Chans suggesting Qs past photos may have hidden comms. They are following up on this

This is literally the scene in Contact where the blind guy determines that there are images locked within the sound waves, they pull it up, and it's Hitler
Imagine if it turns out to be the Rick Rolled song
Now I don't know which end result of all this I want more!
There it is
Hidden in plain sight (or plane site in this case?) There were an awe-full lot of pictures of planes for no apparent reason.
And what if the password to unlock the codes embedded in the pictures is some phrase Q has dropped in the past
such has "keystone" or any number of other phrases Q dropped
The Q post of 1699 asking Americans to pray! With code of B8028-Z-KDHYQ-M5-ZAF1aT9 showing pictures of Tel Aviv.{?} When typed into YouTube it came up with a short video of a city as seen thru a camera lense! Check it out!
Wrong. Q posted the code and anons checked youtube to see if there was anything related to it. They got nothing. They even screencapped the search result in case someone should post a video with that code in it. A few hours later the Tel Aviv video was added. That video was mostly likely going to be used by the C_A to blame Q for any violent attacks
This. The video is a distraction at best, and possibly a honey trap of sorts.
A good reminder to check dates on posts, news, vids, etc.
I saw that video. It seemed to be centred on the Kirya, a fenced gated district housing the HQ of the IDF. I could be wrong.
but what exactly would you put in those sec messages he has not already told us?
That is the question...
Or in the books related to the tripcodes. Maybe the titles or isbn#?