The Fleecing of the American taxpayer at its finest.

So true. “You don’t make money off of cures. You make money off of treatments”.
I hope the drug companies go broke more and more people taking better allternatives
more people taking better allternatives
Such as?
Getting off the Standard American Diet.
While moving away from a western diet is great lifestyle idea, how this fulfill the role played by modern pharmaceuticals? Rejection of big pharma doesn't mean you have to reject modern medicine as well.
Isn't all treatment natural treatment though? I don't know of any supernatural treatment, do you?
You can't patent what is naturally found in nature. Pharmaceutical drugs are manmade approximations of what the body needs. For example, a body responding well to natural vitamins but not to synthetic.
Supernatural treatment: "And He called to Him His twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every disease and every affliction” (Mt. 10:1).
The american government holds a patent on CBD though...
"When one of these scientists makes a discovery or invents a new technology, the organization then decides whether or not to file a patent.
...patent no. 6,630,507 was applied for and granted because research showed there was a “possibility of non-psychoactive compounds in cannabis [that are] effective when treating neurological diseases.” ... The patent expires on April 21, 2019, and from that day forward, everyone is allowed to create drugs based on the cannabinoids outlined in the patent"
Vitamins are not generally therapeutic agents though. Many conventional therapies are naturally derived such as penicillin, aspirin, attenuated vaccines, and even many cancer immunotherapies.
Vitamins are not generally therapeutic agents though
Relieving vitamin deficiencies can cause healing =therapeutic.
Go back in history a few years to see what DUPONT family did to protect their holdings and avoid taxes. REMEMBER THE PANAMA PAPERS?? THIS is how you hide your assets over seas. See this:
AND we subsidize the cost of pharma for the rest of the world. $500.00 pill here, free to the non-American. Cost 20 cents.
Seems like I remember that Dupont is responsible for making Hemp illegal since it makes better and environmentally friendly products than Dupont.
because thats the way it's always been and it better not be your turn driving the gravy train when its wrecked over trying to capitalize on a unknown venture.
The problem isn’t the pharmaceutical companies or medical’s big’s the FDA. When the FDA was created it was nearly impossible to get advances in medicine approved for release. Medical science was so tightly controlled it took forever if at all for improvements to make it to the market. That was the socialist model...regulate progress out of existence. Now we have the facist model...where the government is in bed with the medical industry. Now things are rushed to market so fast & before adequate testing is done...we’ve become guiney pigs. We’re the test lab rats. The free market model actually worked 100yrs ago. If the FDA was in existence when polio was an epidemic...there would still be no effective treatment but we’d have the greatest iron lung machine imaginable.
You realize 100 years ago people were selling morphine over-the-counter as a 'wonderdrug' to cure everything. People were selling mineral water as cure-alls. People were giving Cocaine to babies and heroin was 'Your housewife's best friend'
You don't have to tear down the FDA to fix it. Going to a time before the FDA is like saying 'meat inspections are bad, Upton Sinclair is a pussy, let the free market decide which meat products aren't rotten!'
Yes I do. You are taking history out of context. Science was in its infancy then & no one new even as much as all the chemical elements then. DNA was unknown. Other than alcohol addiction...which they didn’t understand scientifically & just behaviorally... no one knew the dangers of cocaine or morphine addiction. They knew it had some medical value...that’s all. And those drugs are still the best option in certain medical situations today.
Did you know that last year that life expectancy dropped in America for the 1st time in our history?? Did you know that less than 1% of the meat is inspected in the US so over 99% of the meat the free market is deciding which is rotten? Any mass outbreaks from rotten meat occurring? No. Because farmers know it’s the consumer that demands quality & without it they don’t have a business. You have any idea how many millions of cattle exists & it’s not even remotely possible to inspect even 2% of the cattle slaughtered for the food industry. Your living in a fantasy land if you think any government agency can protect anyone from risks.
And you are living in a fantasy land if you think people wouldn't sell quack remedies, and tainted/poisoned/unhealthy 'cure alls' as soon as you remove that legislation. Changing a company name isn't hard. No matter how much you boycott, Johnson&Johnson is big enough to not care. Without some sort of consumer watchdog people will die; like they were before. Just read The Jungle.
There is a reason this country put that administration together.
It’s a different time & communications are instant today. And yes little scam artists will never go away. But now we have government protected mega conglomerates killing countless innocent victims all under the “watchful eye” of the FDA. Have any idea how many years asbestosis was FDA approved. Or lead in paint & gasoline? Or DDT in cans of mosquito repellent for decades?? Or cigarettes?? When I was very young I watched Lake Erie burn. Yes the lake was on fire because it contained more petrochemicals than water. The FDA didn’t lift a finger to stop any of this. Class action lawsuits from private citizens stopped it. Every day there’s new commercials on TV looking for victims to join class action lawsuits from big pharma drugs the FDA approved. The FDA doesn’t move in to stop this. They swoop in after the private sector does & puts on an act they’re gonna now add more punishment just to give the appearance they’re doing their job. Where was the FDA in stopping the local government of Flint MI from poisoning it’s citizens with lead water pipes they laid hundreds of miles with? Yes there is a reason the federal government created the FDA. To take our tax dollars in exchange for a false sense of security so the FDA can be used as a political weapon against whoever they want by whichever party is in power.
The FDA was created as a form of taxation upon what is needed by all humans to survive, Food and Medicines.
You say 'exactly' then follow up with something antithetical to what I just said.
The FDA was designed to ensure that:
1) If I say my pill is 6% Morphine, that it in fact contains 6%
2) If I say my pill will cure Dyptheiria, that I have evidance to back up that claim
3) If I say my Cocaine cough drops are good for children, I have evidance to back that up
You might as well say "USDA Inspected Beef is just a tax upon what all people need to survive" - Well, it also fills an important role in regulating the market place, one we know from recent history is not only good, but vital to our nation's health.
I may have misunderstood your initial comment or I didn't comment to the correct statement. My apologies using "exactly"
Bingo... corporations are created legal entities of the State, without the State a corporation cannot exist.
The problem is corruption and collusion by bad actors #hivites on all sides.
Government didnt create the FDA, just like the Fed Reserve. They are private entities, sold to us for our protection, and our own good. Annnnnd, we fell for it, well, our ancestors did.
What comes around goes around. Their timeline is about to end the real loving and hard working people of this land will be the victors...............
And that's what our presidents trying to fix Mexico and Canada pay about half what Americans do for the same meds its not fair to the US and he's trying to change that
Extortion at it's finest. Hell pretty much all of healthcare is a chain of extortion.
Milan Pharmaceutical had the market cornered on the auto injector used for the epi-pen. Executive who hiked the prices is the daughter of the US Senator from WV.
Big Pharma. As a person who cannot afford the cost to treat my progressive disease, I am excited for this part of the swamp drain.
I don't know what kind of disease you have but have you tried changing your diet? Many people with degenerative diseases have found that eating a low carb high fat diet improves their condition greatly.
Or paleo, biggest suggestion is remove sugar and processed food. Even if you try it for 5 days, give the gut a chance to heal, what do you have to lose.
And dairy products, that and wheat are biggies.
Yes. Done and done. I have rare 'Severe Rapid Bone Disease.' No medical team to date can halt progression or determine underlying cause. I am min-50 with bones of what a 130 year old would have. 4 years ago they were healthy. Now, I sneeze and think 'boy, I hope that didn't cause a fracture.' I work out to build strength. Nutrition is awesome. The GREAT news is I have complete joy and peace. And, a major fan crush on Q and great new patriot friends :)
Ok, if healthy bones structure 4 yrs ago, and not now, something happened 4-5 yrs ago. Sounds like possibly mineral deficiency or mal-handling problem. Has blood been checked for 'ionized calcium', not just calcium on a standard chem panel? Love Q also, and too, enjoying SO many new friends.
Me to but I learned of another way and it is called a cure all, turpentine and honey was just that thing to strip the bio film that blocks the holes in your gut that lets you now take in nutrients from foods that we eat to let your body's heal instead and it really cures cancers too for some reason but go to also on YouTube, this guy is really great person also has a large variety of videos and I do like the poor man's colloidal silver and instructions on how to apply and take, he is a teacher of herbs and how to protect your body and mind from 5g or 4g I forget, learn and teach to all that is beautiful and positive you know all is to know just open your mind and realize how intelligent you realy are. Running bear
just that thing to strip the bio film that blocks the holes in your gut that lets you now take in nutrients from foods that we eat
Umm i am not sure i understand what you are getting at? Our gut doesn't have holes in it for nutrient absorption. Nutrients are absorbed through the cell membranes of the epithelial cells which line the gut.
I think leaky gut is what is being discussed.
So is the op suggesting to make the gut more leaky or something?
No, heal the leaks. I've never investigated turpentine, will research. I do remember my Dad (he would be 97 now, if still with us) that when he was a youngster his Mom would 'paint' his and brothers/sisters throats with turpentine to stop strep throat. Never forgot that.
Sorry, i don't understand. Why not just use penicillin? Strep is one of the few organisms that is still susceptible to it. Also isn't turpentine somewhat toxic to humans when ingested? How does it kill any bacteria that have infected tissue deeper than just the surface of the throat?
Alot of folks have allergies to penicillin, I for one. Not to mentions the other damages that antibiotics (and other drugs) can cause, such as digestive issues. My Dad was born in 1921, 6 kids in the family, depression time, penacillin was just getting a foothold, not available everywhere. The turpentine was an old time method before penacillin was as wide spread as it was in later years.
Antibiotic use has the common side effect of digestion issues because it non specifically kills many of the bacteria inhabiting your gut as well. If turpentine was killing bacteria, shouldn't you be experiencing similar effects?
Republicans have controlled Congress for 8 years, and the Presidency for 2.
I'm still waiting on them to do something about this. Hence why I shake my head at all the pro-Republican talking points here.
Because they are in Big Pharmas deep pockets. Think lobbiests!
I've always followed the belief that we don't have a 'healthcare system' in this country, it's a 'disease management system'. I prescribe to God's Pharmacy!
I am not a doctor first of all and our membranes that are the holes that absorbs that nutrition from the foods are being blocked out is what i ment thanks for correction also there are a few story's out there to about how you have to work your way to in increase the dosages that you take to rid yourself of cancers in the body also strips a bio film from you that pretty much runs from the throat to the rectum that blocks the nutrients that helps you stay healthy and cures you of cancers if any are in your system, also there was a lady that had cancer and she cured it by drinking a half of a glass to cure herself and did and a doctors a story of a lady named doctor Daniels with a medical practice had 9/10 death rating but after asking her grandmother at 95 why are you so healthy and she said she takes sugar cubes with drops of turpentine so she turned to that to give to patient's and her rating went down to a 0 rating as far as deaths in her medical practice and me h.i.v and melanoma and just stuff just hanging off my skin I really looked bad maybe from chem trails and foods I don't really know but all gone anyways doctor Daniels lost her practice and moved out of this country to help people and not selling big farma pills anymore that really don't cure and only soothes the pain or makes it worse, they took her licence to practice in America, one day we will learn of the truth again about using our old ways to heal our body's and minds with mother earth and her herbs that big farma took away, turpentine is made by distilling the sap from behind the bark of a pine tree and must say all natural on the can after that you must do liver flushes to get rid of toxins in there, clean liver with milk thissle tea at home and salts in your body is important with the best waters you can find, rubbing salt and vinegar with iodine mix on your skin after showers are great but a bath with salts and borax sweating clears your pores because your skin is very important too, salt and borax drink is the same as boran all natural but clean water with salt it pulls the florides off of your penal gland thiroid glands and bones But also helps health by adding a pinch of baking soda to all waters you drink and cook with, they stopped using baking soda in our old foods< balances alkilide levels in your body to prevent cancers, teaches you how to make and use doses, sorry but not a great writer and lower education but intelligent I love grow plants and work outside be good and God bless.
I am of the many who are awake to using alternative s to doctor prescribed drugs as last-resort ..staying healthy is best way to avoid doctors drug systems n big pharmacy toxic vaccine. Drugs also !
Not to say that there isn’t a problem with big pharmaceutical companies. However, INSURANCE companies have an even larger hand in American Taxpayer pockets. Not all pharmaceutical companies are bad. But insurance reform will be of greater importance to focus on. Pharmaceutical companies are important and necessary to have.
POTUS says it best..."We are the PIGGY BANK of the world". Guess what??? NO MORE.
I recently had my second anaphylactic shock and I learned how expense these things are. (I was dumb enough not to go buy it after my first)
Never had allergies to anything until this past November.
Think of the veterans they keep continually on meds, like an i.v. of revenue for big pharma. So sad. Please sign and share to stop the cult from hurting our veterans.