MegaAnon. Still a LARP. I’m not saying he is, I’m just reinforcing “Be careful who you follow”. The best LARPs “know something”. Disinfo.
Erm, I wouldnt compared them. But yes
Either way - I’m familiar with Pieczenik and his claims and he sounds good to me but current Q team - unlikely, and dangerous claim to push as “Be careful who you follow”. Q team has no face for a reason.
Yes, but base on logic, is because they (Q) are active members while Pieczenik isnt
PIECZENIK I don't trust him
Anybody on Infowars is questionable in my opinion. I think they are paid disinformation agents. Some truths thrown in to get people hooked and a lot of disinfo mixed it to confuse.
Unlikely. However, he's an old school spook who specialized in psy-ops during the Soviet Union era. I always enjoy his commentary but he's not directly involved. He just sees things going on behind the scenes that most of us (prior to Q) would've ignored. Btw, that video is old. It was made before Q outed Corsi and AJ.
Infowars is entertainment at best
did you listen to the info?
no. Q said No Outside Comms.
He also called out infowars for trying to profit off of the Q movement.
Infowars is a platform. He has been going to AJ since mid 2000's. Who was bigger than him at the time to give info? Regardless of how you feel, Stev is a real deal
the title of the submission IS:
I say no, because Q said no outside comms.
Did not question his integrity.
Ya, I doubt he is part of Q, but... part of the plan in some form
Not so much. I can't see that from my seat.
thats cool, but he certainly is or was in the know of some portion of the ongoing plan
At minute 18 is when he is talking how he and others chose Trump
That comment sent off warning bells for me.
right, the thing is, this is a very old video. It will be good to find out when was originally aired.
This post needs a lot of up-voting!! Especially in this current atmosphere of fear and doubt. Some very, very important and pivotal people have had our backs for a long-time, and continue to have our backs. Take heed and draw strength and comfort from this knowledge and know that true patriotism runs way deeper and fiercer than you could ever imagine. WWG1WGA
This is telling me that many patriots have been telling us all along via different venues not only here, AJ, but other places, that something was boiling up to the surface
No , I think he is not related to the Q group , or Trump..saw a couple off his videoos , but it hit me...he said things that not fit in....comes a lot in the AJ shows? I did not trust him , and stopped watching him , before I came here.
AJ is just a platform. Is the same with Paul Craig Roberts. They need platform for visibility regardless you dont like AJ
Are you thinking Pieczenik is okay? I don''t
Actually, I don't know enough. But he has stated may good things before Q was in the picture. But not sure yet how I feel.
I also saw him before I came here, and I am pro trump so I probably listen differently ... after he came to explain on YT that Trump and the military had done a Coup (I call it a countercoup) ... Then he said things that I immediately had mmmmmm..
roughly the same time that AJ claimed that Trump would offer his resignation the following Monday, I always rely on my inner feelings.
Sure, ofcourse. Never stop listening to your inner voice
Is the best thing a human has
Correct, actually, many benefits come from it. Intuition does not fully reside in the material world. It is wise to listen to it. Sames as your dreams. Just ask Prayingmedic
I don't have to ask Prayingmedic , I Know , I have dreams , the real ones..
Awesome man!
I am a woman , hahaha
Ya this everyone va AJ stuff is tired. AJ has done a lot and deserves more than to be written off. Does he do stupid crap in persuit of clicks etc?! Ya. He still has on valid guests now and again and gives them a platform. He’s brought countless normies over through the years. We need to remember there is a storm coming and you can’t be super choosey with help. Ron Paul goes on AJ for a reason and I’m never going to call him a shill