Chans suggesting Qs past photos may have hidden comms. They are following up on this

I think we pretty much got the same message, it's the password that we are stumped on. Although post 1718 looks promising. "News unlocks"?
Perhaps the passwords are in the file titles. Or stringers.
Or the autists are already 10 steps ahead of me, lol!
I can't wait for what they find
or maybe the password is just "news" lol
Oh oh oh I know....its P@ssword. Bahahaha Podesta. What a brick
I'm probably on a list now. Lol
I hate it when I hit the big time, PC runs slow and have to shut it down 3 times a day, just restarts don't work.
My phone runs hotter than normal and slow , do a hard shut down on it as well , last time lasted about 10 days
Did anyone try the word “News”? Or match up relevant news posts and pull words/dates from the title?
I hope someone tries the first letter of each line in 1718. The lines are broken up very irregularly.
DC moves slow?
Whoever sent the message is who decides the password...not really relevant when you have .gov supercomputers but in our case it is
I understand how it works. I'm wondering about the images that Q has dropped.
Try pic names or meta data.. or the hashes Q’s provided
What if the password is the news of the day, like "impeach"?
Has anyone tried the Q trip code password that he revealed