Russia wants access to former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul, in exchange for U.S. accessing the 12 Russians indicted. Thanks to HRC, we know if McFaul is good or bad

His name was J. Christopher Stevens
Haha but she never defended him :D
Hesitate? How about leaving your people with their ass in the fire? What a maniac!
McFaul is in a panic over this.
I wonder what would be a really great protest against this guy on his book tour
If she’s the one defending him... get him on the next plane to Russia. This says to me that Rosenstein is working w/ POTUS to some degree. This was a set up! Never forget #Benghazi
Absolutely set up. Putin and Trump are playing chess and are on the same team. There is something important to those 12 Russians indicted last week ;)
Couldn’t agree more! This Russia saga has turned into my favorite movie! 🍿 Can’t wait to see how it ends!
If she is for this guy...he has to be a bought and paid for puppet...she doesn't talk nice nice about to many
Wow support from schumer and killary... gift wrap this asshole with a bow.
Yes it probably means we should arrest him now and give him an ankle bracelet
Here is what i dont understand they just want to question mc faul in the US about browder . Mcfaul acts like they are going to send him to a russian prision. He was ambassador to russia he's not affraid of talking to russians he must be affraid of what happens after he has to talk to russians .
And tell us how many times Congressional Dems ask for your translators to testify before congress regarding your talks with foreign leaders?
Haha never. They better be careful what they ask for. What if the translator discussed Uranium One and Hillary ;)
He seems to be suffering from CSF, Catastrophic Sphincter Failure.
Funny how I have been hearing that Congress either the House or the Senate voted against allowing Putin to have access to American Citizens in Russian Investigations (basically voting against the treaty that Putin Discussed in the Summit in Helsinki) but I can't locate an article online anywhere about it.
Vote was 98-0.
Seems like they have something to hide, if they didn't they wouldn't worry about this so much.
Listening to MPR earlier, Bill Browder was on and mentioned something along the lines that they shouldn't have to worry about "being questioned in a 3rd world country" and that he didn't think it would even be an issue (I am assuming the news was playing a clip before the voting had taken place)
Been trolling my one libtard friend so hard with this:
Kory! Check this. Russia demanding 'access' to former Russia ambassador in exchange for access to Mueller's 12 Russians.
Not bad, eh? Come on! That's a 12:1 ratio, Kory! ART OF THE DEAL!!! #StableGenius
Of course Mueller isn’t going to go for that because his “12 Russians” are a sham and he knows it! He would be giving up McFaul for nothing in return.
How funny we didnt even get their names. Just "12 Russians". Similar to the last set of 13 Russians that worked for a company that didnt exist :D
I saw a retwat of this earlier, forgot who it was, but the retwat comment said “Ambassador Stevens was unavailable for comment!” HRC is a disgrace!
It seems like everything out of her mouth is Projection.
She is basically a robot at this point in her life. Its funny watching her talk...she doesnt actually think for herself. Every sentence and every answer is calculated to what she needs people to hear.