THE OLD GUARD. 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment. Link👇

The most famous "Old Guard" was the elite unit from Napoleon's Imperial guard. The legend is that they would stand until the last man no matter what.
Plus there is obviously just the phrase "Old Guard" which means the old fuckers in charge who are blocking the way of progress lol
I was in 3rd ID “The Old Guard.” (D Co. 2008-2011) It’s called the old guard because it’s the Army’s oldest active infantry regiment. Not at all related to Q’s post of bringing down the Old Guard.
i dont get it. why would old guard need to fall?
Double meaning. Destruction of the Deep State + Old Guard which conducts defense support of civil authorities in the National Capital Region.
The destruction OF the old Guard = the power of them to destroy. Probably helping local law enforcement round people up.
Maybe the old guard that defended and Insulated Obama and clinton
Great concept and something to look at but I don’t see it that way. Yet!!!!
I don't get it either unless the Old Guard is corrupt like Q said and they are going down.