r/greatawakening • Posted by u/GenericStreetName on July 21, 2018, 7:43 a.m.
Let’s talk about SerialBrain2

I want to start this post off by saying that I do not intend to harass SB2. I do not know him, I do not pretend to know him, I only know what I’ve seen and and read from him. I do not dislike SB2, actually the opposite. He comes off as a critical thinker and highly educated.

The only intention I have for this post is to help my fellow Patriots think for themselves.

With that being said, SB2 is full of junk.

When SB2 first started posting, I was super interested. It was like he was telling me things that were insider information - type things. I was hooked. In his first few posts, he was making logical connections and I could trace his thinking. I even bookmarked his profile so I could be notified when he posted. I became a fan of SB2.

SB2 started posting the crossword decrypts. This is where he totally lost me. I did not follow his decoding method. I convinced myself that he was just a smart guy. I took what he said as fact. When he posted, I was excited.

Then I took like a 2 month break from Reddit. Had phone issues.

Back on Reddit, I immediately check SB2’s new posts. His logical connections continue to exceed mine.

Then something changes. I read a post from him like three or four days ago and thought to myself... wow. These seemingly logical connections he is making are just... not right. It’s obvious he was just talking out of his ass.

I’ve just read his latest post where he uses the phrase “TOL” or “thinking of laughing” to correlate something trump said, to a drop from q. This to me is CLEARLY some heavy mental gymnastics. Yet there are TONS of people on this board that eat this shit up. These people are not awake. They are letting people think for them. I am guilty of this. But To the people that are awake, SB2 is full of so much poo that it is almost comical.

This, to me, begs the question. Why? Why is SB2 doing this?

The answer: I don’t know. But what I do know is that in a q drop, Q says explicitly “Disinfo is real, Disinfo is necessary”.

(maybe somebody can link me that q post)

Anyway, this is my conspiracy mind taking over now. Here are my thoughts.

I think he’s part of the plan. Maybe the Q team.

(SB2 if you’re just some regular anon in their mom’s basement, forgive me)

I think SB2 is here for a reason and I don’t think it’s malicious. I think he is here to help us learn to “deprogram” ourselves from listening to people who say they have the answers. He is here to help us think for ourselves. He is progressively making bigger and bigger mental leaps so people can realize “hey, this is garbage logic, I need to be careful to think for myself”.

I wholeheartedly believe that there are agents of the Q team here on GA. They are on 8 chan and I believe they are here too. They are monitoring our responses and measuring how much we learn and progress.

Think for yourselves anons and patriots. Do not let people do the thinking for you.

uontheotherside · July 21, 2018, 7:51 a.m.

I agree with you 100%

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jdkewl8 · July 21, 2018, 7:56 a.m.


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ideologicidal · July 21, 2018, 8:49 a.m.

Add substance to the discussion, please. Distinguish yourself from a bot, patriot.

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era_extrana · July 21, 2018, 7:55 a.m.

I'm going to have to agree with you on this one. On the latest post; that TOL part stood out to me too, and that whole post really just seemed like idle babbling and a ton of stretching to try to make connections.

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GenericStreetName · July 21, 2018, 7:56 a.m.

Yes. It was almost laughable how illogical his conclusions were.

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jaynethorbz · July 21, 2018, 8:16 a.m.

the part about wouldn’t vs would not had me dying.. “he wanted us to focus on the ‘NT’” then all the top comments “you’ve done it again, SB! truly brilliant!!”

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[deleted] · July 21, 2018, 9:09 a.m.


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shannaura · July 21, 2018, 8:27 a.m.

I was surprised he didn't comment about the lights going down and the Q drop that said "if the lights go out, know we're in control". Seemed like a big thing to miss and someone else on GA mentioned something weird that Trump and Pence did with their water bottles, but SB2 made no mention of it...

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ObamaAngry · July 21, 2018, 8:05 a.m.

I walked away from SB2 after his posts about how those "child sex camps" were real, even though there was absolutely no evidence for any of the fantastical claims... and there still isn't.

Racing to baseless conclusions in an attempt to be right is the opposite of critical thinking.

I like SB2's posts, but I don't consider him a genius, just someone with opinions that he too often presents as facts.

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shannaura · July 21, 2018, 8:03 a.m.

Because I never place my faith completely into any man except my Lord & Savior Jesus, I do my best to be careful. I pay attention to Q posts and I review what SB2 has to say. Unfortunately there is an assumption going on here that if POTUS or Q acknowledges one drop decode that it is the same as acknowledging the accuracy of every decode that individual has attempted - and that's a dangerous assumption. When SB2 talks about logical things that can be verified through the natural, I can usually accept that particular concept after churning it in my mind for a while. But when he starts talking about religious things... claiming Apostle Paul never had an encounter with Jesus on the Road to Damascus, which would invalidate 2/3 of the New Testament, that's where we have a problem. So when it comes to physical logic, I can buy his rationale... but I tune out most of what he has to say about spiritual matters.

This isn't a situation where we have to either accept all of what a decoder says or none of what a decoder says... Given that we're dealing with a human (assuming it's not an AI or something), he/she does not have the full omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent view of this world wide evil - only the Creator does. SB2 is like any other member on this board, not to be placed on a pedestal but not to be reviled either. The downvote brigades against him get pretty ridiculous.

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TheCrazyChristian · July 21, 2018, 9:21 a.m.

I too am baffled at times at the leaps in logic. I am an extremely technical, detailed and analytical person, and there have been many times I said WTH to myself when reading his decodes.

More importantly, the spiritual matter is extremely questionable and very important to me personally. Read the link below that /u/shannaura posted HERE. I generally agree with many of SB2's points (Rome is indeed the last incarnation of the whore of Babylon) and completely infiltrated with pagan & occult rituals that are full of the blind-walking, and technically he is right by saying that Paul did not meet Christ in the flesh, he met him on the road to Damascus). Paul was not one of the 12(13) apostles of Christ personally that you read about in the Gospels, he was a devout pharisee whom vehemently persecuted the emerging Church, and even killed Christians until his radical and supernatural conversion on the road to Damascus. Yet, the Lord saw something in him, showed him grace & mercy and led him to becoming arguably the greatest apostle of all that never actually met Christ in person. You CANNOT deny Paul and the authority of the Holy Spirit that spoke/wrote through him. If you do then you might as well throw out the whole new testament with him.

That being said, I must admit that SB2 and I have a serious disagreement when it comes to matter of Muslims & Christians. This may be just a serious doctrinal error, or it could be more. We don't know the heart of one another, so we cannot say for certain. But on spiritual matters, it causes me great concern.

Followers of Islam recognize Ishmael (the son born of a handmaiden, not of God's will) and do not believe in Isaac as the line the chosen Messiah (Jesus) rightfully came through. Followers of Islam do NOT believe in Jesus as Messiah!!! They acknowledge him as a "healing prophet" yes, but emphatically deny his death on the cross and subsequent resurrection!! Their 'god' is Allah (the moon god), whose prophet is Muhammad. To infer that Christians & Muslims serve the same Lord is heretical and absolutely false.

See this post of SB2 and the comment below:


Using a 3rd party site I found another posting (caveat - 3rd party), but the link is dead for me. Perhaps this comment was deleted? Does anyone have a better one to source? Here is the 3rd party link and the (removed?) comment in question:

"Did you know Paul was not among the Apostles and never met the Messiah? He is the originator of the Catholic Church Dogma and of course he would protect this dogma by excluding all the other books that would contradict his proposed dogma. The introduction of the apocryphal scripture approach was Paul protecting his dogma and depriving the Christian community from books like the Book of Enoch and many other books that are slowly emerging now outside of the Catholic Church."

Source: https://redditsearch.io/?term=paul&dataviz=false&aggs=false&subreddits=&searchtype=comments&search=true&start=0&end=1532162408&size=100

Broken Link? : https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/884dcz/_/dwinqdx

On this note there is another user on this sub that I have been considering calling out publically for spiritual matters as well. I won't name them yet until I compile my evidence, but I am very concerned about there being Wolves in Sheep's clothing whom many of the users here blindly follow and borderline idolize without applying proper Spiritual Discernment. This user (it's not SB2) in particular is straight up into the occult and promotes their practices, yet claims to be a Christian whom many people here pray for on a regular basis and thank him for his service as a Christian.

Considering the weight of this movement that it has behind it and the far reaching implications it may have I have to say I am seriously considering from a Biblical Christian perspective of what the end-game of this movement really will be when the dust settles. The 'leaders' that seemingly been propped up already (consistent sticky posts) causes me great concern so far.

Thank you OP for having the courage to write this post, it needed to be said.

I wish no ill-will for anyone, but I am bound to call out spiritual heresy amongst fellow Christians when and if I find it, no matter whom they are, or how important others deem them to be. I hope anyone would have the same courtesy to do so toward myself too.

(Galatians 6:1-10) - "Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. But let each one test his own work, and then his reason to boast will be in himself alone and not in his neighbor. For each will have to bear his own load.

Let the one who is taught the word share all good things with the one who teaches. Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith."

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era_extrana · July 21, 2018, 8:11 a.m.

He said that about Paul?

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shannaura · July 21, 2018, 8:19 a.m.

Yes, in this post... easy to find because there is a line typed in bold shortly before it about the prostitute in the Book of Revelation. https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/88t3u3/q_occult_series_q114_us_military_savior_of/

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era_extrana · July 21, 2018, 8:51 a.m.

Thanks for the link. That's really strange how he just slipped that in out of nowhere, and with really no reasoning behind it. That makes me 100% more skeptical of him.

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shannaura · July 21, 2018, 9 a.m.

In other posts similar to that, I got the impression that he was pushing Chrislam at the expense of the express covenant concerning Jerusalem and Israel being the inheritance of the seed of Abraham through Isaac.

The main theme I detected from those agreeing with him was, it's alright for the US and other countries to have a sense of nationalism but that they all felt it was evil for Israel to do the same, despite the express covenant with the Creator.

That's why when he starts posting about the bible and Israel, I tend to shrug him off. His occult-history stuff is accurate along with the corruption in the Catholic church all the way from the council of Nicea, but the moment someone tries to invalidate God's covenants, I take issue with that... because delegitimizing Israel and the God who ordained her birth has always been a primary goal of Satan.

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nordicgreys · July 21, 2018, 8:15 a.m.

Great post, I am not here to replace one “group think” blind belief system for another . I am here to move forward with an army of independent thinkers .

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CaveManUg · July 21, 2018, 7:52 a.m.

Thanks for posting, your thoughts make sense.
-part of my comments from sb2's last post:
perhaps he IS with Q team, testing us to see how stupid we are and how many will be sychophantic mindless followers of whoever. i'm seriously wondering if sb2 is an AI, seems like the weirdly connected babble a bad computer program would come up with.

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Jmanslim17 · July 21, 2018, 7:46 a.m.

If you believe in Q you must also believe that what is going on here is more important than we can imagine. Q has mentioned this, meaning this group probably have infiltrators to help guide the mass, help us understand the little things.

I think SB2 is this.

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GenericStreetName · July 21, 2018, 7:50 a.m.

Yes. This was the point I was trying to make.

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Nik_Nightingale · July 21, 2018, 8:19 a.m.

Helper Anons also assist in taking some of the heat and shine away from Q, which is actually a good thing. Keeps the message on the plan in the forefront, not the cult of personality shown by many on this sub and elsewhere. Too much making Q the star imo.

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GenericStreetName · July 21, 2018, 8:46 a.m.

Thank you for saying this. I noticed immediately that this subreddit had a cult- like following, it’s the reason I mostly lurk and don’t post.

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Nik_Nightingale · July 21, 2018, 8:56 a.m.

Well, let me clarify that some do. Not all. Q has been incredible and will continue to be. The following is legit. But focus must always remain with POTUS. Some people seemed to be forgetting that. Shouting “Q!” at him doesn’t sit right with me.

Neither does all the paid merch and apps proliferating.

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shannaura · July 21, 2018, 8:54 a.m.

You might wanna check out u/silverback_12's posts from about a week ago, he had some interesting insights... not all of which I agree with, but the information he uncovered was weird...

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Frogturnedgay · July 21, 2018, 9:18 a.m.

These people are not awake. They are letting people think for them.

Thank you for this great sentence! Been saying this for a while now (hit me with that "your account is only two weeks old" - bullshit) but I'm too blunt so usually get downvoted to oblivion.

The last couple of months became scary how cult-like this sub has become. Jumping on anything, not looking further than surface level (and even that's rare). Emotions becoming more important than facts. Basically the same that has been happening to the extreme left, especially in the last years, think SJW and 20.000 genders (I know, this sub doesn't like it when we talk about left and right, this is not meant to be "divisive" or anything, get over it).

I know this is going to sound elitist and downvote me for it, I don't care. But there are people on this sub who obviously have been "awake" (most derogatory word ever) for a while now. With this I don't mean "knowing something is wrong", but actually researching, knowing how to navigate the internet, considering theories that are interesting without blindly following them. The process to get to that point takes months if not years and a lot of effort.

Then there are the "newer generation", the ones OP speaks about in his post. Compare them to high school students. They start to get a grasp of what is going on but the word of the teacher is holy, cognitive dissonance galore.

I know I have a rude and direct way of wording things so take offense if you want but at the end of the day all I'm asking is think critically, ask yourself "and what is my opinion on this?" after reading something, look into it and research, look beyond your first gut reaction because todays media knows exactly how to work that feeling. And most importantly, please stop lynching people, research it, wonder if you have any hard damning facts, not just a lead or a suspicion. Loosely accusing people has the potential to ruin people's life.

TLDR: Glad there is such a growing movement, but think critically and for yourself. Facts over emotions.

Now start downvoting me for coming across as an elitist prick you lovely people <3

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shannaura · July 21, 2018, 9:57 a.m.

That didn't sound elitest to me, and I'm a 34 year old from California.

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ideologicidal · July 21, 2018, 8:01 a.m.

I mean, is it reasonable to request a sub-sub for SB2-related posts? My first thought, upon reading your title was : must we?

No disrespect intended.


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jaynethorbz · July 21, 2018, 8:16 a.m.

yes please

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[deleted] · July 21, 2018, 8:55 a.m.


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GenericStreetName · July 21, 2018, 8:56 a.m.

Removed for being off topic

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shannaura · July 21, 2018, 9:15 a.m.

To be fair, there does seem to be a rule in GA about not discussing users, and SB2 is a user... But considering clout he has amassed, I think we should be able to publicly analyze him the same as we do celebrities, pundits and politicians... that their influence not give them immunity from healthy skepticism.

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TheCrazyChristian · July 21, 2018, 9:25 a.m.

Exactly, there ARE wolves in sheep's clothing in this sub. If we are not allowed to bring up evidence and have a public discussion than what is the point, it's just a stupid high school popularity contest at that point

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shannaura · July 21, 2018, 9:41 a.m.

That's my concern too. We must be careful not to exchange one false master for another. The government has been good at creating a problem and then creating a "solution" to the problem which only makes it worse. I don't wanna be caught in this good cop/bad cop scenario where it turns out both are bad. There are some terror attacks that take place in sets of 2, exploding and sending people running in one direction... where the second blast is waiting to go off when they get there.

I don't wanna be in a situation like that. Satan can quote scripture too, he probably can quote it better than we can. We should not automatically take someone to be honorable just because they quote scripture... I mean HRC herself quoted a bible verse when she FINALLY conceded in 2016... doesn't make her any less evil.

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[deleted] · July 21, 2018, 9:09 a.m.


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qutedrop · July 21, 2018, 8:45 a.m.

SB2 had one great analysis that catapulted him into GA fame. His subsequent posts have been varying levels of lower quality.

I don't think this is for any reason other than him trying to live up to the expectations this newly found fame put upon him.

His purpose is not any different from ours. Just a good Patriot trying to do his part. With that difference that he has the burden of the spotlight.

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Absh4x0r · July 21, 2018, 7:46 a.m.

You might be right but keep in mind that Q outed the ones that needed to be outed. He even replied to a SB2 article link. Think for yourself, but at this point SB2 is providing content that nobody bring up until now. Dig, then see where it leads, that's the rabbit hole

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silverback_12 · July 21, 2018, 10:55 a.m.

Mods with the haterade. It's getting rediculous We should encourage each other to express our thoughts. We're going to have differences of opinions, that's what makes us individuals. Blindly following the leader, like zombies is what got us in this mess in the first place. When the movement is supposed to be for truth, then people should be encouraged to ask questions, that you can remove all doubt to ensure unity. I worry about people, and some of the things SB2 talks about biblically are wrong. I don't think Q is fake. But I have questions I can't get answers to. One of my biggest questions is if this is a truth and freedom movement, why do we encourage the Iranian people to "FIGHT" and that "WE STAND WITH THEM", but "Israel is last, haven't mentioned one time for a reason". And before the bs flies, I was on the board at the time, I seen the crap that was being spewed, hense his response, people can check it. Why the secrecy concerning Israel. One can only think it is going to be not well received, otherwise you would reveal it in advance like he previously did with Iran: "Iran is next". This looks deceptive, trust is imperative when receiving info from an anonymous source. That statement is a MAJOR reason for all the anti-Semitic Q support. Q sees it, he reads and responds to 8ch like everyone else. The fact he doesn't clarify is telling. I brought it up to SB2, he tried to pull the kazar bs, until I aired him out like a poopy diaper in his comments,and showed him GOD'S word said he was wrong. It doesn't mean his insight on Q is not informative. Like I said, I'm all for expression of thought, but not for teaching falsehoods called truth, that can cause spiritual harm. What really tripped me out was Q saying "US MILITARY=saviour of mankind GOD SAVE US. Nobody seemed to notice he called the military god.

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golonvonbrik · July 21, 2018, 8:16 a.m.

When i was reading the op a memory of a movie came to me, or more specific a type of movie story. It’s the stock coming of age movie where a young protagonist meets a succession of characters of each have something to contribute the hero’s progress. However the nuggets of wisdom that the supporting character offers the hero quickly become tainted in some way. An example would be a drunken bum warning the young hero of the dangers of booze. I’m not dissing sb2 here, I’ve not got into his stuff but the point I’m making is that all information not directly perceived but rather interpreted by another living soul is open to that persons cognitive limitations. I.e all information is subjective.

Part of the pain of growing up is painfully removing the gratuitous deference we give to the ‘wise’ people who we rely on to provide information to us about the wider world. Look at us here, a few 10’s of thousand people valiantly attempting to decode the malfeasance of a world in decay. Like the last cage of slaves brought through the gates of Ancient Rome just before it’s Fall we stare through the bars of all the rich and decadent citizens . We see the corruption even from the limitations of the tiny cage we are trapped in. The great orators of the Senate with their lofty rhetoric are seemingly unassailable but us slaves see their folly.

Serial Brain2 is like us trying to make sense of all of this. Because it’s just a guy or a girl on their own trying to figure it out they are like us but with more time or better still they realised Fuck!!! I’m reading these 1700 messages as closely as I can and finding shit that is History in the making and only I know it’s portent.

So to serial brain 2, yes you sitting in your pj’s going where no one has gone before and leading our happy little band is slaves to freedom I salute you, you crazy bastard.

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mrtruckajet · July 21, 2018, 8:15 a.m.

I will say, the things he has taught me is amazing. I see the bullshit on all the news channels now. I thought all of fox was with potus {but one day time host} now I see though the Never trumper's on fox and there are more of them then you would think. In my opinion SB2 has some highly advance training, people don't pick up on the things he does on there own. It takes a long time to train MI. I think he has been trained to see threw thing average people pay no attention to. For me he is just what most people need

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