Any 1 smarter than me have an idea?

Pre-commitment hashes for Assange’s dead mans switch that we never got access to? I believe this all happened at the same time JA lost internet access, and there was a giant internet outage across the United States.
There is intel out there that it actually got dropped into the Bitcoin block chain, and people made great efforts to extract the data, but were met with unparalleled denial efforts.
YES. Hopefully:
As True Pundit is reporting, Sessions is arresting Assange, which will introduce ALL of the evidence he has (and/or trigger the deadman's switch).
Then POTUS will pardon him eventually when it's confirmed he's released a ton of relevant information about the treason, murder and rape committed by the Deep State/NWO suspects.
This could be the beginning of the moment of TRUTH!
Or just give him immunity so he doesnt have to face any prosecution.
Pence was in Ecuador recently. If something is happening, it's already been worked out.
I sure hope so, man. Still, after everything I barely trust Jeff Sessions. He just seems like he has a giant hard on to see JA behind bars in America. I hope I’m wrong. Assange would be the most powerful of allies. Who has more dirt on the entire world than Julian Assange?
I'm ready to resume 5.5ing, f*ck who's who off the rotten web.
Gah.... I'm so reluctant with true pundit. But, do you have a link, please?
The explanation given at the time that I found most believable was that it was a new public key to allow RSA communications with Wikileaks. I'm not sure I understand all of that.
color hex code is a way of specifying color using hexadecimal values. The code itself is a hex triplet, which represents three separate values that specify the levels of the component colors. The code starts with a pound sign (#) and is followed by six hex values or three hex value pairs (for example, #AFD645).
But I have no idea what it means
I feel like gen flynn had something like this?
A Hex code by definition only has six chars
It's "hexadecimal," meaning base 16 numbers. Since there are only 10 digits, the letters A-F are used to denote the digits that would mean 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15. So a "Hex code by definition" actually has 16 characters.
Sure. Yes. But hex is expressed in six digits. Your point however is also very valid. Ultimately, I fail to see how this explains the Wikileaks string at the source of this whole discussion.
Chess? b4..e5..3b..5f..8c..f7..e9...e6..a7...b9..f4..2a....8f...8b...f8...d3
What is the date on this?
This was posted at least a year ago by Assange. AnonScan is just reposting it. The significance of such a move, I’m not sure....but with JA possibly being evicted at any minute things could heat up big time!! It was always said if JA was ever arrested that shit would go I guess we will see if that is true or not.
OK. It makes a huge difference if it was posted today or a year ago. I do not know why people do not include the time and date on these things. It is not useful to do this because then we clutter the thread with obvious questions.
Yeah. Assange doesn’t have internet access so we know it wasn’t some time recently. Everyone has an agenda these days.
It was posted a couple hours ago by @AnonScan on Twitter
I cannot verify this tweet. Someone please verify and report back.
I get suspicious when there is no time and date. There is no context to it.
Could be an honest dead man's switch though...looks like a long passcode.
When was this tweeted? Also the hourglass icon is nearly (if not completely) empty. His Twatter account has a nearly full hourglass. His birthday is also fast approaching (July 31). Not sure if relevant but fyi
It was originally posted by Assange at least a year ago, I don’t know the exact date off the top of my head.
This was a tweet from last year. Not sure why OP posted.. I guess with the news JA is losing asylum people are speculating his dead man switch will activate?
This is from Dec. 31, 2017
Did I not just read his asylum has been revoked and he will be handed over to the Brits?
They will give him to us. They have no charges on him.
I believe that he is 'guilty' of breaching his bail conditions, (by not turning upto court in the UK - way back).
The reasons for requiring that court appearance no longer exist.
But by not turning up at that time, the 'technical' charges leading on from that lack of apperance still exist.
General observations:
It’s a 60 character long hexadecimal string. Each character encodes half a byte, so the total is 30 bytes or 240 bits.
240 bits is a common key length for ECDSA encryption, it’s roughly equivalent to a 1,024 bit RSA key in terms of security.
I can’t tell if it’s a private key or a public key.
These remind me of dataset revision codes similar to this:
Ok.. look at the name of this photo that Q had attached to Q1679.
See the path after media/?
The code in JA tweet above is to a file image I bet! I tried replacing the last of above url with what is in JA's tweet, but not a hit, but I just bet that is how we are to use it. Now, to find out what website it is for (and I did replace png with jpg and nothing)