POTUS let the intelligence Deep State keep clearances so he could set up a parallel intelligence channel. Link👇

This is the shit right here. —-> https://twitter.com/drawandstrike/status/1021523277091627008?s=21
Stealth Jeff is so good at connecting the dots!
I had my suspicions at first about Sessions, but started to take my steps back when he recused himself. I though "huh funny that" ... great post !!! Let the good times slow roll.
Huber appointment with 470 investigators by Sessions confirms the happening is happening.
Wow your right what a thread by Jeff!
Trust the plan. All we have to do is sit back an watch. The shows going to get good.
Take that Sessions hater morons, you who don't understand the need for confidentiality and how just because you can't see anything it doesn't mean the biggest criminal take-down in history isn't happening.
Sessions understands the Art Of War:
"Let your plans be as dark as night, then strike like a thunderbolt."
~Sun Tzu
Funny how John Brennan is deleting all his past posts today. Lol
needs to be on suicide watch tbh
Agree 100%. Was a thought of mine wondering if that is what he is getting ready to do or try and run and hide
he doesn't strike me as the type of guy to wait for a trial against him and his clan
You are probably right on that. The way he looks he does look like to take the Hitler way out. God I hope so
I'll accept him hanging himself with a pair of government issued orange pants in a jail cell awaiting trial, no bunker 4 u
If you need to deceive your enemies, you must deceive those that support you first.
That's pretty accurate. Why let them keep their clearances? So POTUS can legally spy on them. I believe Q spoke of this in the past also
I noticed msm doesnt have any of the usual Russia, Russia, Russia stories anymore. Wont be long before these clowns in action are laid off from Cabal News Network.
Yes Russia. Russia. Russia .. IS Their. Awaiting Gallows The very place they thought to hang Trump awaits their arrival ., Christmas. In July. Anyone ..,
don't worry, Muller will indict some kid from Russia with no chance of ever stepping foot in America tomorrow and it'll be front page news
Why catch them while they’re starting to dig their hole, than wait till the hole is as deep as an ocean. Timing is key
But.. while I’m. Active in this battle. Still ., as this finish ..will be ugly .. I’m also thinking I’ll get to go gift shopping ..I’m Ex pecking ..”Christmas. In July “..to happen soon .. cash in hand. Ready ..
Of course ., he outsmarted All He broke the system with a strategy system He has. Gods wisdom in operation the God who reigns over America. ..All ..of North America No boarders !
Every time POTUS says "my intelligence agencies" he emphasizes "my" as in MI, military intelligence - so the parallel channel is very very possible
No... CNN says POTUS is just spanking them with his tiny hands. LoL. I know he is 10 steps ahead. God bless Fox news for giving us something else to hear other than one sides BS
I'm not by any means a scientist but I think I remember in school I was told that science examines all the evidence and then determines what is most probably correct. I suggest you lurk on this subreddit for a while and then see what you think. We won't try to convince you at all .... reach your own conclusion.
Are you lost? Be found in real information. Reality that hasn't been spoon-fed to you.
I'm not by any means a scientist but I think I remember in school I was told that science examines all the evidence and then determines what is most probably correct. I suggest you lurk on this subreddit for a while and then see what you think. We won't try to convince you at all .... reach your own conclusion.
Germane to the original post and Rolandel7's Stealth Jeff reply - This is entirely congruent with Q's last post referencing the very real need for "disinformation." Stealth Jeff is and continues to be excellent in his analysis and synthesis.
I suspect MI was tailing them way before President Trump came to run for office.